Big pay outs despite cuts

| 22/08/2012

cash_2.jpg(CNS): The premier is likely to face further criticisms in the coming weeks not just from the opposition benches but across the community as the details of the operational expenses in the Appropriation’s Bill are explored, including $10.5 million to the Turtle Farm, $1.5 million for the hurricane shelter on Cayman Brac and some $4.5 million to the premier’s Nation Building Fund. Although there is still no word from the UK regarding the budget tabled in the Legislative Assembly on Monday, the debate on the Throne Speech and Appropriations Bill will begin this afternoon at 4pm with the leader of the opposition’s reply to government, which will be followed later in the week by Finance Committee.

At that point members of the legislature are meant to quiz ministers and their senior staff on operational expenses to ensure the public is receiving value for money. But with the clock ticking on the need for the bill to be passed into law by Friday 31 August, McKeeva Bush in his role as chairman of the Finance Committee is likely to ensure questions are cut short.

There are a number of payments in the bill, however, that are likely to raise the alarm, given the current climate of austerity, which government will be required to justify, not least because of the crisis that has ensued over the last few months with the UDP government’s final budget.

The documents detailing the annual plan and estimates, purchase and ownership agreements are not yet available to the public because of the failure of government to meet the FCO economic advisor’s framework for this year’s budget until the eleventh hour.

This government is aiming to collect the most revenue of any administration in the history of the Cayman Islands since they are not able to borrow to cover any government expenditure and the UK has requested a substantial surplus at the end of this current financial year. But the UDP administration is spending a considerable amount, with core operational expenses at $531 million, which is still higher than previous years.

The budget debate could last several days before the legislators begin their detailed examination of government spending in Finance Committee as each member of the LA is allowed to speak for as long as two hours. The debate will end when Bush gives his reply to the MLAs' contributions. Speaking on Monday evening, the premier warned members that the House would sit late until the job was done.

At this stage, however, although government has set the legislative process in motion it is still waiting on the UK’s approval of the budget, which was presented to the FCO this week. The final and critical step in making this financial spending plan law is the governor’s assent to the bill – something that won’t be forthcoming without agreement from the FCO.

See Appropriations Bill below.

Category: Politics

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  1. Anonymous says:

    How much of the Nation Fund is earmarked for Charles' fight at the casino?

  2. Anonymous says:

    the people of Cayman Brac do not need a hurricane SHELTER! the hurricane shelter wud be used maybe once a year or so. the shelter would only have 1 use …. ONLY 1 use and that is to make ppl safer which isnt bad but yu are spending all this money for just a SHELTER… no i propse that we need to get our money's worth… we in Cayman Brac need to build a new school and also have a recreational gym where ppl can play basketball,netball,dodgeball, volleyball yu name it. The kids in Grand Cayman get a new school why are yu forgetting us… yu can also use that gym/school for a SHELTER.. yu see Mr. Mckeeva i have come up with many uses  and yu have came up with one…. idk if yu r reading this sir but i wud like to say agaiin we in Cayman Brac DO NOT need a Hurricane Shelter

  3. Anonymous says:

    I can never understand why the groups that professes to minimize thier earthly experience and materials through organized religion so they can enter into thier heaven, are the ones getting all the promotions, nicer cars, nice trips, where nicer clothes. Wouldnt God want humble and  pure people as a witness to how thier 80 years on earth is worth nothing for thier inifinity in heaven. Or is it all just another mass con job..looks like our society still rewards those who are the most persusive(the best car salesman), not the ones trying to even out oppurtunities for all and provide scientific solutions -solar panels would have been a nice start.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who owns the churches (i.e. land and building(s)), God?


      Why would a church need protection from an "Act of God"?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Most w-bayers will continue to support keke because they don’t have a mind of their own to differenate good from rubbish, What a sad case in WB! We can only hope & pray that these people eyes can be open soon before(Fidel Keke) drives this country deeper in the ground!


