ICTA reveals vicious circle

| 08/08/2014

(CNS): A report into the recruitment practices at the Information and Technology Authority (ICTA), triggered after a Finance Committee hearing last year that resulted in the early pay-off of the ex-managing director, has revealed the vicious circle government has created for local people when it comes to top level posts. The report by the board into what happened over at least two jobs at the ICTA followed a now notorious meeting in parliament last October when MLAs were exposed to the extent of the barriers faced by Caymanians trying to get work, not just in the private sector but in government as well. The report shows that the experience and qualifications required for some government posts make it virtually impossible for local people to fit the bill.

With requirements for people to have ten years experience in an ICTA environment when the agency itself is barely that old and for all regulators to have law degrees and be called to practice at the local bar as well as the professional and technical qualifications, the chances of Caymanians ever being able to qualify appear slim at best.

The fact, however, that local telecomms expert Alee Fa'Amoe is now at the helm of the ICTA as a result of the chain of events, demonstrates that it is possible to find the right man for the job at home. But government's own regulations and stipulations appear to make fitting a Caymaniansinto these types of position a distant possibility, fuelling assumptions that these jobs must go to foreigners and leaving government bosses paying mere lip service to proper recruitment practices.

The vicious circle is further fueled by the lack of resources for training and encouraging young Caymanians into entry level positions, where they can begin to gain the experience while also taking their necessary technical and academic qualifications.

The report (posted below) which was released to CNS via an FOI request focuses on how two senior members of staff were recruited from overseas for the ICTA and contracts sent and signed by the would-be foreign employees before the requirements to try and recruit a local were ever met. The scandal blew up when Ezzard Miller, the independent member for North Side, probed the former MD over how jobs could have been promised to overseas workers before the deadline for application submissions locally had passed.

The issue raised concerns among MLAs that job advertisements were being tailored for specific candidates and that the proper processes were being circumvented to cherry pick people. While allegations of such practices have been widespread in the private sector it was a rude awakening for the politicians that this was also happening in the public sector.

While the former MD, David Archbold, has categorically denied any such practice, he had mislead the Finance Committee about the chain of events over the recruitment process concerning two jobs. Whether or not those jobs were tailored for specific candidates may always remain an open question but the ICTA report illustrates the barriers that government is putting in place for certain posts and creating the assumption that locals can never be qualified.

The report was compiled by Dale Crighton, the ICTA board chair, and it reflects concerns about criteria. Pointing to recommendations about recruitment practices, especially what he calls the "questionable" practice of issuing conditional contracts to potential employees before the local recruitment routes were fully exhausted, Crighton also laments the requirements of some jobs.

He points out that now that the telecomms industry has evolved in Cayman there are potentially more people who are capable of doing the job and that some of the restrictive criteria has to be addressed. "…[W]e have now been operating under the ICTA law for in excess of ten years and have proof of a vibrant open market in operation," Crighton writes in his report to the minister, Kurt Tibbetts.

"This begs the question: Does the Authority still need the same overseas resources that were required when the ICTA Law and open market was being created? The board is of the opinion that a needs assessment and subsequent review /update of relevant job descriptions be carried out by an outside entity as the current requirements make it very difficult for Caymanians to qualify for senior posts in the ICTA," the chairman adds.

See full report below.

Category: Local News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Considering how little ICTA does, why does it matter who has this position?

  2. Poppycock & Rubbish! says:

    "The report shows that the experience and qualifications required for some government posts make it virtually impossible for local people to fit the bill"……….Ask any professional qualified Accountant, or IT local and they will tell you this is TRUE. 

    Let me clarifty: ocals (with great references and ideal experience) are still passed over for Govt jobs so that the Govt bosses can retain controlof their departments without worrying about local talent "coming up through the ranks!" It is job protection for the hiring panels and IS AGAINST THE LAW.

    Even though this is againsit the LAW, the elected politicians say their hands are tied and the Chief Officers hide behind senior manager, so ALDEN- now that you know this is going on, whatcha going to do about it?

    Just ask the public for the FOIs and the facts.  There are dozens of cases with merit, but WHO is going to fight for the qualified hard work working degreed Caymanians?  (yes, we know there are a few bad apples, but before you bash locals- please admit there are awesome talented Caymanians who deserve a chance and yes, standing side-by-side with an expat reseume, they ARE a better choice, but still passed over…..)

