Travel used as ‘beating stick’

| 21/11/2012

mac_3.JPG(CNS): The premier has told the Legislative Assembly that the travel by himself and the deputy premier was being used as a “beating stick”, even though it has become a necessity for ministers and civil servants to travel to attract and protect Cayman’s economy. Using a recent speech by the UK’s prime minister, in which David Cameron said it was essential that he too travel around the world to compete in the global economic race, McKeeva Bush said that if Britain needed to go looking for business then Cayman needed to do it more. In the wake of revelations by CNS this week that the deputy premier has spent over $200,000 on overseas trips, the premier said the criticism about travel were political motivated.

Despite some 88 comments being posted from members of the community on the CNS website following the publication of the story about Deputy Premier Juliana O’Connor Connolly’s travel, the premier implied that the criticism about the travelling undertaken by himself and his Cabinet colleague were politically motivated.

“The deputy premier and I have been criticised for travelling by the opposition but we have a very large ministries and we have to travel,” he said, adding that sometimes it was with civil servants and sometimes the civil servants travel alone as well. Speaking for himself, he said, “As minister of finance, tourism and development, it’s become a necessity.”

With speculation that the premier’s travel reached significant levels, CNS submitted an FOI request for details of Bush’s trips for the last year on 5 October. That request has now exceeded the statutory 30 days but no information has been sent to CNS. A request has been made to the ministry to explain the reason why it has not responded in the required timeframe, which has been copied to the Information Commissioner’s Office, and we are now waiting on a response.

During a short statement to the Legislative Assembly on Wednesday morning, the premier made no comment about his own bill but pointed to comments made by British Prime Minister Cameron in London recently where he discussed the need to travel himself in order to get jobs and business for the UK.

If the Britain leader needed to travel, how much more necessary was it for a much smaller economy such as Cayman, Bush asked. Cameron had also been accused of globe-trotting, the premier said, just as he had, but the PM had justified the travelling, saying that, in order to ensure that the British economy was able to benefit in the global race underway, he had to go overseas.

“I have said the same thing to people of this country. When Cayman’s name is called we should be there to seek business or deal with the demands of European Union,” Bush told his legislative colleagues.

The premier said that Cameron should have his message sent to FCO and to the local press as the premier insisted travel was being used as nothing more than  a “political beating stick”, as he prepared the ground for what is likely to be a costly travel bill.

CNS poll: Is the cost of overseas travel made by the deputy premier justified?

Related article: DP racks up $200K travel bill

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  1. Cow Itch says:

    I thought cow cods were the beating stick of choice on this island!!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    WHY are we beating our forever honerable leaders with a stick Cayman? Surely a conviction or two would be a better approach?

  3. Anonymous says:

    I think the theory that all this traveling boosts Cayman’s economy has been thoroughly put to the test by now and the country is still broke. Time to come up with a different excuse.

  4. Chris says:

    i cant wait to hear the compelling story as to why we should vote for this group for another four years!

    I am sure they are going to promise to turn things around in 90 days…..again!

    • Baldric says:

      More likely they will promise to go around the world in 90 days …. again!

  5. Dreadlock Holmes says:

    This is an irrational statement from the Premier.


    >not endowed with reason or understanding.

    >lacking usual or normal clarity or coherence.

    >not governed according to reason.

    If traveling all over the place was an isolated issue it would not be so serious. Costly and unwarranted correct but Irrational statements have become the norm.  It is as if he awoke one morning and said "hey! I'm the Premier!"  Not knowing what this actually implied, or the responsibilities involved, he made it up as he went along. The other more serious issue was to be in his mind self-regulated: not having to answer to anyone. And have a gold pen.  With this he could sign "deals". Without having to accept the consequences. The travel unfortunately, is just one issue, because when he travels he signs things. Then, the bills come in.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Imagine the poor Protocol Offices of Governments around the world that had to treat this moron (and his goon squad) like he was something special. What an embarrasment to the Cayman Islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      In some cultures, morons and goons are revered

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe you call the Premier a Moron, but a new government will fix your business.  You will wish for the premier to rescue you.  Just sit back and wait for the pages to unfold.  You may think that you know what is planned, but you have a big surprise waiting around the corner.