    • 06:31 Give it up says:

      Why do you people keep up the daily disrespecting of the Cayman people.  I just hope the people from west bay realize what outsiders are doing to this country.  Remember Mr Bush is a West Bayer.  He may not be perfect, but who is?  But he has built West Bay into a City.  Very beautiful from one end to the other where you can get most things without having to come to George Town.  Do not pay attention to people who continue to breath hate among you and your leader.   As far as I am concerned Bush is doing an excellent job, and you would be stupid to change him.  I think it is disrespectful of others to call your leader names, and try to make West look like fools.  Stand your ground West Bay, and do not let them enter your gates with nonsence.

      • SSM345 says:

        06:31, you have it backwards, can you, Mac and the rest of the UDP supporters in West Bay stay there and keep out of the rest of the islands business since you have it so good?

        Better yet, since Mac is so buddy buddy with DART, why don't you get him to dredge a canal right across the road at the WB fire station that seperates you all permanently from the real world and you can all have your independence while the rest of us move forward, do the right thing and propser.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Ohhhhh thank God ! Pastor got a new BMW! In the name of the lord amen!

  6. Anonymous says:

    This man is cwaaaazzzzzy!

  7. Anonymous says:

    What? Mac is still up to no good!? Whata surprise…new government can’t come soon enough!

    • Anonymous says:

      !7:12, just sit down thee thinking that we are going to get a new government next year.  No we are not.  We will get one or two add on's but we are going to get the same Government back again.  WHY?  Because that is what the people of Cayman wants.  Think that Mr Bush is a bad Premier?  Change him  for some of those wannabe power hungry whatsitnots and see if dog does not eat all of your supper.

      • Anonymous says:

        My friend, you think you speak for "the people of the Cayman Islands" but I'm afraid to inform you that you are just one of a few very lonely voices who still blindly and doggedly support MCKeeva.  Hardly any of the people of the Cayman Islands want this fool any more, most of the people of the Cayman Islands want him gone for good as Premier.

    • Anonymous says:

      yea , and what your soon come government going to do when the UK wont approve their budget? sit and suck their thumb? your soon come government still wont be able to borrow any money, thats the instruction from the UK. I guess you will throw all your CS under the bus.

  8. Anonymous says:

    The Laffer Curve is the pin in McKeeva's "hope balloon".


    The expected revenue from the fee increases will fall short; after all, this place is full of experts who make a very good living by legally avoiding taxation.

  9. Dred says:

    Are we surprised?

    When is this stupidness going to stop???

    How much can we sit back and take from this government?

  10. Anonymous says:

    You haven't said how much for the Government travel budget, I heard it as near three million dollars.

    • Anonymous says:

      Funny how one hears about official travel from foreign sources. I just read in "Boxing News" that the Premier will be attending the Rosado-Whittaker fight at the Sands Casino on Sept. 21st.

    • Anonymous says:

      CNS, can you not find out this information, if so reported, it's a disgrace

  11. Anonymous says:

    The Nation Building Fund is a disgrace and a slap in the face of every Caymanian, Expat and visitor to these islands. 

    The fact that this was not the first thing to be cut shows everyone plain as day what the premier's motivesand priorities are.

    • Anonymous says:

      If the good Lord did not want the Nation Building Fund for the Cayman Islands, then He would not have picked Mr. McKeeva Bush as Premier and Minister of Finance.


      God works in mysterious ways. Get used to it.

      • Anonymous says:

        A group of bible thumping criminals work in an even more mysterious ways, since all their extraordinary benefits seem to be justified by a mythical hero that professed all thier earthly materials wont ge them into heaven, yet the earthly benefits keep coming. How much longer does socieity have to deal with this massive con. 

      • Anonymous says:

        My God!  I never knew our Ministers here in the Cayman Islands were picked by a celestial body, we must soooooo special!

        So (as he appointed himself Minister of  Finance), McKeeva must be "the good Lord"?

        Well they do say the Lord works in mysterious ways, and you can't get much more mysterious than McKeeva!

      • Anonymous says:

        Lord help us!

      • Another Anon says:

        Oh my gosh, now Mac is ordained by God????? ROFLMAO!

    • Anonymous says:


      Yes we know his priority is to help the poor unfortunate ones…. and you have a problem with that!