  3. Anonymous says:

    Before there was a regulator, which nationalities here ran the entire  telecoms sector and also managed the international requirments? It surely wasnt anyone in Government.

    Geez, giveCaymanians some credit for building this country. Afterall, we made it so good people like the former MD was attracted to come here, yet he had no telecom background himself and learned it all here on the job.

  4. Anonymous says:

    This is hapening throughout all the Government Authorities. Unbelievable that we beat the ICTA to death and forget all the others! Has anyone ever seen the jobs held by expats in most Authorities advertised? The Port amongst other Authorities has an expat Accountant highly paid, has that post been advertised? Look throughout the system and see what is happening.

    • Anonymous says:

      Look at the number of work permit employees in the Government companies like CIMA, Monetary Authority, CIMA, Hearth Services Authority and CINCO. All contracted for extended periods of time through recruitment agencies. No one limits or investigates this and ask how come Caymanians are not being actively sought to to fill these positions not only by the recruitment agencies but also by the Boards who govern them. Maybe a full investigation of all these boards needs to be conducted. 

  5. Anonymous says:

    Has everyone read the attached report?  It really gave me a different view of the situation than the article did.  A couple points of interest.

    Before they even looked for people off-island, they offered the position to a Caymanian who turned down the position. 

    When they advertised the position, only one Caymanian applied.  That applicant was just out of school and not yet a qualified lawyer.



    • Anonymous says:

      Have a look at the post Sun, 10/08/2014 – 23:02 above. It answers it all.

      • Fred the Piemaker says:

        No it doesnt.  Doesnt deal with the specific point the poster made at all – just makes a general assertion. 

  6. Dr. Do Little - Too Late says:

    Here's a question we all should ask:

    Is it possible, that those in charge who make that final decision to hire someone for a particular position in any ministry, prefers to hire non-caymanians and pay them well, because when they do, they know, that these persons are not likely to say a word or report anything they may see that seems untoward or "corrupt".  Especially when knowing, that those who hired them have seen these things but do nothing about it.  So, they say to themselves, "UHUH", I'm not saying a word, cause that  might cause me lose this well paying cushy job, if I do?  

    So rather than jeopardize their job they go with the flow and pretend they've seen nothing,  especially when they've noticed  others like themselves moving up the ladder so quickly, and before long "they" find themselves  in a position where "they" can  hire or fire, and,  they  then invite their friends to come down for a  visit but they never leave, because they too have been taught how to use the system!  And the beat goes on! 

    Is It Possible?

  7. Anonymous says:

    I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but did anyone ask if ICTA really needs a Director of Licensing and Compliance and General Counsel after 10 years?  Couldn't they just have a Director of Licensing & Compliance, and purchase their legal advice from one of the local law firms as and when needed?  Some people might think it's a good idea for their drivers to be certified mechanics, but it is far better in the long run to hire good drivers and take your car to a certified mechanic when it needs repairs.

  8. Anonymous says:

    As I read the comments on this article and indeed the article itself, I find no-one actually challenging the criteria for being eligible for the post of Head of Licensing and Compliance and General Counsel.

    Would anyone seriously suggest that 10 years relevant experience is too much for such a position? If one of the functions is to provide general legal counsel, is it to much to require the individual to be a practicing attorney? If the Attorney General requires all General Counsels to be eligible to be admitted to the Bar in the Cayman Islands, is including this criteria unreasonable?

    The idea that appropriate experience and qualifications are somehow a barrier to anyone seeking employment is absurd. That is exactly what they are meant to be. The veiled suggestion that the youth of the industry should somehow have some bearing on how many years of experience are required is equally absurd.

    If the criteria for this job can be shown to be unduly onerous, that's one thing. But if they are reasonable and there are either no Caymanians who legitimately meet those criteria, or alternatively there are some who meet the criteria but do not want the job, what is all the fuss about?


    • Anonymous says:

      While some of yourpoints (Re: qualifications; are valid) your last question is absurd! As clearly the fuss is about the ICTA not following due process (nor the Law) when it came to hiring. And then misleading Parliment when questioned about it!

