Road closure days away

| 14/02/2013

west bay road closure.jpg(CNS): Government will close around 1,000 feet of the West Bay Road in less than two weeks as it presses ahead with the NRA-Dart deal signed in December 2011. Cabinet members claimed Thursday that the closure of the publicly owned road between Governor's Way and Raleigh Quay ahead of the publication of the independent review is to facilitate enhancement work on  public beach. Health Minister Mark Scotland said the review by PricewaterhouseCoopers has declared the deal to be “good value” and the report would be released to the public after 8 March. Cabinet is expecting to receive the report on that date following the third and most recent amendment to the deal over the provision by the developer of a second public beach.

Speaking at Thursday's press briefing, for which Premier Juliana O'Connor-Connolly was absent for the second week, Scotland, along with Tourism Minister Cline Glidden, spoke about the controversial deal and the imminent closure of the first strip of road. He revealed that there had been three amendments to the NRA deal during the review period. One was to extend the time period of the review, the second was to secure land for a new Sunrise Adult Training Centre and the third related to the commitment by Dart for an extra public beach.

He revealed that government had made a decision to take 700 feet of beachfront land in Barkers plus 2.5 acres next to Smith Cove in South Sound rather than just 72 feet of beach front at Victoria House, north of the existing public beach. The Cabinet members all said that the financial value of the swap was the same but in terms of practical solutions and the needs of the local community, this land swap was more beneficial.

He said that, as a result of this policy change, Smith Cove, a popular waterfront spot with both local and tourists, would be expanded as a public beach and a new public beach would be established at Barkers on land all currently owned by Dart.

Scotland and Cline both sought to argue that the amendments made to the agreement during the course of the recent negotiations had nothing to do with clawing anything back in the deal or any questions about the value for money. The cabinet members were keen to emphasise that the local consultants had given the deal the thumbs up, although the document will remain under wraps until after the first section of the road is closed.

The exact date of the closure of the road between Governors Way and Raleigh Quay, breaking the through route to West Bay, was not revealed but the ministers said the gazetting of the closure would be undertaken in a matter of days and this section of the road would be closed to traffic. They said that the details of the closure would be revealed to the public as necessary.

The rest of the road, Scotland said, would not be closed until after the review had been made public and the time line was dependent on the construction of the new road, which will be needed to carry traffic.

With the closure of the first section of the road, the ministers said, work would begin immediately on the enhancements to the existing public beach, which they hoped would be ready in time for a major volleyball tournament that will be taking place there at Easter. The Cabinet members said the upgrades to the Seven Mile Public Beach would include additional sports facilities, more and safer parking, newcabanas and other improvements that would also be ready in time for the traditional holiday camping in the area.

Despite concerns in the community that the deal is a very good one for the developer and not as good for the public purse, Scotland insisted that the findings of the review show otherwise.

Speaking about the results of the valuation, Glidden said the strip of road which is being swapped would only be valued at a few million dollars and the uplift gained by the developer was considered in the overall balance of the review. However, Glidden said that where the uplift in the value of Dart's land was concerned, once the road was closed and the new road opened this was not necessarily part of the direct valuation.

He said that if government closes a road the land always goes to the surrounding owners and in this case it just happens that Dart is the owner of the land on either side. The new road will open up Dart's land but again, he said, no property owners in Cayman are 'taxed” as a result of those benefits.

Finance Minister Rolston Anglin said that Cayman does not have a policy that required land owners to compensate government for any increase in value to their land because of government closing a road or building a new one. Echoing Glidden's comments about that being a form of taxation, he said that the current demand for Dart to compensate for what he is getting was hypocritical as that has never been required of any other land owner when a road is closed or opened, or an area is re-zoned to the advantage of an owner. Anglin said the clamour for compensation, or what would equate to an unfair tax, in this instance was merely because the land owner in question was Dart.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Imagine what is going to happen now… dart already has his buses take cruise goers straight of the ships with a 40-60price per head to go to tiki beach, Then charges them another 25 per person to use their facilities and the Beach! Wth!! Now he can charge for a longer strip of sand. How is this company getting away with this?!?! Charging to use the beach to r@tid. Cns time for you to investigate. This was all made possible by the current government, just imagine if dart had gotten the dock deal. I hope you all see the greater plan that was to take place from my post. This is such a shame. Sold out by our own.

    • Anonymous says:

      Get informed…Dart ownes that beach now. He is not getting more beach!! All is happening is the silly road is being close. On top of that we are getting safe access to our own beach …no longer have to run across that treacherous road.

      • Anonymous9 says:

        YOU get yourself informed Anonymous 15:19. Pay attention here!! As soon as that road is closed down, that asphalt will be removed and then indeed he WILL have more beach!!! How can you not understand/see that!? This is where the very high value comes in when you hear all of the "nimby's" complaining that this is not far and equitable. Not value for money.

        You folks that cannot see this are too thick to see past your own back yard. .