  7. Albatross says:

    Anyone notice that

    1) The Dohar conference started with private sessions – the plenary sessions open to all attendees did not start until 7 October, so unless you were on one of the select committees there was no purpose in being there at the start

    2)The Hyatt bill in NYC is CI3644. An executive room there is approx CI220 a night – so 16 room nights. If there are three people thats 5 nights or 8 if someone decides to share. (like Barcelona if I recall!).  Why so many nights for a transit stop?  Shouldbe a max of 6 nights.

    CNS – you may want to ask the Ministry to clarify check in/out dates,  whether the delegation had business at the conference pre plenary session, or any transit business in NYC.  We wouldnt want folks to assume this was a shopping trip!.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Mac you are no David Cameron. He would not even hire you to cut  his grass

  9. Anonymous says:

    Meanwhile, no voter is actually angry enough to start a petition that could lead to the changes that 92% of the CNS poll wanted.  Sure, they'll attend rallies, call into rooster, spout off on CNS, and pray, but not one of them will actually engage this regime using the established mechanism for their removal.  Not even the paid opposition has proposed this.  It is amazing and sad.

    • Anonymous says:

      You can't remove the premier with a petition. The only way he can be removed is by the UDP growing a pair and voting with the "paid" Opposition on one of the TWO votes of "no confidence" in this government. They have so far refused to, so please, don't blame the Opposition, blame the UDP puppets. 

  10. Turtle's Head says:

    What a deeply unimpressive human being.  The more he appears on TV the more his character flaws shine through.  I could give you a psychological assesment of Mac from his behaviour (it really is quite obvious).  But CNS would have to censor it. 

  11. Anonymous says:

    This is a very simple issue to resolve. The Premier and Deputy Premier should simply provide the public with “Value For Money” reports that will clearly outline the purpose of the trips and the revenue and/or savings that have or will result from these trips.

    Clear goals should have been established prior to the trips and some mechanism should be in place to measure the success or failure of each trip.

    Is this covered in the FFR?

  12. Anonymous says:

    and he has the nerve to go on about the PPM wasting money.  I see a great looking school at Frank Sound, a great looking Govt. Admin Building, roads, launching ramp and dock at Savannah, etc. etc. all put in place by the PPM – although the school, which according to the UDP is not needed because you don't need an education, cost even more because of hte UDP and will soon no doubt have yet another law suit attached to it, which you and I will have to pay. Now does anybody see anything the UDP has done except feather their own pockets and get us into numerous law suits?  No, didn't think so.  All this travel is ridiculous.  We are supposed to be broke, so tell me why you have to travel first class with people not even associated with Govt. (Panama), wasting our money while we sit here either unemployed or struggling more and more to get through the month.  The arrogance of these people makes me sick to my stomach.  They need more than a beating with a stick.  They need to be removed.  NOW

    • Anonymous says:

      "all put in place by the PPM". This is exactly what is destroying our country, this type of strident division between "us" and "them". I pray that whatever the C4C movement produces it serves to at least try to engender harmony within our society.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Yes Mr Bush

    We're all politically motivated, donkey-faced, devil-worshipping, evil-doing heathen bloggers and hitmen.

    And you are always right…


    Seriously man, we can't take it no more.

  14. Anonymous says:

    More traveling coming soon! But we’re broke, I hope after your team get kick in the a××
    You move to Guam & never heard from ever!!


  15. Anonymous says:

    I hope you never forgot how to ride a jackass keke? @ the end of may you will be ridding that & juju ridding shotgun behind you Lmao !


    • Anonymous says:

      I’m picturing something like a Palm Sunday ride

    • Anonymous says:

      poor jackass!

    • Anonymous says:

      Got it ALL WRONG. When HE is done with US, the Citizens, WE will be the ones riding the jackasses.

      He will be riding in Lear JETS and Choppers. He has ALL the $$MONEY$$ he will need for a long long time to come.

  16. Anonymous says:

    I really think it is past time that we all face the fact that we are dealing with some very seriously mentally compromised 'leaders' and that we all pull together to do whatever we can as a country to spare ourselves from the daily increasing embarrassment and ridicule that this is causing us all on the world stage, Cayman. Forget about the extreme hardships and setbacks that this gowerment has caused us all as individuals and families and please let us work together to save our country and thereby save ourselves, Cayman.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Bush, I am a reasonable person.  Tell me how Miss Julie's $200K in travel has directly brought value to Cayman?  If Miss Julie's travel expense bill is $200K, I am guessing yours probably exceeds $1 million.  Tell me how this expense has been converted to revenue/business opportunity for Cayman.  And guess what, you don't have to worry about the criticism by the opposition, my vote is in the balance.  I eagerly await your response.