  9. Anonymous says:

    The end result of this process is the hire of someone who has never worked in  a telecoms regulator before getting the job.  Brilliant.

    • Anonymous says:

      Win for the telecoms companies, win for the PR machine of self-serving politicians, loss for the consumersof Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      Passport was most important once the politicians started interfering.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Sorry Michel. I know a Caymanian HR manager, private company, never supported fellow Caymanian in regards to promised training, etc. This whole  scenerio was very wrong. Who to complain to? The HR manager?

    • Michel says:

      Yes I have to agree that some, once in certain position forget where they come from and that is very unfortunate. They fortunatly usually don't last too long as their head swell and good old Karma comes around. Must be some good one's that could be trained properly then and learn that HR should always get a good team together and be a leader not a boss. Thanks for the feedback. Michel

      • Fred the Piemaker says:

        The Caymanian HR managers, the Caymanian government, and the Caymanian immigration boards are in a conspiracy with the expat and Caymanian employers to ensure qualified Caymanians are overlooked.  

    • Anonymous says:

      oh yeah… plenty sell out Caymanian HR Managers around, plenty!!!!

  11. Whodatis says:

    Amazing how so many folks find every reason why every job should go to a foreigner.

    Also interesting how the first poster apparently found nothing objectionable about the practices outlined in the news story, or the fact that the former head of ICTA blatantly broke the law and compounded the act by lying to our parliament thereafter.

    Nevertheless, this is all apparently a means to an end for some people … that end being – do not employ a Caymanian and utilize every conceivable measure to disenfranchise our people.

    Not to worry tho … a change this way is a comin'.


    • Anonymous says:

      You are right.  A change is coming.  Employers are moving more business elsewhere as permits get too expensive and hiring and retaining staff gets harder and harder.  I certainly would not allocate Cayman any global support functions going forward.  The costs and risks are too high.

      • Whodatis says:

        Clearly my words apply to you poster – therefore, I sincerely and clearly say to you … "Good riddance!!"

        Who needs people with such a mindset in this country?

        Anyone who believes as you do really ought to utilize the opportunity to take back the better things and way of life that Cayman has afforded them and instill in their home countries. Maybe then so many of your fellow nationals wouldn't feel the need to emigrate to wonderful places like the Cayman Islands?

        We were just fine before individuals like yourself and your supporters arrived – and we will be just fine long after you leave.

        *Remember, these words are from a Caymanian of expatriate parentage. The difference being, my expatriate / immigrant parent was not a prejudiced bigot that was stupid enough to move to a new country and completely denigrate the host community in the process.

        • Anonymous says:

          And yet so many times you deny being half-Caymanian?

          • Anonymous says:

            He is 100% British. 

            • Whodatis says:

              Yep. Similarly to how every Brit is now a European … EU super-state et al.

              Not to worry though – UKIP is there to save the "British" day, right?


          • Whodatis says:

            Kindly give one example of your alleged "so many times".

            • Anonymous says:

              No, because I have a life and am not as self-obsessed as you.

              • Whodatis says:

                Actually, never mind.

                You obviously opted for a personal attack in your earlier reply as you had no argument whatsoever.

                Quite clear what is happening here.

                Take care.

          • Anonymous says:

            He certainly is a half-wit.  Although wit is certainly one characteristic that troll is completely lacking.  Along with any charm.

        • Anonymous says:

          All the poster said was the costs of human capital had increased significantly with recent changes, a fairly obvious point.  Since the economy is not a zero sum game, increases in comparative labor costs will have the effect of reducing the overall jobs and therefore opportunities and employment for Caymanians, both directly in industries concerned and indirectly in the wider economy.  This is particularly true of jobs which are not location specific, as referred by the poster as global positions, which can only add to the economy if they are encouraged.  However in the current regime those are the very positions that are the most at risk.  So some might say "good riddance", namely those who really cannot understand economics, but wiser heads would say "there is a golden goose that is at real risk of being slaughtered for meat".

      • Anonymous says:

        Not sure where you get your information about businesses moving elsewhere . The statistcs show different particularly with the new economic zone, Shetty Hospital  and DART building a new hotel and office block…Are you seeing something I am not seeing?