    • Anonymous says:

      Stop moaning…Remember this when you have a Dart job…brtter than no job.

      • Anonymous says:

        Don't be so sure.  It's always better to have choices and before long there won't be much choice (and you won't be able to start your own business because of their monopolies).  Good luck with serivtude.

      • Anonymous says:

        … Or not. How about , better you have a rotten tooth, than no tooth at all.

      • Anonymous says:

        right, cause Dart is in the market to help the cayman people prosper??  Looks like a few of you are drawn to the light like flies.. Unlike you, even if I ever became employed by dart(highly doubt it…pride) Im not going to let money blind me from what I feel is right and wrong.

         There  is a difference in helping the economy grow, vs helping your own pocket grow.. He is monopolizing the island and not a particular business. He is dominating the local taxi, and other establishments, by hiding the visitors from the other merchants and bringing them directly to his cash cows.. This is not for you,me or our kids to grow up and enjoy. Do you think he is here to help us?? ha.. you must not know the history of this man business.  Anyhow, continue on your way sheep..

  2. Anonymous says:

    Poster 19:55 it’s not all a 1400 feet anyone will have to walk , study the plan before you start shooting it down this is the best thing to happen to cayman for a longtime.

    • Anonymous says:

      cave people don't like facts….

      • Anonymous says:

        And what are the facts, oh Most Evolved One. Please do enlighten us. –
        Donkey Face

    • Anonymous says:

      That is why we now have so many obese people rolling around these days. I hope when you visit the beach you will be prepared to walk the tracks that Mr. Dart build for you all.

  3. noname says:

    vvhat happened to all the protestors  that declared they are going to stop this

    by laying down bulldoozers etc. etc. is that just lip service or will the men come out and leave the little boys home on that day?

  4. cow itch says:

    darty loves to place cctv camaras all over de place … now de blasted cctv cams will see mi wife nude on de barkers ! …  blasted son of a beach!!!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Looking at the map, I thought there would be two beach access for the public. The public beach and the one for West Bayers, on the other side where yaght club is. I don't see that one.

    • Anonymous says:

      There is an access coming from west bay, take the round-about and it will take you to the beach.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Why the hell they did not take Victoria House site too?  They could use that later as a bargaining tool or a private beach for the queen…LOL  What a pile of crap CG and motormouth Mark Scotland were sprewing out on Rooster this morning.  They should also had ask Dart to pay off for the 2 high schools, so that they can be debt free to educate our children. Barcus beach for crying out loud! cockspurs, horse shit, burrs, turtle grass, iguanas and crocodiles. What a deal Cayman! Da wha yah get!  vote UDP out on May 22nd.

    • Anonymous says:

      Victoria House no want West Bayers beaching next to dem.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why don’t you ask Alden to pay for those two schools…he is he one that screwed that up!

  7. Anonymous says:

    I believe that a hotel provides much greater long term economic benefit to the Islands, much more so than a condominium project, both direct and indirect:  greater employment to staff the hotel and an overall increase in business activity to other service industries, diving, transportation, dining, retail trade etc. The view of the beach for me will not be missed for as one well known old Caymanian personality recently commented "What sea view? When I was a boy growing up all you could see travelling along the West Bay Road was coco plum and grape trees; there was no sea view."  Mr Dart should understand, however, that all hell will pop  if this new road diversion leads to a backup of traffic along the West Bay corridor or a deterioation in its flow. Caymanians will not stand for that. I also hope that the relevant authorites have ensured that provisions are being made to accomodate future years expected increase in the traffic flow. 

    • Anonymous says:

      "employment to staff" – Once again, lack of job availability IS NOT A PROBLEM HERE.

    • Anonymous says:


      i wouldnt worry about traffic back up.Seems like you and many others are mislead. once upon a time,there were  one entrance into west bay, now it has two. two is more that one which is a plus. once upon a time West bay had one lane now it have  three lanes, which is a plus. For greater advantage , the high way will give three points of entrance and exit, you guys are so lucky.

  8. Anonymous says:

    What  i would like to see here is where each declared candidate stands on this issue.

    This is where the rubber meets the road. Any of these so called candidates worth a grain of salt should get some backbone and say whether they support it or not.

    We all know they will have something to say after they are elected. For now they run scared and nilly willy and hide.


    I say to everyone of them, get out,  stand up and be counted! I am so tired of hearing the blame on the UDP and the Purple UDP. We all know that moth balls comes for them but what about the PPM, C4C and the so called independent candidate?. Is Ezzard the only one out there with any balls?

    I don't care whether you agree or disagree, I just want to know where you stand before I cast my vote for any of you!

    Jude, Winston, Roy, Woody, Joey, Jackie, Kenneth, Wayne, Alva,. Are are all new blood or tainted blood and going to stay below the radar so that you can get elected and get your fat checks..

    CNS: can you poll this so called proposed candidates for their positions on topical views as I have seen nothing than blaming a party(s) that will be history and a few short weeks?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Good job wb! Instead of a tap on your back you’ll need a kick in your a$$!


