Community urged to help stamp out corruption

| 20/11/2013

(CNS): In its annual report for the fiscal year 2012-2013 the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) is calling on the people to help by reporting wrongdoing and taking a stand against corruption. ACC Chair David Baines, the RCIPS Commissioner of Police, states that corruption exists at all levels and fighting the complexities associated with this type of crime requires ownership of the problem by a cross-section of the community. The report reveals that since its establishment the commission has so far only achieved one conviction, which was against an RCIPS civilian staffer who gave out information from a database. However, at the end of the last fiscal year there were 19 active cases and two people awaiting trial in the Grand Court.

Although the report gives no details regarding the cases it is investigating or any information about the 31 complaints it has received, it reveals that twelve letters were served for the production of warrants during the last fiscal year and that 82 interviews were conducted, with 14 reports being filed with the legal department.

Looking ahead, the report indicates that the commission has a difficult job in securing convictions and highlights the increasingly complex approaches required to intervene and prevent corruption but points to the need for public authorities to do their part.

“The ACC will continue to actively do their part to receive and investigate allegations of corruption in line with the Anti-Corruption Law (2008,” the reports states. “In combination with the Commission’s efforts, however, the ACC calls on public authorities to demonstrate their stance against corruption by taking a committed interest in the implementation of strategies, including greater internal controls, staff training, and the building-up of an organisational culture marked by professionalism, integrity, and ethically-sound decision-making."

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Ethics in Cayman is a joke. Just read the NBF article. That's a great example. People wrap that immoral, unethical cr*p in a nice pretty "but we're Christians" box, but a big fat bow on it and look at those that refuse to accept it as if they are the idiots.

  2. Anonymous says:

    "…corruption exists at all levels…"


    And that, folks, is why it is so hard to deal with.


    It starts with the GasBoy card fiddles and climbes all the way up to the National Building Fund.


    Who is bent? Who is straight? On this one, buying a program at the gate will not help.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I agree with majority of comments and another area of lack of independence is the appointment to boards/tribunals. 

    Is there ever an appointment to boards/tribunals that is not from the political party or supporters of the day and/or labour, pensions/immigration heads that are not from the private sector and former human resources personnel i.e. 'institutionalised to do what the private sector desires in terms of hiring, terminations, pensions and immigration matters??? corruption starts with minor unethical offences and can escalte in many breaches of various laws.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Let us have a Commission with no conflicts of interest and better independence from the establishment.  Give it some resources and teeth.  For the corrupt this process poses no fears at all.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Who do I report corruption at the highest levels of Government to? I have information that would appear to indicate that politicians handed out citizenship to buddies for improper motive almost 10 years ago, and no-one has done anything to even investigate. I am puzzled. Fine work with that junior staffer though. Zzzzzzzzzzz.

    • Anonymous says:

      Good point. Baines, you get it yet? the fact you were not here is irrelevant. Corruption is now pervasive and continues BECAUSE YOU DO NOTHING!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Are you serious???

    i filed a report with the ACC for blatant wrongdoings and corruption involving a Public Authority and a major employer on the island…and the ACC turned a blind eye…even though the matter is being taken very seriously (for the past four years!) by the OCC and the Deputy Govenor.

    Are you just fishing for information, or do you really want to work on the real (serious) problems?? 

  7. SSM345 says:

    Hey Baines,

    How the F can we oust corruption when the corrupt are in charge of the process protecting one another?

    It will never work until you bring a group from outside i.e. the UK, who get to the bottom of it all, sound like TCI? F'ing right it does.

    • Anonymous says:

      I totally agree, all this shit that is always aired and then nothing every comes of it.

      What is the position in regards to the employers who stole pension money from their employees?

      What is the status of the investigation in regards to that dude that was caught up in the low income housing/insurance scheme?

      What has happened in regards to the hoopla that was made over stuff at the airport board or whatever it is called and the conflict of interests there?

      What is happening with the conflict of interest all over the Central Planning Board?

      I know this isn't related to corruption (maybe it is), but the point I am making is that we hear about all this crap, yet, nothing ever happens and everything just goes silent.

      So how on earth can you expect that people are going to make their lifes miserable by banging their head against a brick wall to try and aid the erradication of corruption and at the end, nothing ever happens?

      Perhaps some people being fired from their jobs and/or being convicted for their offenses may encourage and motivate the general public to step it up!!!! Oh, and please start top down, not bottom up!

  8. Anonymous says:

    What about starting from your house Mr. Baines? Rcip is in much need of cleaning up! Caymanian