        Scaremongering at it's best, I'll say..that works on the politicians not the ordinary people.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yeah, cos so many qualified Caymanians are lining up to work in construction, tourism, healthcare, software development and biotech.  

        • Anonymous says:

          You are not seeing the big picture,Shetty is setting up to do things he cant do in the US due to regulations etc.Dart is a machine all to itself Dart can loose $ to fullfill his goals.

          I want you to look around at all the vacant property and the businesses folding up its not scaremongering its called reality.

          Due to your Government attempting to become more socialist They are putting everyone out of business only those with connections will stay in business.

          Do you think the one grocery man tryed to sell drugs because he was doing so well allready?

          and do you see all the empty property on the waterfront?

          My one friend owns 57 apartments and only half have tenants in them.

          Its not that posters here want to cause problems by pointing out everymistake its that the people are suffering daily trying to figure out how to survive.

          I dont have a total solution but i do know that unless you people want a socialist country You better hire some business people to fix this mess perhaps richard branson will help. or some other men that know how to run a business and make money.

          I and some of my friends are allready setting up shop in other places we see whats happening and know bad things are coming quickly.



          • Anonyanmous says:

            11:08 you na gone yet? don't let the door knob hit you….. you are the kind that come here with one hand in the front and one behindthen you get some feathers and believe you are the peacock of the flock, least I remind you you were nothing more than a naked chicken when you arrived.  Now be grateful to Cayman and at least say "thank you" for the feathers.

        • Anonymous says:

          He's talking about the financial services industy. And I'm sad to say he's right.  

          Shetty hospital won't drive the economy and won't offer more than a handfull of good-paying jobs to Caymanians. Dart is already shifting resources and personnel off island. The goose that lays the golden eggs isn't dead, but she's pretty sick and getting sicker by the day.  And if you think the Caymanian employment situation is bad now, just wait. The brightest and the best Caymanians will leave (just like they did in the 50s) and this island will be left with… well, let's just say crime isn't going down anytime soon.


        • Anonymous says:

          And two out of seven Class "A" banks have recently closed their retail (and most other) operations

      • Anonymous says:


        It looks like weather they go our stay we lose so go please .

        • Anonymous says:

          It's "whether", not "weather", which refers to the climate!


          • Anonymous says:

            Indeed 09.09 and that is one of the issues employers face-horrible standards of English are not acceptable when working in international business.

          • Anonymous says:

            Of course your sentence could be read as saying that it is the word "whether" that refers to the climate, not the word "weather". . . .

      • Anonymous says:

        Not to worry 6:13 you still around and will stay until the last crumb is left on the plate.  Not to worry you won't leave until all the meat, gravy and last crumb is left.  Even then you will wait around to get the serving plate.  Don't worry Cayman won't need your allocation support.  When the good ship goes like the Titanic this is one that will stay and sing "Nearer my God to thee" so please don't wait until….. do yourself a favour and go now before the costs and risks as you say get too high. To you I say bye and don't let the…….

      • Anonyanmous says:

        Yeh right! Employers are moving elsewhere as permits get too expensive ….. and so are taxes, else where have a nice life!

  12. Anonymous says:

    I think the past doesn't matter at this point quite honestly it probably was a complete mess.  However, what I do know is that Mr. Fa'amoe is probalby one of the best and brightest Caymanians that anyone (public or private) would employ.  He is not only intelligent but is a man of extremely high character.

  13. Michel says:

    Sorry to say but not only the ICTA has created this problem. Just pick up the newspaper and many these job placementa company are guilty of the same not mentioning some other Govt. Depts. Members only meaning you have to fit this criteria to become one of OURS. You know, the many little clicks that because he or she is for so and so should not be employed as his brother did this and you get my meaning. Even a blind person could read this one. I have 5 Caymanian children and the efforts they had put just to be told that they were unqualified or over qualified (?). How can you be over qualified IF you are willing to work in the first place. Very difficult for them to remain positive at times. Thank God they all have jobs in which someone gave them a chance and are now proud employees. but what do we expext when some that are in HR position and not from here and want their friends to join. Get more Caymanians in HR positions that care and they will find good hard working, honest workers that are even willing to take a job even if Overqualified. What a joke. And I worry so much for the future of my 11 grandchildren when their times comes. HOW MANY TIMES MUST WE REPEAT OURSELVES. Mr. Premier remember it's Caymanians that put you there to look after YOUR OWN PEOPLE. Very desapointing to say the least. God Bless, Michel Lemay.