  10. Voter. says:

    WELL DONE UDP!  This was a good deal McKeeva and all the UDP members made for the country. Dart is doing a job and will continue to do so for these islands!

  11. Anonymous says:

    UDP and UDP Lite, you will never get a vote from me. Your failure to negotiate a better deal for Cayman and your support of McKeeva Bush will be the end of all of you and perhaps all of us. 

  12. Anonymous says:

    Lets all complain about world class developments and facilities that we otherwise could never afford!!!


  13. Anonymous says:

    2 new beaches plus a massive expansion and improvement of public beach plus natural trails/boardwalk not to mention not needing to almost getting run over every time you go to the beach…yeah what a bad deal….zzzzzz

    I live in West Bay. Two thumbs up!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Yeah!!! Bout time…

  15. Anonymous says:

    I already went up in the bush and cut my broom for May..Mark and John John…look out she coming for unna..

    • Chris Johnson says:

      Why not use the former Premier's brush and while you are at it ask for the carpet to see what he swept under it.

  16. Whodatis says:

    At the risk of sounding a bit selfish, subsequent to reading this report the only thoughts in my head are;

    • I have never been to Smith Cove in my life except for 1 or 2 occasions to eat some KFC whilst parked in the car.
    • I have never been to "Barkers Beach" – in fact, I am not even sure where or what it is.
    • How will this road closure impact on my drives to and parking access to the current "Public Beach".
    • Why have the most basic essence, culture and pastime of Caymanians' SMB experience been tampered with in this way?

    I am not afraid of change, but to recklessly fiddle with such an integral element of a community's culture and pastime is never advisable.

    That's all really.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you don't know, then you don't know. Barkers has nice sand and good snorkeling. Hard to undertand why there is no park there now, considering that there are apparently two park rangers (although no one has ever seen them.)

      • Anonymous says:

        And just what constitutes a park in your mind? Hot dog stands? Beer??

    • Anonymous says:

      Fair questions and comments and they deserve a respectful reply.

      You might not go to Smith Cove, but many Caymanians do (much to the chagrin of some South Sounders I might add!). Dart bought the land adjoining Smith Cove to the north from Stan Thomas and now the Government gets it.  This is a good thing. There's ironshore at the water there, but it's a beautiful place to picnic and/or camp and access to the water is only a short distance away.  Dart isn't doing any redevelopment of the site. That would be up to some future government to do so if it wishes. In the meantime, no one can build a condo complex on the property. This is a good thing too.

      Barkers Beach is nice, but certainly not as nice as Seven Mile Beach as Rolston seemed to suggest. However, God isn't making any more beach front property on Grand Cayman so getting this large track of beach into Government's name is a good thing.  People might not think it's such a good deal now, but as Rolston said, looking to the future it is a wise move.  Eventually, there will be more development up that way and having a nice public beach will be welcomed, even if the swimming there is less than idea.

      If you're coming from West Bay, your commutes into town will take less time, that is for certain. There's no way on earth having four lanes is not going to be better than two lanes.  There will be significantly more parking at the new Public Beach, but to actually get to the water, your walk will be longer (like about 400 feet).

      I'm not sure why you think the new SMB Public Beach experience will be inferior to what is there now. The beach will still be the way it is, only wider (expanding past the current parking lot). The cabanas will still be there, only there will be more of them. The bathroom facilities will be better. There will be specific places for beach volleyball and beach football. There will be areas for children to play, areas to walk dogs, areas to picnic, areas to camp.  The new Public Beach will expand all the way from the ocean to the Esterley Tibbetts Highway. What's so bad about that? I wouldn't call this reckless fiddling, but more like a thoughtful, planned development.

      It's true that the new SMB Public Beach might not be to everyone's taste for one reason or the other, but I would encourage you to keep an open mind. Go there after it's done and see/experience it for yourself. If you still have issues, come back here and tell us why.

      More change is very scary in a place like Cayman that has changed so much in such a short period of time. It's understandable if you're wary. But rapid change is happening all over the globe and it will be the people than can embrace change the best that will see the most success in the world going forward.


    • Anonymous says:

      Why don’t you folks understand What you are commenting on before you blog. The public beach experience will be EXPANDED, you will have more parking, you will have a deeper beach, you will have a safer trip from car to beach, you will have biking and jogging trails, you will have four lanes of traffic to west bay not two , you will have camp grounds, you are NOT losing any beach….what is unna problem?? Read and understand first before you make stupid comments here! Please.

      • Anonymous says:

        For starters, why don’t you find out what the word ‘blog’ means before you try to use it on a sentence.

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s a reservation dude. Campground? Do people camp not on the beach.
        What you seem to miss is this whole ‘deal’ was snuck through. If you are for this type of procedure, you must LOVE MACKEEVA BUSH

      • Anonymous says:


        Its called, they cant see the forest for the trees. blinded by hate and envy.