  18. Adult fiction says:

    This can be explained:  Cayman is an island.  In order to see how other islands are doing, and examine them carefully the Premier and Deputy Premier have to travel to them.  There are approximately 144,000 islands in the world.  Not counting those in lakes. Or islands without resorts, or 1st class hotels. They only have a few months left to see them all and put together a photo album.  The 400 pg. album will be on sale early next spring and the revenue from sales will go towards the national debt.  They won't keep any of the money from the sales. Now do you feel like beating him with a stick???

  19. Cheese Face says:

    The difference maceeewusless, is the UK send educated, intelligent people around the globe. We send you and that other useless muppet who only manage to embarrass us and gamble a bit.

    Step down you fool of a man.

  20. Eye on U says:

    Disgusted with all the lies


  21. Anonymous says:

    It’s not like the travel stick is the only one available for beating the jackass! There are hundreds of others.

  22. Iamsosic Abushit says:

    They are travelling addicts… using other people's money for the hell of it, and nothing to show for all this travel.

    • BORN FREE says:

      It is not their travel that should be used as a beating stick……………………

    • Anonymous says:

      Thats one hell of a beating stick…maybe you should stay home and clean up the mess you have at your own home before beating somewhere else…

  23. Knot S Smart says:

    You people are just beating up the poor Premier too much!

    Let me justify to you critics how much his extensive travels have benefitted the Cayman Islands..

    1 million, 2 million, three million,four million,  zero?



    What was I thinking????????????

    Now lets examine Ms Julies travels…

    1million, two million, three million….

    Say what?

    Leonce got a new phone from the telephone conference in Spain?


    Well I'm outa here. ..

    But I srill think that if Elio did a Referendum, then Rolly could do a quick late-night- turn-around, and at least get some dogfood for the rest of you critics…



    • Iamsosic Abushit says:

      I wonder if the dog got the food? Who has a dog? You know I'm thinking the Secret Vessel might have actually been a dog!

  24. SKEPTICAL says:

    There is an old saying that people who find themselves in an awkward situation have – ” Made a stick for their own back ” – ’nuff said…….?

  25. Anonymous says:

    Thank you CNS for pushing to find out how much Mac has wasted of our money on himself and his puppets at our expense. I bet it will be in excess of a million. Mrs. Dilbert, we are waiting for your comments. He has the gall to complain about money spent on schools. SMH……

  26. Anonymous says:

    Every criticism of Mac is politically motivated in his tiny mind. There are many people not involved in politics who are horrified at the amount of money he and his puppets have spent on themselves to travel the world in luxury at our expense. Comparing himself or Juju to the UK Prime Minister just shows you how delusional he is. I guess he would justify his driver, chef, bodyguard, wall around his house etc…. (all paid for by us) in the same manner. He needs to go. 

  27. Anonymous says:

    I don't know about everyone else but my comment on the travels and expenses incurred by Mr. Bush and the DP were NOT politically motivated. I would be just as outraged if this had been done by a member of the PPM or an Independent. It is just plain WRONG and any member of the LA should know that we the people will not stand for this kind of abuse of power. I don't know who I'm voting for yet, but it will be for someone who I believe will not blindly spend OUR money on sight seeing trips just because they can.

    I leave you with this quote from a friend of mine who is the Mayor of the small town where I grew up inthe USA. "What is the difference between a politician and a Leader? A Politician is thinking about the next election. A Leader is thinking about the next generation"

    Cayman needs Leaders, not Politicians!

  28. Anonymous says:

    Only one stick being beaten here. LOL!!!

  29. Anonymous says:

    Even though this is BS, is it necessary to travel First Class, stay in the best hotels and eat at the nicest restaurants with a whole entourage of people on the public purse? And bodyguards? Nobody even knows/nor cares who you are. Why do you need bodyguards? What a joke. 

  30. More Lipstick Please says:

    He needs to get beat.  I can't think of anybody who deserves it more than that moronic twit.

  31. Anonymous says:

    the gov is broke but yet they have $$ to travel, but can't pay for christma staff  party! these people want their staff to dig in their pockets to pay for there party! that $$ was there but wasted on wasted travelling & brac roads etc!




  32. Anonymous says:

    Cry Baby!!!   

    If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.  You are spending a lot of time defending your actions.  I think they speak for themselves.