    • Anonymous says:

      Let's start at the top. Why does the Dep Gov hire expats that are way way over the retirement age and yet Caymanians can't even finish celebrating their 60th bday and they are forced to retire!  Such hypocrisy.  

      • Anonymous says:

        Because 12:02 the expat is very competent and the locals at 60 are often just there because they started in the civil service when they were 17 and just plodded along doing nothing much until they reached 60 and the civil service management was happy to see them go so they could get someone who really can do the job. It's quite simple really. Competence gets rewaded.

        • Dread on Dread says:

          Ya know something , let me ask you how many 60 Years + Caymanians do you know? I believe you don't know 2 and this is the assertion ya making.  Quite frankly your kind can kiss kitti and naw out dossiie and they ain't ya muder of your farah.


      • Anonymous says:

        …..and why is the retirement age set so ludicrously low? Surely, if you are fit and healthy, retirement should a choice for the individual to make.

  14. Knot S Smart says:

    Actually everything in Cayman is a vicious circle…

  15. Anonymous says:

    Protectionism never works. You have to be able to hire the best people for the jobs. Make locals compete fairly and the standard will improve.  Making it easier for them just means lesser candidates will get the jobs, setting them up to fail and therebyreinforcing the racist stereotypes.

    • And Another Ting says:

      You like many others don't seem to understand, the fairness is outa the window for Caymanians, many of us have qualifications and experience bar none, and we arebeing rejected in most cases because we don't fît the foreign mold, or don't have the right color or the right accent.

      it is a shame that successive leaders have not been able to recognize that many of the people they supposedly represent are being disenfranchised in their own country. But, it's no more about time longer dan rope people, it's no more about having the passive mentality. It is about sticking together, getting together and having our own dialogue about what is needed, educating our brothers and sisters as to our rights n this society, encouraging discipline in our respective lives, encouraging respect for one another and everyone who respects us.

      the time Is now to act as one to ensure we the people are not marginalized any more, the time is here when our protest on injustice must be louder and stronger, not because we want to drive anyone away from these beautiful shores, but because we demand equal rights and justice.  It is sad to say even that we have given away in our land. Let's take it back in the first instance peacefully and if that doesn't work woe betide.

      Bless Up Cayman Islands Rise Up Caymanians.

      • Anonymous says:

        I am willing to rise up but will there be free food provided?

        • Anonymous says:

          I too am willing to rise up as long as it is not raining, not too hot, and free food will be provided.  And the timing needs to suit me.

          • Anonymous says:

            I am also willing to be part of the rebellion as long as I can do it from the comfort of my SUV and the food is providedon a drive thru basis.  I cannot really leave my car easily, with my weight and all, and can't park anywhere other than the big disabled parking spaces, not that I am disabled, but I am selfish and lazy like that.   So count me in, to absolutely anything, as long as it can be done from the comfort of my car and the parking is suitable. 

      • Anonymous says:

        You can have all the qualifications you want! Some need to work on their attitudes and self felt "privileged" status, and to up their work ethic. Roughly half our Caymanians are highly qualified incredibly hard working and upright people. The others, well… They show up, have 3  one hour food breaks a day, and spend the rest of their time talking on the phone, and they are so surprised they don't get pay rises! That is what needs to change, it is not the real world.

  16. Anonymous says:

    With a sample population so small as Cayman it only makes sense that when you need a specific skill set you may have to look outwards.  Even large countries need specialized recruitment.

    • Anonymous says:

      Like shop girls, cashiers, and receptionists that barely speak English?

    • Anonymous says:

      But let's face it – unless an industry is in its infancy then there should be motivated Caymanians being trained to take on roles within it (and let's not pretend that they don't exist because there are plenty out there looking to use their qualifications in their own country and not have to leave our island).  The expat should be training them up and, if an industry is relatively new then by the time it reaches some level of maturity and needs specialised help there should be a number ofpeople ready to step up as it should be growing as it develops and picking up young, enthusiastic workers.  The question is, why is this not happening?