      • Anonymous says:

        Why don't YOU understand?  People aren't looking for an expanded public beach EXPERIENCE.  Public beach in its natural state is perfect for the reason that it is a place of great natural beauty.  Some people have no interest in a camp site tacked on to the side, a fake beach for volleyball (no doubt with disgusting dirty sand as that's how it gets when not washed naturally by the sea) and boardwalks etc.  The beach is the beach and really doesn't need anything extra adding to it – this is just for the smoke and mirrors.

        • Anonymous says:

          Although I don't object to the road closure, I do agree with this post.  Who needs all the extra hooplah?  I'd rather the beach was left in its natural state — as, I'm sure, would our tourists.

      • Anonymous says:

        We will not have four lanes of traffic to west bay. There will be two lanes for the distance between Blue Cilantro and West Bay and one lane into GT from Blue Cilantro.   

        • Anonymous says:

          Wrong again genius. West Bay Road is open there so you have two lanes in each direction. Jeez…. you people are crazy!

          • Anonymous says:

            Mark my words there will be back up of traffic. If WB is closed at the public beach, and it will be, then there is no redundancy. 

          • Anonymous says:

            Well I am clearly not clever enough for your maths class where 2=4.

  17. 20 year + Resident says:

    I find the comments given here are mainly  without much thought or knowledge .

    We have been dealing with a corrupt indifferent , Government for many years .

    Things will not change until the majority of the public , stand together and refuse to buckle under . Not be swayed in their principles for free driveways , etc .

    The country needs an  honest , intelligent and dedicated government who work for the betterment of the people  , rather than lining their own pockets .

    When such a Government is in place , we will have better living conditions for all .

    Thank you .







  18. Anonymous says:

    You reap what you sow!

    At some point in thepast, a Caymanian landowner was offered a large sum of money to sell their beach front land on seven mile beach. Their neighbour saw this and thought that they would like to get some money as well and so it went on. There was no planning, no foresight, nothing just plain greed.

    So if you want to blame someone for the way seven mile beach has been developed, just look in the mirror.

  19. SKEPTICAL says:

    Personally, couldn’t give a damn about the road closure – it has no impact on me and to the extent that motorists will lose a beautiful view driving up West Bay Road – in this day and age of heavy traffic, they probably shouldn’t be looking anyway. The important issue, with all the publicity, is that there has been no negative input from the FCO. Either they have no issues with the agreement with DART, or have accepted that the deal struck by bush’s government is legally binding, and any refusal to proceed would end up with more damages payable for Breach of Contract.
    I have been here for almost 40 years and enjoyed the very best of the ” Old Cayman ” , so selfishly I have little concern if this or future governments, bugger it up. The memories of what it used to be, and the marvelous characters of the ” Good Old Days “, adequately compensate for the crap we have endured recently, and what is to come in the future – but I do miss the ” Good Old Days “.

    • Lewis says:

      There are so many grape trees that you cannot see the beach anyway. Of course once the port evolves there might not be a beach at all.

      The good old days have long gone, corruption and  greed were largely to blame for that.

  20. BT Soljah says:

    NEVER forget UDP gave away our birth rights with the 2003 Status grants like candies and then gave away our West BAy road!

    Sweep them all out in May 2013. They are traitors and sell outs who don’t have enough sense to ask for 30 pieces of silver. Rolston, Cline, Mark and Julie are no better than Big Mac and his fries

  21. Anonymous says:

    Cayman please vote out every member of the UDP and UDP lite plus all opposition MLAs that were silent in their objections which means they support this BS!

    WUTLESS is all of em!

  22. The lone haranguer rides again! says:

    Yippee de do da!

  23. Anon says:

    How come ppm and Alden have nothing to say about any of this? Do they agree with the closure? Have done anything to try and stop it? Do they care?

    I guess we better prepare for a dump in BT if this how they show opposition!

    • Anonymous says:

      Of course  they agree with the closure, and the enhancements (they are intelligent individuals). Though, their "political tongue" will voice the contrary . 


    • Anonymous says:

      A. Better to sit on the fence, for their own best interests (they are politicians).

      B. They won't tell us (see A.).

      C. No.

      D. Difficult to discern (probably by intent).

      E. Absolutely. Prepare to be (figuratively speaking, hopefully) dumped upon.

      Further inquiries to the PPM Offices. Thank you.

    • Hearing aids available says:

      You must have had your head buried in the SMB sand to not hear the PPMs concerns and objections to this particularly in light of the lack of transparency and the failure to provide the value for money assessment that has been consistently promised for next week and persistently delayed and denied us. One cannot help but feel that this is a tactic being employed to make it all a fait accompli before any substantial objection can be raised. I have heard almost all of the Progressives respond to questions such as yours on multiple occasions and they are as concerned as anyone else is but the reality is that the people of the country voted for a UDP government in 2009 that sold them out. Their one constitutional solution is to vote them out entirely.

