Nominations invited for 2013 royal gongs

| 30/10/2012

queen300.jpg(CNS): With the New Year only two months away, Governor Duncan Taylor is inviting people to submit local nominations for the Queen’s Birthday Honours 2013. As always, the top royal gongs, such as OBEs and MBEs, are considered in the United Kingdom while recommendations for the Certificate and Badge of Honour are considered here in Cayman. Members of the public should submit names of people supported by a persuasive account of their outstanding, innovative, self-sacrificing services or achievements. Royal gongs require performance or service, officials said, that lift them above those of others performing similar services.

People making nominations are asked to make every effort to fully complete all the relevant sections of the nomination forms. Once completed, the form should be submitted, under confidential cover, to the Governor’s Office.  While all recommendations will be acknowledged, the Governor’s Office cannot enter into correspondence about the action taken on them.

Nominations must be received by Monday 12 November and forms can be requested by e-mail from Copies can also be found on the Governor’s Office website (  

For any further information please contact the Governor’s Office on 244 2401.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    We need to award ig-gongs to those who have done so much to damage our society and degrade the hard-won values established by the real Caymanian men of the past. They should be made of hand-carved, hand-engraved and  faux gold-plated coprolites.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I nominate Mac for being the most generous in giving away other people's money

    • Anonymous says:

      I can’t second that until audits determine whether he is giving away, or keeping for himself.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Enough with the "gongs" already! "Honours" works fine and really is only 3 letters longer. Unless of course you are trying to worm in a reference to a gong show on purpose?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!

  5. Anonymous says:

    nick pitman

  6. Grand Chief Emperor of Cayman (Retired) says:

    Can we write in to say who should have previous awards taken away &/or be banned from getting any others (even if they allocate themselves such titles & awards)?!

    • Anonymous says:

      Great idea…we ALL know of one social climbing covicted embezzler.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Isn't there a Traveling Knight  or Knight Traveler award?

  8. Anonymous says:

    I nominate the local gravediggers – since Cayman as we knew is is dead and gone!

    Thansk to politricks and corrupt civil ser

  9. Anonymous says:

    Whodatis, for his brave but unsuccesful fight against delusional verbal diarrhea.

    • Whodatis says:

      I second that motion!

      (I just stay on the minds of some of you folks, don'tI? How sweet.)


    • Anonymous says:

      I agree. I guess the number of his detractors who spew delusional verbal diarrhoea means his fight has been unsuccessful    

  10. Do something says:

    only person i'd nominate wouldn't accept this. turned down the ycla award nomination, won't be accepting nominations for this "youth work" national heroes award, and i doubt this gong would be any different.

    thats usually the case with people who actually deserve this- they not in it for the glory.



  11. Anonymous says:

    CNS for bravery in the field of journalism, against a dispotic tyrant who wants to see them fall

  12. Anonymous says:

    this cant be real…am struggling 

  13. Reign Man says:

    Definitely a major award to Mac for "going above and beyond to help the IATA".