      • Anonymous says:

        I guess robbing Peter to pay Paul is quite all right with you . Can’t you teach thse “poor” how to make a living instead of giving them an entitlement to support them for the rest of their lives…it will never end.

      • Anonymous says:

        You're not poor if you refuse to get a job and just wait around each month for your social services check – that's called laziness.


        What aspect of the NBF is not covered by another sector of Government? Scholarships covered by Edu Dept., Elec bills and rent covered by Social Services, so what exactly is the NBF for?

      • Anonymous says:

        Well that's just it.  He isn't.  He's helping his friends and attempting to manipulate poor people to vote for him by spending money on them.  He has no pity for them, just ulterior motives for his own personal and political gain in the long run.

      • Anonymous says:

        You fool, nobody has an issue with setting money aside for the members of the community that need it. But it has to be done properly, with records and accounts and making sure it's allocated by honest people without personal agendas.

        NOT put into some murky slush fund to be allocated at the whim and discretion of McKeeva Bush asnd only McKeeva Bush without transparency or accountability.

        He could literally withdraw $100,000 and spend it at a Vegas casino and neither you or anyone else would know. That's WRONG. That is inviting misuse and if McKeeva really wanted to use that money for things that everyone would approve of he would make it transparent.  As long as he refuses to allocate that money properly we are entitled to assume the worst- that he is using public money to buy voters.


      • Anonymous says:

        Since when was Mac "poor and unfortunate"? He is helping himself bigtime  and spreading a few little crumbs to his voters. Politricking people like you unfortunately.

  12. CaymanQT says:

    The Brac doesn't need a hurricane shelter, it needs a new high school.  We survived the worst hurricane in 75 years with shelter for everyone, no deaths, only minor injuries.  Stop work on the Hurricane Hilton now and hire an architect to turn it into a high school.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Obviously folks, we’re still caught between a small rock and very hard head!
    Hopefully, buried somewhere in the budget, is some funds earmarked for the purchase of a social conscience for this buffoon and his cronies.

  14. Anonymous says:

    oh look!! almost found that 20 Mil the UK wanted to cut form the budget! good Job KiKi

  15. Peep says:

    Is this really the “Better Way Forward” we were promised in 2009….where is Norman Bodden, Robbie Hamity, and all the distinguished Caymanians that hoodwinked us in 2009? An let’s not leave Ezzard out of this he was Quasimodo UDP too…..everyone blames the PPM and Chuckie but we had a far better Government in 2009 than this bunch. The PPM didn’t vote for these guys so all you voters that voted for them and the “independent” candidate for Northside if you want to blame someone look in the mirror.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree with you 11:56 in questioning where Mr. Norman, Hamity et al are now and also pointing out that Ezzard Miller threw his support behind the UDP last election, however, at least Miller has now made his posiiton known since observing and experiencing theUDP's actions. To suggest that PPM and Chuckie were a far better government however is laughable. You forget their track record it seems! As far as I am concerned neither the UDP or PPM are worth my vote or worthy to be given control over the management of my beloved Islands. I hope and pray that capable, honest persons of integrity will step forward as independents next election to give voters another option, and that Caymanians will have the good sense to vote for them, as opposed to the party politricks and the players now destroying our Islands.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Mac wants to talk about schools and we've been paying $10m to the Turtle Farm annually.  Frank Sound school will cost $120k a month to operate with no new posts created.  If we hadn't been paying for his follies, vote-buying, poor ideas, overbudget West Bay improvement schemes for years, we'd have had the money for a Frank Sound school in each district.  Hell, we couldhave paid for another whole school if it wasn't for the Turtle Farm alone, something that had all the charm it needed when it was the way I visited it as a child.


    Short memories and thick skulls will sink this place.  As a Caymanian, I can't throw my lot in with people like Mac.  It would be personally irresponsible of me to do so.  Long term, I'm leaving this place.  It's the only logical thing left to do.  Bermudians had four centuries of slow development for their brains to mature before they became what they are.  This country rapidly outgrew the abilities of most of its people.  Sad but true.

  17. Anonymous says:

    For all those who are waiting for 2013….please wake up!!!