  24. DARTite número UNO says:

    It’s great to see all my fellow “Dartians” following instructions and blogging away to support these projects that are screwing over the naive, lazy Caymanian public. This island WILL be ours!

    Isn’t it amazing how $ can buy you anything especially a greedy and incompetent UDP government if you tell them a pile of crap and control the entire negotiations from start to finish?

    • Anonymous says:

      If I went on a campaign protesting that Foster's have too many supermarkets, and that they are responsible for 50% (a guess) of all food for consumption,as well as, thousand of other obvious items imported to the Islands. Would you join me? Do you find it justifiable? Would you say that the Foster's group is "more Caymanian" than the Dart group?





  25. Anonymous says:

    The government decided…..We are the government; we pay all their wages and I do not remember these oafs ever consulting us. Shocking and disgraceful. This lot need to be shipped off to Alcatraz.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wrong. The people elected the government. They have a mandate. Don't like it? Vote for someone else. But if the majority of the electorate disagrees with you, you just have to accept the outcome or move away.

      By the way, the current lot couldn't be doing what they're doing if the PPM didn't consent to the minority government.

    • Anonymous says:

      "This lot need to be shipped off to Alcatraz."

      Funnily enough Alcatraz is now a tourist destination.   By the sounds of it they have been shipping themselves off to tourist destinations quite frequently – and that's part of the problem!

    • Diogenes says:

      Consult you – like a governent has to have a referendum on every single decision they take?  Its the way the democratic system works – you elect a government, and give them authority to make these decisions.  If you dont like the way they represent you, then vote them out .  simple.  

  26. St Peter says:

    I saw on the Govt TV earlier that we will get a few acres at Barkers.

    Now tell me – who would be so fool-fool as to think that people living in George Town and other areas would drive past our beautiful 7-mile beach to go to Barkers to bathe in the sea?

    Not even West Bayers want to go swimming at Barkers…


    • Anonymous says:

      Then don't go to Barkers. Go toa much enhanced Seven Mile Public Beach. No one is stopping you. Public Beach will remain public, even for you. Your comment is either purposedly mischievous or very fool-fool.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why do you think you won’t be able to swim on seven mile beach any longer. Looks like barkers is IN ADDITION TO seven mile beach public beach.

      • Anonymous says:

        Not sure how we are being ‘given’ barkers. I’ve been going there for 12 years. HELLO, it’s already there!

  27. Anonymous says:

    So, we get a public beach in a national park. Thats value for money.


    And then a public beach on iron shore. Thats value right there. I bet you didn't know how nice it was to sunbathe on pointy rocks.


    And, instead of having beach access to 4,000 feet of beach – remember, after you walk down the beach access you can turn left and right – we were getting 79 feet of beach that we're not even getting any more. So our perscriptive rights to those beaches just got traded away for something of at least equal value. Like a campsite next to a road, with no view of the sea. But at least NORCECA will have a good fake beach to play beach voleyball on.


    But don't worry, the report that isn't finished yet, because we just changed the deal they've been unable to analyse for months, will be ready in a month, after we finish executing the deal that we're legaly obliged to do. Except we just changed the deal again. So, actually, we're not doing what we agreed we'd do and told everyone our hands were tied in to doing. We untied our hands long enough to legally bind them to do something different.


    The Fumbling Five, what a government.

  28. Neverland says:

    – local consultants had given the deal the thumbs up, although the document will remain under wraps until – after the first section of the road is closed.


    – the review by PricewaterhouseCoopers has declared the deal to be “good value” and the report  would be released to the public – after 8 March.


    – transparency at work.  Trust us.

    • Anonymous says:

      It seems absurd that the report will not be released until after the road is closed. 
      Why can't things be done in a normal sequence with the report first even if the road is
      closed after.  This sound like letting the cows out first and closing the gate afterward.

      • Anonymous says:

        Why would you want to keep the cow in anyway?? Ever thought of that!!

  29. Anonymous says:

    headline should be: public beach improvement  days away……

    at least dart gets stuff done to the highest standards….. compare this to the ' soon come' nonsense of shetty and the enterprise city…..

    • Anonymous says:

      What do u really know about the shetty hospital !!! Do the research and then comment.

      • lolol says:

        He knows nothing. Just here to comment and thinks can change the status quo.

      • Anonymous says:

        Agreed, I heard they had already started pouring foundation for the hospital, don't know that for sure but I'm sure anyone flying over or driving up there could see for themselves

    • Anonymous says:

      I completely agree, what a shame that we will lose the current form of public beach , oh I mean flea market.  I took my 2.5 yr old to the public beach yesterday and it was very sad to see the carnival that it is now with all of the vendors and chairs and umbrellas, cant wait to see the usual Easter gong show of garbage, loud music and people relieving themselves wherever they want – really a lot to be missed


  30. 4 Cayman says:

    Who knows Dart probably owns PWC too. We need the UK government here now! Dart now is a key player for providing electricity to the island. What next he will want the first born of every male born in Cayman and to be named after him. Other countries didn’t want him and we have handed cayman to him on a silver platter.