  33. Ching Ching says:

    Can she not speak for herself, but if she does will it mean she would break a few of the ten commandments

  34. Anonymous says:

    make the most of it…… it will all end next may!

    vote the udp out…all of them!

  35. Baldric says:

    King Mac and the Queen O'  De Brac have enough brass in their necks to furnish every house in Cayman with a new frontdoor knob – and a fancy knocker.

  36. Anonymous says:

    "…we have a very large ministries and we have to travel…"


    No, the ministries are not large, they are very small.


    The only things that are large here are the premier's ego and the per capita cost of the bloated government.


    So far, the only things that the premier brings home from his trips are law suits that cost the country millions of dollars that are not offset by any economic benefits.

  37. Red Flag says:

    You know, if it was just the fact that you never have a positive result to report to the Cayman people from these overseas trips and were just gone from the daily duties demanded of your offices, no one would use such a big stick to measure you with.  That would just be island time politics, not commendable, but not such an onerous deal.  The fact that you do this by handing over a government credit card that is paid for by the peoples' money, not your own, is what drives the distain you see here and hear on the street.  You have squandered millions of dollars collected through liscensing fees, port fees, stamp duty, bank fees, work permit fees, fines and god knows what other methods of collection the government uses to fill its' coffers.  It is bad enough that you have made deals with legitimate companies and backed out of them time and again because "some ting better come up", costing large sums of money for nothing in return.  One could go on and on about the mismanagement of the government finances but this travel for pleasure on the government credit card is the thing that is going to stick in the public craw.  It is one thing to be ignorant and inept, it is entirely another to be arrogant and greedy. 

  38. Anonymous says:

    Of course travelling is necessary, but what have you got to show the people for it, especially in these austere times as you yourself have stated. Mr. Premier if you have not noticed, we the people are suffering and I don't mean just the unemployed, even us who are have jobs and small businesses are suffering, we have to pull in our reims and tighten our belts to survive while you and the DP use our moneys that we pay to government for all the fee increases, you are not helping us you are forcing us to close our businesses while you are travelling abroad and not creating any new opportunities for we the people who put you in. May 2013 can't come to quick, I don't know who will be the next premier, but God help us its not you. YOU have done irreparable damage to our little Islands, better you had stayed at home and take that money and help create jobs and stop raising fees.

  39. Anonymous says:

    Is that your moranic excuse?  Does that really make sense to you?  Not even close to being true but just what is expected of an uneducated fool.  Too bad it makes sense to your tribe.

  40. Anonymous says:

    but you have achieved nothing!!!!

    • Local says:

      You need to read even CNS and you will see that stayover tourism is rebounding.

      • Anonymous says:

        That is because the world economy is rebounding. The very last thing on the face of this earth McKeeva and Julianna need is credit for something they are NOT doing and spending millions of our dollars not doing it.

  41. Anonymous says:

    Gimme the stick, I want to whack him again!

  42. Anonymous says:

    I can’t believe the ignorance of this man and deputy, and and can’t complain as I helped vote his party in power, and giving him full control.

    Miss J needs. To be held responsible for the expenditures she has incurred. We don’t just need Mac making excuses. I can’t wait till May. The the only problem is that donkey West buyers and Brackers are going to vote these two idiots back in.

    • Anonymous says:


      You claim you voted the UDP in to power, but then call your fellow Caymanians a "donkey" because you believe they will vote in the UDP as well.

      Its obvious that you have some challenges (like spelling: its "bayers" – not "buyers"), but can you not at least see the ignorance in your own words,


      • Anonymous says:

        Sorry I should have written West broughters, I assume you will be getting a new fridge and the cash man Capt U E will be visiting your home, with some dollars for you… You are one of the donkey trolls I am sure want Mac back….

    • Anonymous says:

      I for one Bracker is no Donkey!! and will not be voting for that woman, JULIE come May. All independants let yourself be known, there are plenty votes to be had, even if you are a DONKEY, we want her gone yesterday.

    • b says:

      I nah vote for them befor an I nah this time ether.

  43. 4Cayman says:

    Mr Premier, no one reasonable will object to you or the DP travelling, HOWEVER, it is clear that the DP is not being responsible with the amounts being spent! I have travelled more than the DP in the last year (around the globe) with total expenses that are approximately 15% of hers! When the country is suffering, the fat are evidently getting fatter!