    Do you think PPM will be ant different?

    Have you forgotten the mass expenditures that started the ball rolling (3 – 60 million $ schools, new half filled GAB building, the list goes on).

    Opposition leader Alden responsible for majority of that.

    What needs to happen is a complete overhaul of both parties or even a new party of people who are interested in balanced books and not lining own pockets, their legacy, or worried about which cronies the HARD choices will affect.

    Only then will the Cayman Islands be able to move forward

    • Arf says:

      It's true… there's not a leader to be found in the whole lot of those holding office.  You need a new set entirely.  Good luck finding that.

  18. Anonymous says:

    There ae other things in there too that could easily be cut: 

    "Services to farmers – $1.95 million", what is that exactly?

    "Miss Cayman scholarship – $45,000".  Really?, we're still using tax-payers' money for this sexist nonsense in the 21st century?

    "Ministry of Finance – tourism and development – $380,000."  what is that for?

    "Radio broadcasts – $1 million"  why are the tax payers financing a million dollars worth of radio broadcasters?  I would like to see someone try to justify that!

    "Cayman Brac farm wells – $50,000" what is that?

    "Spaying and neutering cats and dogs – $18,000."  I can think of some people we should be neutering, never mind the cats and dogs!


    • Anonymous says:

      Actually the last 2-3 miss cayman winners were NOT given scholarships government reneged on the contract pleading poverty

  19. Cheese Face says:

    Keewa goin need a nice wacation afta all dis hawd wurk. $50,000 Gowament Funds should cowa it.

    • Bling man says:

      Nah enough.  Make it 100,000.  Cronies and relatives got to go too.

  20. DanDan says:

    McKeeva Bush needs to step down now! Never have I seen or heard such blatant ignorance, pigheadedness and downright stupidity.

    We the people of these Islands need to send a message loud and clear that we won't stand by and allow this one man to single handedly destroy everything this Island has stood for.

    Let us rally together and get him out…if not today or tomorrow then in 2013.

    All of the other UDP cohorts, enjoy the view in the LA and those salaries for these last couple of months…You will never represent me or these islands again if we the people have anything to say or do with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S. Why is the RCIPs taking so long on three investigations? Are they out of money again or do they not have enough staff to get it down? Mr. Baines, why are you so quiet about these? Can we the people who pay you find out when you will be able to address these three issues??

    Also, I wonder why it is that even though he is being investigated for Financial Irregularities, why isn't the UK having anything to say about this?? Is there another undercover investigation going on that we need to know about??

    Mr. Bellingham/FCO I implore you to do as you must to rid these islands of the UDP tryants so that we the people can have hope of progressing to a better and brighter place for us, our children and future generations.

    • Anonymous says:

      You forgot the most recent breaking of the law by our Premier. The Finance Law states that the budget MUST be submitted no later than June 31. Our Premier and Finance Minister has therefore broken the law yet there seems to be no penalty for such a violation. If you or I are caught exceeding the speed limit by 5 miles per hour we get inconvenienced with a traffic ticket. Where is our Attorney General and why is he not upholding the law?

    • Anonymous says:

      If the investigations were to move swiftly, the likely hood of criminal prosecution would be high.  With only a few months to the next elections this will continue to be swept under the rug.  Let an old dog live out his days is probably the approach on this one (or three!).  Btw has anyone heard anything further on the last DUI charges of the other member?  Hmmm….. how about the charges prior to that one??? 

  21. Stick a fork in us says:

    How can the FCO possibly approve this odiferous quagmire of paper that is claimed to be a budget?    Does the Premier understand that a budget is an itemised list of all expenditures and revenues?   There is NO line item for "hope".     A budget begins with an audited baseline, not a guess.  


    We need to know the TRUTH about the country's financial position, and only then can a plan be crafted to address our certain shortfall.   


    "Borrow more, squeeze more out of the people, fund our private projects for our own gain and to the detriment of the country" does not constitute a budget.  

    • Anonymous says:

      Stick a fork in us.

      Ask the FCO why their government is borrowing up tp 30 Billion Pounds to tidy them over for this year's budget?