    What a shame.

    • Anonymous says:

      Apparently ignorance is not bliss. What a shame for you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh who will come save us poor Caymanians from the horror of a benevolvent billionaire bent on improving our land with parks and trails for the benfit of children and families..  Wait..  let's call the Brits who enslaved these islands with colonialism hundreds of years ago..  Yes, those fine folks who sh-@ on the region and nicked the valuables and savaged the people and bankrupted their country and currency with taxes and CCTV will surely make things better for us all now!!  Sure, they may disrespect us with their pompous arrogance but at least we'll have tea at 4 and the trains will run on time.

      God, give us anything except these blasted kind-hearted rich people making the island a better place, and acting quickly to provide jobs and infrastructure and un-debted prosperity!

  31. Peanuts says:

    The reaction over time to the Road being closed will be like Acid Reflux, it will eventually kill you.

  32. Anonymous says:

    bring it on….. take that nimby/cave people!

    • Anonymous says:

      You didn't have a good life until you came here.  Stop with your anti-Caymanian disrespect before its too late.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you are a land stealing canuk, please stop referring to us as cave people. Thank you.

  33. Rice&Beans says:

    As expected those that were quick to judge that this was not value for money simply based on a whim may be proven to be wrong! Why can't people what for judgments made on empiral evidence before professing their expertise on trhese matters? Fools!

  34. not too happy says:

    Yes mr. Scotland you learned from the best. Hurry up and sign. We’ll worry about it later. Same old, same old. Did you go to Bush meeting ? Just asking you bunch of moron. I can’t wait for the dump in BT. We’ll see whose really happy then. I won’t be voting for you, D.Seymore or the Chuckie. That I promise you. A BT voter !

  35. Anon says:

    Please do not send the bulldozers into the Smith Cove property until the rare trees are properly identified and protected.

    • Caymanian kind says:

      Save Smiths Cove!
      Dart DOES own a slice next to it…. Darn scary.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Thank you Mr Dart for giving me a real road to my district. Thank you !!

  37. Will Ya Listen! says:

    Your name and address is being  recorded. Any further complaints and you will not be allowed  any electricity when we take over CUC or water when we take over that or food when we buy the Supermarkets. 


    The DartBoard (1984) 

    Big Brother Darty is watching you.

    Thank God someone is.

  38. Anonymous says:

    What a tragedy. Anyone but a fool or a liar knows full well that it was never intended for there to be anything but an additional road in and out of West Bay. Mr.Dart better move his new hotel back 'cause that road will be reinstated. So all you fools and liars don't be grinning too much. Your "victory" over the people of this country, including the four thousand who signed the petition, will be short-lived, rest assured.

  39. bananabread says:

    Oh please hurry up and build the boardwalk part, my 2 and 4 year old boys go crazy for somewhere to ride their bikes, and I cannot WAIT for somewhere to take them where I don't have to look for cars all the time. Seriously it's access by foot or pedals, instead of access by car, I really don't understand the fuss.

    • Anonymous says:

      The fuss is- There are a lot of envious, hateful  individuals  that don't really give a damn about the 'stupid piece of road' that is being closed. They just need to protest about this (like everything else) as away to spew their toxic gases into the atmosphere, and to help console their miserable lives. 

      The for Cayman Alliance will prove great for Cayman !

  40. Anonymous says:

    Hooray!  Vast Majority 1, Luddites 0.

    • Anonymous says:

      Vast majority? What the dickens are you on? You know about the petition, right?

    • Anonymous says:

      Let me get this straight, we get 700 feet of swamp land/beach and 2.5 acres of ironshore and they keeep the powdery sands of seven mile beach at victoria house (more than 72ft)! Thats a good deal yes, but not for the people

      Cant believe there are West Bayers in this cabinet. Need a clean sweep in West Bay.


      • Anonymous says:

        It’s THEIR 72 feet!!! They can put a condo there if the want right now. They were thinking of giving it to us but could not work out parking etc. never bite the hand that feeds you and in this case that keeps you alive.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t call names A-hole!

    • Anonymous says:

      Why use the term Luddites? You are a sheep if you think this whole thing was undertaken properly. A sheep. I think your hate of Caymanians and you greed delude you into using improper English for whatever it is you’re trying to say.

      • Farmer John says:

        An idle enquiry, it's true, but I've got a mate in the West Country who's a bit sensitive about the label "sheep" for reasons he's never been particularly keen on explaining. Do you know him by any chance?

    • NeoSurvivor says:

      Let us review, shall we?  


      1)  The terms of this "deal" are STILL not presented to the people, the citizens and voters of The Cayman Islands. 


      2)  The so-called "deal" is moving forward, in spite of full disclosure lacking, and in spite of protest of the people and [some] MLAs. 


