CI martial arts expert made director of regional body

| 09/10/2012

csn-14387.jpg(CNS): Localmartial aarts expert Bob Daigle has been appointed the director of the World Cup of Mixed Martial Arts (WCMM) for the Caribbean. He will be managing the region's headquarters out of offices in the Cayman Islands. Daigle’s duties include appointments of WCMMA Directors for the 28 Island Nations that make up the Caribbean, helping them develop national World Cup teams, helping them prepare for competition, and also organizing WCMMA events themselves within the different countries of the Caribbean. "I met Bob at the inaugural WCMMA event on September 15th where we had a chance to chat, I'm thoroughly impressed with his work ethic, and his vision for growing the Nation vs Nation concept of the sports,” said WCMMA Commissioner Dan Severn in a release regarding Daigle’s appointment.

“What was impressive to me was his extensive background in the martial arts itself, our values of "Honor, Respect and Discipline," are already well engrained in is character. I personally look forward to working with him and all the nations of the Caribbean."

Daigle's is a retired martial arts competitor with over three decades of experience in the sport. In 1997 he was awarded the KRANE world title by winning almost every tournament in the circuit that year, he was crowned with the title when he took 1st place in Caracas, Venezuela.

Daigle said his enthusiasm and passion for the growth of the sport continues to drive him, and he envisions with the proper guidance that the World Cup of Mixed Martial Arts will not only be an exciting competition for fans, but also can help to change the lives of young people, and give them the direction that comes along with the values of the organization.
See interview with Daigle at

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