  44. Anonymous says:

    Just pro-rate the travel required to the size of the economy or population and then the Premier may be able to justify a trip to Cayman Brac

    • Anonymous says:

      I'm going to frame that as one of the dumpest posts on this site.

      Representatives of smaller countries have to travel as well – one day you will mature and appreciate this.

    • Anonymous says:

      That is sooooo funny, and true!

  45. SSM345 says:

    Bush, comparing yourself to Cameron's speech is an easy way out however you fail to distingusih the fact that he attracts business for all his travel, unlike you.

    And to say its politically motivated is ludicrous, its my money you are spending on your jaunts of which you have absolutely nothing to show for it. Its comparable to the chap being sent to prison for stealing money from the pension fund and putting it all up his nose.

    When we have no money, you shouldn't be flushing it down the toliet. End of story.

    • Anonymous says:

      What business has Cameron attracted to the UK?

    • Cay stay says:

      Prosecute NOW. 

      What is the difference from the pension thief and these air miles thieves?

      We can clearly show that this went beyond work related expenses and put these crooked politicians in jail to send a clear message to greedy party politicians!!!

      "What is the difference between a politician and a Leader? A Politician is thinking about the next election. A Leader is thinking about the next generation


  46. Anonymous says:

    Come now Bush!

    Yes it is a stick, a yardstick that measures just how little you care about your Islands. Of course a premier has to travel, but some or most of yours have little value, and few show any return for the Islands. There is plenty of discussion on just how little you have achieved and much more about how much your inane proposals have cost the economy. But, this is about your deputy, just take Barcelona, whatever she may be minister of, she had no business at the mobile phone show, that was aimed at businesses within the industry. If she disputes these comments, let her do what is standard in any properly run business or government, publish her meeting notes on the lectures she attended and any follow up meetings that benefitted the Islands. Same question for all her other travels, somehow, hers are so blatently wasteful that they make even yours seem to some value!If the Cayman Islands were a rich jurisdiction with  their cup running over, then frankly who cares, but it isnt as your cash shortage shows, neither you nor she have any truck with proper documentation and thats why you should go!

  47. Anonymous says:

    The premier has told the Legislative Assembly that the travel by himself and the deputy premier was being used as a “beating stick”


    I don't know about it being used as a beating stick…

    They certainly need to be beaten with a stick.


    Imagine spending 41K for a two week trip. How does this woman look her fellow countrymen in the eyes knowing that a great majority do not earn 41K in a year.







    • Anonymous says:

      If her travel is to be linked to the wages earned in Cayman, then i sure hope they don't allow  it to be linked to the slave labour rates of some, for example, domestic helpers.


  48. Anonymous says:

    How on earth can Julianna Whatsername's travel in business class to a postal union (for Heaven's sake) conference in the Middle East and a stay with her handler at the $1000 a night Four Seasons hotel, plus all her other freebies in the world's pleasure spots, be compared to the travel of a British Prime Minister who is actually still a reasonably important person on the world stage, politically, economically and militarily. Julianna is, she and Mr Bush will be aghast to learn, NOT in any way whatsoever of any consequence in world affairs. She is only of consequence to us here in Cayman because of the money she wastes on futile self serving see-the-world travel and vote buying in Cayman Brac. The Premier would have done better if he had kept his mouth shut, but that's not something he's good at.

    • Anonymous says:

      Poor locals,

      Cayman is one of the larger financial services centers in the world. Why can't your premier travel.


      • Anonymous says:

        Most of us would not object to him travelling, if it is necessary. However, if he were really thinking about his country and not himself, he would not fly in first class or stay in super-luxurious hotels with an entourage of puppets. That is what we object to. File an FOI to compare what Mr. Kurt spent on the same trips to conferences when he was leader. 

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree , Mr Premier should keep his mouth shut and stop protecting julianna as she is the causing him to get unpopular. At least Mr premier knows how to be smart and treat everyone the same, not like her who she hands out too much for and ignores whomsoever she dosent like although they are in need. A day of reckoning coming sooon……

  49. Anonymous says:

    Not JUST critisised by the opposition, Mr. Premier.    Critisised also by the majority of the population if the comments here and on other websites are any indication.  


    Damned right, it's being used as a 'beating stick' and don't expect that that stick is going to stop swingin'.     You and the DP have thrown away our money and we are sick of it.  


    Sad thing is that that's just a tiny part of the money you've wasted.    No soup for you.