      • Anonymous says:

        Simply because the UK can afford to pay it back and actually produces something to provide revenue. All governments borrow, its the degree of borrowing against production and the ability to pay it back, (GDP) which counts, not the initial amount. Oh yes, and we also have the Bank of England which can print money to inject back into the economy, (quantative easing) this can promote borrowing for businesses, infrastucture, home ownership and commercial productivity. All in all, we have the means in which to borrow and pay back, how do you think its going to work here? After you with the fork.

  22. Anonymous says:

    The increased permit fees are going to bring in an "estimated" $6.3m (no doubt it will be less).  The nation building fund has been allocated $4.5m in the budget (no doubt it will get more). Essentialy that is where the work permit fee increase is being spent.

    I wonder how that feels for local businesses? Having to pay even more just so that McKeeva can distribute it to voters at his choosing without accountability or supervision.  Makes me feel like taking my business somewhere more welcoming.

    • Anonymous says:

      West Bay voters need to think hard about the consequences of their vote.

      Posts elsewhere on other related topics illustrate some of the problems.

      One writes of discussions with a West Bay acquaintance that apparently questions why he would vote for a candidate that didnt supply him with electrical goodies, bribes by any other name.

      Another writes of conversations with WB voters that really believe Bush isnt doing anything wrong, that the FCO, the auditor, and others are all trying to stop this paragon of virtue from doing his duty. I well recall a conversation many years ago with a WB voter who said that he had nothing to do with the collapse of First Cayman Bank in which she had lost her savings, just because he was a director didnt mean he was in any way responsible.

      It is all very well to be loyal to your MLA, especially if he does dish out goodies, but if your wish list from him is so shallow then you are a danger to the rest of your countrymen and women, even more so when your allegiance to him is multiplied by four because you also support his useless cronies!

      Your wish list should require him to observe due process, to properly consult with the LA, to ensure that his countries meagre resources are not wasted, to ensure that he and his fellow MLA's dont misspend on trips abroad, to ensure that his civil service keep timely and proper accounts. Well that is just a short list and I could continue, but the more I hear about the WB mentality the more I fear for your lovely country!

    • Anonymous says:

      as a permit purchaser, I can tell you I am less than pleased over nation building, turtle farm etc.  What are the services I'm getting for my money that aren't flushed down the toilet again?

    • 09:26 Cut the Crap says:

      09:26 please stop thinking and do some acting.  If you can find a place better than the Cayman Islands to take your business, you would have taken it there long time.  Why don't you people cut out the crap.  After all Cayman is still the best place to live.  If it was not then why would everyone of you keep say ing I am going to leave,  I am going to leave, I am going to move my buisness.  Move them and leave, and see if after six months you won't be crying for McKeeva Bush and the Islands.   Take your chance.  I have always heard that we know what we have but we dont know what we will get, so try your luck somewhere else.  Of course we will miss you, but for Pete's sake try and calm down and get along will you.  Why dont you move to Jasmaica, or Bermuda, Bahamas, or even Cuba.  Stop being miserable and cant get enough.  I dont know what iswrong with you business people.  Where do you think all this will take you, and where will you be in another twenty to 30 years.  Seriously think about it.

      • Anonymous says:

        In case you haven't noticed by all the cars for sale, condos for rent, and empty chairs at your favorite restaurants, PEOPLE ARE LEAVING

        • Guess what says:

          18:03 Guess what?  I have noticed, but Guess what?  Others are comming.  If they do not come and you leave, then we will go and live in them.  I have bee longing for a new car, and eyeing those parked along the road side.  I have been just longing for a free condo with pool.  PEOPLE ARE LEAVING, we will capture and squat on alll you are leaving behind. Catch 22.

          • Anonymous says:

            The bank hold the mortgage, so go ahead and squat. How many Caymanians will be out of work when the banks go out of business? Catch-22.

            • 16:15 and 15:31 says:

              Do you know anything about Cuba.  Well foreigners came in there and tried to do the same thing take over their country. So they had to run and leave all the big businesses, hotels banks and palaces.  Fidel gave them to the people.  So we can do the same thing here.   So leave and see if we do not occupy them the next day.  We will not be paying any Bank loan I am sure of that.  So leave and see what we will do. You are not gone yet.?

