Local transmissions of dengue reach 20 cases

| 12/12/2012

Dengue.jpg(CNS): Public health officials confirmed Wednesday that the total number of cases under investigation for dengue fever since the beginning of the year had grown to 82 as a result of nine new potential cases being investigated since the previous update at the end of last month. Fourteen results were received this week but only four tested positive as doctors test to rule out rather than confirm the spread of the disease because the outbreak appears to be on the decline. The number of cases transmitted locally grew to 20 however, 16 of which were contracted in West Bay which remains the district with the highest concentration of dengue patients.

Out of the 67 cases for which results have now been received less than half have proved positive. 36 cases were negative, 15 cases are pending and 31 were positive. Of those, 20 had no travel history, suggesting that they acquired the dengue locally – 16 in West Bay, 2 in George Town and 2 in Bodden Town.

During the course of the outbreak, which is now in decline after the wet season drew to a close last month, 24 people with suspected dengue had been admitted and treated in hospital. Of those, 12 were confirmed as dengue while 6 were negative and the remaining 6 are awaiting results.

Category: Health

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I see Mrcu guys driving around with there windows up enjoying the A/C send at the barber shop on govt work hours! Maybe that is the cause?


  2. Anonymous says:

    Where is the plan to eradicate the disease? Pretending it's mostly from somewhere else is not a plan.

    • Anonymous says:

      There is really nothing that can be done – dengue is spreading globally and Cayman is one of the next in line to fall with the regions of high risk.  Enthusiastic support for the genetically modified insect programme would probable be best chance of long term suppression of the disease.

      • Anonymous says:

        Nothing can be done? Excuse me but the elimination of yellow fever from the US indicates that mosquito born disease can be eradicated if the effort is made.