      3) Dart et al will still garner concessions that are not granted to the rest of us, making his holdings at an advantage to existing competing businesses and also reducing the government coffers.  


      You apparently think that's all fine and dandy.   You remember this moment in the future as events and repercussions unravel, as the moment you endorsed the selling out of your country.  


      Would you trade your heritage for selfish convenience?   Will you even get the convenience you think you are going to receive?   Where is the value?  

    • Anonymous says:

      Sounds like you are encouraging people to sabotage equipment. Is that what you hope will happen?

  41. Anonymous says:

    For the last time thick skull people pedestrian and bicycle traffic access , what so bad about this.a little exercise won’t hurt anyone we don’t always have to park 5 feet from where we have to go.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not for the last time, you obviously don't understand the whole "steal". Some people cannot walk up to 4000 feet to find a spot on the beach, especially older people and people with kids and all their picnic stuff. That's our tradition. When in Rome……

      • Anonymous says:

        “Our tradition”????? Thank you for helping to perpetuate the image that all of us Caymanians are stuck in the past and also too darn lazy to walk more than 400 feet!!!! You don’t speak for this Caymanian and my family’s traditions!

  42. Anonymous says:



    • Anonymous says:

      We are right here, what do you want ? Nothing Illegal about this deal…So shut it up

    • Anonymous says:


      Are you inviting the FCO to the party, for agreeing to this magnificent deal between Drat Realty and the Cayman/ UK?

      I sure hope Jackie plans to have a hell of a party, at the opening of this great step for Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      We are in the first world and we really don’t care about some crappy little stretch of road.

  43. Cheese Face says:

    Excellent, git-r-dun!

  44. Anonymous says:


  45. Anonymous says:

    Where is the Judicial Review?


    West Bay Road Preservation Group – are you seeking the Judicial Review?


    I certainly hope so. 


    There is no more time to waste. 


    I hope that you all have not given up. 

    • Anonymous says:

      The time for judicial review is long gone.

    • Anonymous says:



      A waste of your all time.

      what the hell do we need a judicilal review for ? you guys will have to take this up with the head of state…mama Queen.

      • Anonymous says:

        Just shows how you understand the legal structure in England.  The Queen can't do a thing to help you.  Sad but true.  Your only recourse is to the FCO.  And I really hope that those in a position to do something, do so before its too late.

    • Michel says:

      Looking at the Big Picture that we don"t know enough about of  .  I am of the opinion that the bypass should be completed f and up and running fist. The closing of West Beach road seems that it will be diverted at a certain point. Ok but why now.Those of  who you are waiting for a bike track you can wait a litttle longer it won"t kill you to wait that is. There might be issues that develops once the bypass is up and running and modification might be needed. This is very impotant to us and if I offend some I am sorry but I as ALL in power to seriously consider this.I ask my future candidates from to" Progessives" to think twice on this one. I for one would be very happy. The 4000 that signed a petition and please remember that  most West  Bayers don"t want it either. Anyone else whom will be running or are in the House already please take a stand on this matter as we are a matter of days away. not right just to please jump on this and I promise that you will gain a greater respect from many. For the sake of our beloved Grand Cayman. ONE thing at the TIME please. Demand it if you have to. A little too much to digest right now. Those are my personnal wiews that I believe in strongly. As far as Rumors that are flying. Barkers for our beach. REALLY ? Sorry I see this as an opportunaty for the  beginning  for segregation of the local populace.

      God Bless,

      Michel Lemay

  46. Anonymous says:

    Wow! So….. is it true that the wealthy condo owners adjacent to Victoria House threatened to sue if the "new" public beach was put by them? So now we get access to a beach in Barkers and ironshore in GT instead – what a deal – not!

    Why aren't UDP Lite negotiating to keep our accesses to SMB? Why not ask Dart to divert WBR around their new hotel and keep 2 roads into West Bay as was always planned? Drop the speed limit on WBR to 25, put in speed bumps before another tourist dies on it, please. 

    • Anonymous says:

      UDP lite is the same bunch of spineless troffers that helped ole what’s his name (caymans first deposed premier forever) sneak this deal through. I am an expat and leaving soon, but this whole thing is so stinky, and the comments by the tools that say stuff like ‘it was always on the books, it was always on the books’ while COMPLETELY GLOSSING OVER the underhanded, secretive, illegal in 49 states are such effing meaningless herrings of red that actually feel ashamed to be associated with the pro development sing-songers! Good luck with your future one man nation state.

    • Anonymous says:

      Another CAVE person who should go back to their cave.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree with the 25 mph.

      Apparently you guys cant get it through your thick skull that the deal was all hinged on diverting that section of road.

      So as to create a  sizeable   property, as to develop a mega resort. This sestion of road should have been diverted from the time this  country started to develop, in the very late 60s.

      But so much like what we got now…no vision.

      Don't blame Drat for the beach. the 5 to 8 feet of high water mark of sand,which we can still call our beach will alwyas be there for us.