          • Anonymous says:

            Thats an asperational statement if ever I've heard one. In normal society thats called envy, get an education, get a job and earn it don't take it off the backs of others. Pond life like you don't deserve the prosperity that you've been given on a plate.

            Interested to know how you're going to pay thebills in your new pond life palaces, that pool will be as green as you in weeks. Catch 22.

          • Anonymous says:

            Said a spokesman for Robert Mugabe.

          • Anonymous says:

            And I'd rather burn it to the ground first. At least the fire service will be busy and earning their money.

        • Anonymous says:

          Excellent! Perhaps unemployed Caymanians will gain employment after the departure of your kind!  We built our country with the wisdom of our forefathers and the wonderful people from other countries who came here, fell in love with our people and our country. We embraced each other, respected each other and lived in harmony, working for the good of these islands. Thankfully there are still many of those relationships existing today. Your kind of condescending, illmannered and ungrateful individual has never been welcome here and we will be glad  to see you go. Let us know if you need any assistance with packing, we will help you for free!

      • Anonymous says:

        So in a world where offshores compete for business your view is to tell existing customers that if they don't like it go elsewhere? Coz that is easier than dealing with criticism.  Great business model.  I think you should be appointed head of the Department of Tourism with such a radical marketing approch to a competitive environment.  Here's a free slogan – "If you don't like it here go to the BVI where its cheaper, friendlier and easier – we don't care because we know its really better here"



        • 18:05 Thanks says:

          You gave me a good laugh for the morning. Stress free.  If you people would behave yourself, work for your money, stay out of our business and go home after 7 years, there will be no problem.  If you have status, then please show some gratitude, or take it back to immigration and leave.  We want to get along, but every time you all just keep breaking up the chain.

      • The Highlander says:

        Cut the crap……you are full of it. You sound like the man himself rambling on and on or you must be at the very least part of the family!!

        • Guess what 19:30 says:

          Look to your left, we are closer than you think, and I can swim with the Dolphins and soar like a parrot.  Seeing all.  Have a good day and lay off the stress tabs.

      • noname says:

        I'm thinking your going to miss the money for nothing and healthcare for free when we all leave.  Seriously.

        • 05:53 says:

          Dont let the plane door catch your feet.  People like you who only are here to critize and complain, take money from the country and cause strife among its people are not welcome here.  Why dont you do that at your place of birth and leave the people of Cayman alone.  We are just sick and tired of foreigners dictating to us what we should do.

          • Anonymous says:

            Hey numpty, are you a 'Caymanian' by any chance, do you hold a 'Caymanian' passport or any other country's travel documentation?

            If you do, then take note of what it says on the front cover. It clearly states the following: BRITISH PASSPORT, CAYMAN ISLANDS. It definately does NOT say CAYMAN ISLANDS PASSPORT, as no such document exists.

            So, if you do indeed hold this document then you are in no doubt that you are a BRITISH CITIZEN according to the British Overseas Territories Act.

            If however, you hold another passport from a third country because it is convenient for you to do so or you just don't travel, then that would make you a foreign national despite your residency status on these islands.

            My point is, that as I am a British Citizen myself and these islands are a British territory, so who is the foreigner?

            Or is it that your just a xenophobic racist who couldn't think up a better argument?

      • Anonymous says:

        Already am, BVI here I come 🙂

      • Anonymous says:

        The sad fact is, you actually believe that bilge you're spouting. With more people leaving than ever, (see the ecay ads, empty bars, sale signs etc..) your rantings are coming true. If you are even a tiny minority, (and I suspect you are) then you deserve the tidal wave of recession and debt that is coming your way. Even if I didn't want to move my business to another location, I may have little choice because we cannot continue to trade in these conditions. You and your like are destroying these once prosperous islands and you will reap the whirlwind. Remember, we can leave, you and your kind cannot and will have to wallow in this mess for decades to come. With no social security to speak of and nothing in the bank, how do you think you will survive?