Nursing degree launched at local college

| 05/04/2013

nurse_1.jpg(CNS): Caymanians who want to train for the medical profession now have access to a full general nursing degree programme which starts at the beginning of the this coming academic year at UCCI. The Nursing Programme was developed in recognition of the fact that skilled and professional healthcare workers are important to support the healthcare sector in the Cayman Islands. The education minister said healthcare was immune to downturns, and with the advent of the Shetty hospital and medical tourism project, along with the growing needs in the existing local healthcare sector, the degree was an important step forward.

The programme was launched by the University College of the Cayman Islands in conjunction with the health and education ministries and Caymanians wishing to take the course will have access to scholarships. Education Minister Rolston Anglin said it was important to encourage Caymanians to become part of the medical profession. He said it was a regulated and internationally recognised course, adding that he looked forward to seeing the nurses graduate.

According to 2008 statistics 7.9% of the Cayman Islands' workforce was employed in the education, health services and social work industries. Excluding government contracts, 672 work permits, which represent 2.6% total work permit holders, were issued for professional workers ineducation, health services and social work industries.

Roy Bodden, UCCI President and Chair of the Nursing Advisory Council, expressed his excitement over this much-anticipated event.

“The establishment of a School of Nursing at the University College not only broadens the educational options of our students, but also speaks volumes to the growth of UCCI as a tertiary level institution. Importantly, too, it conveys a sense of the growth of the Cayman Islands as a maturing society,” he said.

Health Minister Mark Scotland said the local Health Services Authority had made efforts to offer nursing training with the Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) programme, which had to be suspended in lieu of a more cost effective programme.

“The new Nursing Programme at UCCI will provide opportunities for graduates of the LPN programme and other students looking to have a rewarding career in the health care industry to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree and qualify to become Registered Nurses without having to leave the island,” he said. “The curriculum provides a global perspective and is comparable with other curricula in the region and elsewhere in the world. Priced competitively, the programme is internationally attractive. It is also important to note that we have taken care to bring special focus and attention to the needs of the local industry.”

To qualify for the programme, applicants must have a minimum of five CXC, IGCSE, GSCE passes with grades 1-3 or A-C. These must include Mathematics, English Language and a pure science (Biology, Human and Social Biology). Among the five subjects, no more than two subjects should be at grades III.

Alternatively, those with an LPN Certificate may also apply. They must have five years relevant experience, an examination pass in Mathematics (CSC, IGCSE,GCSE) plus a recommendation from an employer.

All applicants must be at least 17 years old at time of entry into the programme. They must submit an essay or personal statement as part of their application. An interview is also required.

The Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing is awarded on successful completion of the programme of study. Graduates are eligible to write the Nursing Council of Jamaica approved and administered Regional Examination for Nurse Registration (RENR) to obtain the title of Registered Nurse, which is a requirement for practicing nursing legally.

Applications from qualified students are still being accepted until 1 May 2013. Bodden said, “Nursing is an attractive, viable and caring vocation in which practitioners can derive a sense of self-worth, as well as satisfaction, from helping others.”

Anyone interested in learning more about the programme is invited to visit the website for further information at

Category: Health

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I seem to remember that the last time an initiative like this was tried a few years ago there were no takers. Based on the direct feedback from that exercise the problem was that nursing didn't have the same popular status as a secretarial job and it also meant actually having to do some work. Best of luck with this, you're going to need it. 

  2. Anonymous says:

    This is a real opportunity for Caymanians to get in on the first step of the Shetty Hospital, go Caymanians and get yourself trained, so you cannot blame the expats for taking all the jobs

  3. Anonymous says:

    Great news.

    • Anonymous says:

      Indeed16.57…I spent my younger years living near to a teaching hospital ..and believe me, the only two certainties in this life are:

      1. Dying

      2. Nurses…

      Wow, we used to have a blast…


  4. Anonymous says:

    I am so excited to see this program and hope that both men and women take the courses. Some of the best nurses I have encountered have been males so let us prove our gender equality is at work and to the poster who said to be 17 again it is never too late to start a new career, I for one have a couple of degrees and still am looking into medical transcription and billing and coding courses for my “retirement” years.

    • Anonymous says:

      ..but, its not accredited….

      • Anonymous says:

        Says who

        • Anonymous says:

          If you look at the website, you will see that they have no accreditation by anyone for anything but paralegals. I hope they do well,  but who you are accredited by is definitely an issue in the medical field.  The school should tell any students who enroll exactly where their credentials will be accepted when they graduate.

  5. Hon. Absurdistani says:

    Excellent. Health care is one of the fastest growing industries and with the expected needs of the Shetty Hospital and other healthcare related businesses I am happy to see the launch of this much-needed programme.

    We also need shorter courses for:

    Medical billing and coding


    Dental Assistants

    Nursing Assistants


    Let's get our Caymanians trained up and ready to harness the opportunities that are already here.


  6. Anonymous says:

    Great news!!!!! for caymanians the time has come for the unemployed this will be  a great profession.There are jobs available in the government hospital too for nurses and caymanians doctors.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Excellent news..

    • Anonymous says:

      This is the best thing that could ever happen to the Cayman Islands.

      My hat goes off to you Rollston…you deserve a medal for the  launching  of this medical degree, right here on our shores.

      I remember when our nurses were trained, right here in our little layed back hospital….and this was back in the earkly 1970s. i wonder who stopped that training..they should be publicly flogged.

      Thank you Roleston for such vision and balls to start this introduce this trining. It is time we invest  locally in  our own  people.

      Now parents, its up to you to guide and encourage your children to take advantage of this great  opportunity…they wont be short of jobs. let's stop the scare mongering and brainwashing our children that Shetty will full his hosptital with Indians..i don't even want to hear that BS anymore.

      Back then, we mentally prepared our selves for jobs, on the ships, government departments, C&W the banks…no one could stop us from jobs, we made  no excuses.

      The building contractors of today, were trench diggers of yesterday.

      Our independent and opposition members failed to bring many motions to our LA to but our people back to work. they were too busy playing games with our heads..too much about other people's personalities. and nothing about jobs.

      Lets put a stop to foscusing on revenue from work permits. Yes we will always need to import labour, but dont let it continue to destroy and sell out , and sacrefice our people's opportunities.

      From here on in, the  elected government should invite a committee of the common man,to find other ways of making revenue for the country. Any dummy can levie tax and up wortk permit fees. We need people with brain and common sense on board at all times. 


  8. Anonymous says:

    Oh to be 17 again. I hope lots of young people (and young at hearts!) pursue this option.