      Our own greedy boys did that to us, many years before Dart set foot on Cayman. They gave people like mr. Butler and the hotel owners,  the previlage to own the beach from the high water mark upwards.

      Before their boundry stopped at the  vegetation…which was giving us  30 to 40 feet wide,of beach.

      Let me get back to the deal. Mr. Dart swap the section of road for; re-developing our existing public beach, 700 Li ft. new beach at Barcus, 2.6 acres of land to expand smith cove, 3 miles of amagnificent 4 lane highway into west bay, develop a waste facility in BT. spend 1.5 billion dollars within 30 years within the Cayman Islands to develop what ever.

      People, i see long term value for money, way down the road also. but we have to get out of  our shells and go get our share. 

      • Anonymous says:

        You conveniently missed out the other pieces of Crown land he gets and the increase in value of all of his land north of public beach. Also, he gets to keep 50% of all the hotel tax for this and any other hotel he builds/buys plus huge duty concessions, which no other hotel owner will get. If you think the deal is fair, you are drinking the ole green Kool Aid and you have a really thick skull. He is not developing a waste facility in BT, he will dig 4 holes there and line two of them with the industrial equivalent of garbage bags. 

      • Anonymous says:

        "Don't blame Drat for the beach."    Freudian slip?    May I humbly suggest that "Drat" isn't strong enough…….. maybe …… D-rat — make it sorta gangsta. 

  47. Anonymous says:

    "Independent" review. Sorry, I don't buy that.

  48. Anonymous says:

    "the absence of the premier for the second week"

    Another in the growing list of failures of Mr. Bush. Typically when one chooses a deputy it is because they are actually capable of doing your job in your absence.

    • Anonymous says:

      Huh? I don't understand what you're carrying on about. What's McKeeva have to do with it? And Juliana was there last week – I watched the tv broadcast. She didn't make much sense, butshe was there.

    • Anonymous says:

      She’s doing it exactly as Bush trained her to do: like him, when something important is going on, she’s off on a trip, paid for by us, achieving nothing. That’s exactly what Bush thought his job was.

  49. Anonymous says:

    So now 1000 feet of the road is being closed, what about the other 3000 feet? This deal changes so often it reminds me of the scam artists with the ball under the 3 cups. 

  50. Caymanian and voting says:

    Well done PWC.  The road to West Bay was on the books for many years. (Look at an older road atlas, the dotted lines were there for years.)  No one kicked up a fuss until Dart got the land and added a chicane.

    Look in the archives, Lands & Survey, and stop listening to politricks like Ezzard who will jump on any soap box he can. Oh, and themn look up chicane 🙂


    • Anonymous says:

      Thanks for the update, Tool.

    • Anonymous says:

      The dotted lines were there for years in addition to the existing West Bay Road ignoramus.

    • Anonymous says:

      Shame on you. A young Caymanian driver died on that chicane, driving under the speed limit.

    • Anonymous says:

      Dart will have to remove the chicane if he keeps to the agreement of putting in 4 lanes in front of Camana Bay as soon as ETH has four lanes. 

    • Anonymous says:

      You are very correct. The 2nd road to WB has been "on the books for many years". But did you notice in the older road atlas that you looked in, that the current WB road was also shown? In otherwords, TWO ROADS. For 40 years a second road has been talked about. Now in 2013 the overly smart persons have determined that we only need ONE.

      Give it another 10/20 years when the population (tourist & resident) has increased and then come back to say how much you like this. Or when additional lanes are required to cope and YOU have to pay. That is if there will be space for additional lanes.

      Being short sighted can usually be corrected with glasses, but not this kind.

  51. Anonymous says:

    Definition of mushrooms:

    "The Cayman Public – kept in the dark and fed on sh!t".

    If this agreement and independent review are good value for money for the country, why can we not see them before the road is closed?

    • Anonymous says:

      Money talks and things only get done the way Dart wants it. No Politician in the Cayman Islands is going to refuse Darts cash. Not even Ezzard.

    • Anonymouse Man says:

      Dart do not have to tell PWC what to state in their report. PWC are not totally stupid.Their report will  be full of conjecture, imaginative and almost impossible to read, with no relevant case studies or realistic statistics,,, and even if there was realistic data, who among the Fab 5 , the other Cabinet Members are capable of understanding it? They too have founded it upon their Fees. PWC will will say what Dart wants them to state,,, and they know economics is not a science. So why are we even expecting a report. Certainly Good value for money, ,,,,, For Dart.

      • Anonymous says:

        Founded It Upon Their Fees – LOL – sounds like UDP and UDP Lites new motto for the Cayman Islands. 

    • Anon says:

      Even Ray Charles could see this entire thing is a poorly negotiated deal for Cayman!

      Where is the true value and equity for the cayman public in these NRA & FCIA steals?

    • Anonymous says:

      Have patience, my dear Sherlock!