      • Joe B says:

        Ever try and train someone who dosen't think they need it?  Try it sometime and your question will be answered.  Being Caymanian does not make you a good worker.  Anyone with a good work ethic and willingness to work hard (Caymanians included and there are many) does.

      • Anonymous says:

        Actually, I would say that it's when an industry or technology is in it's infancy that young Caymanians should be trained up in it – who wants to be trained up in a legacy skillset? There may need to be an initial period when someone from overseas is needed, but that should planned for from the start. I would disagree that "the expat should train them up", however – it is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that proper training is provided and if that means paying for courses offshore, then that is part of the cost of doing business. You bring an expat in because they have the ability and experience to do the job, so let them do the job – don't use them for something that distracts from doing that – not everyone is suited to training. 

  17. Anonymous says:

    The whole of Cayman ISlands is one Vicious cycle – As a Caymanian, what are the benefits of living here anymore????

    • Anonymous says:

      The keen fellowship of such wanton self-pity?

    • Anonymous says:

      You are generously looked after from cradle to grave by your representatives, either by legitimate means or other. By extension of this you have access and the benefits of the UK such as welfare, education and the right to travel and work within the EU.

      What more do you require?

      • Anonymous says:

        Most Caymanians do not have automatic access to the UK. Only persons who were BOTC citizens in 2002 do.

        • Anonymous says:

          Ah, I'm pretty sure that's most Caymanians, except of course for the expats who have gotten status since then, and they don't really count anyway, at least in the eyes of B&B Caymanians.

        • Anonymous says:

          To be precise: On 21 May 2002 any BOTC who did not hold British citizenship (except those from the Sovereign Base Areas) automatically acquired it under the British Overseas Territories Act 2002. Those acquiring BOTC after that date are entitled to register as British citizens under s4A of the 1981 Act.

          And to acquire BOTC:

          Who is a British overseas territories citizen
          Born before 1 January 1983
          You became a British overseas territories citizen on 1 January 1983 if both these apply:
          you were a citizenof the United Kingdom and Colonies on 31 December 1982
          you had connections with a British overseas territory because you, your parents or your grandparents were born, registered or naturalised in that British overseas territory
          You also became a British overseas territories citizen if you were a woman married to a man who became a British overseas territories citizen on 1 January 1983.
          Born on or after 1 January 1983
          You’re a British overseas territories citizen if both the following apply:
          you were born in a British overseas territory
          at the time of your birth 1 of your parents was a British overseas territories citizen or legally settled in a British overseas territory
          You’re also a British overseas territories citizen if 1 of the following applies:
          you were adopted in an overseas territory by a parent who is a British overseas territories citizen

          you were born outside the overseas territory to a parent who gained British overseas territories citizenship in their own right (‘otherwise than by descent’)

          I would guess that means that anyone born in the Cayman Islands to legally resident parents simply has to register, so not "automatic", but not far off. I doubt there's much difference in the paperwork required to apply for your passport or to register as a British Citizen

          • Anonymous says:

            Try it oh wise one. It is not the same, far from it. Check the FCO website. Cayman passport holders need visas to go to the UK for more than 6 months.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually, more than they are for non-Caymanians.  At least you have your voice heard through voting and can have an active role in society where you can actually say what you think needs to be said without fear of repercussions.  

      However, that said, we all benefit (whether Caymanian or expat) from an environment that many other people across the world only dream of – (mostly) clear skies, clear turquoise waters, beautiful sandy beaches, greenery and wildlife around us – both in the water and on land, a (relatively) safe environment where we generally don't fear for our own safety (from fellow citizens or from the political establishment).  

      As a Caymanian you have all of the above – If you cannot see how lucky you may be then you are a glass is half empty kind of person, but I promise you almost nowhere else in the world will be better.

      I appreciate it's not always easy to find work because I am in the same position, but that doesn't mean that there are no benefits to living here.

      • Anonymous says:

        "at least you have your voice heard through voting…" um, does it look like we have decent choices in who we pick to run our country? Further-more, which DECENT Caymanian wants to sit amongst those animals in the L.A? Egoist men who buy their happiness at night from a bartender who can't speak English! The men we have running our Country today are a disgrace to who served us honestly and diligently so many years ago!

        SHAME on us for voting these people in!

  18. Anonymous says:

    This kind of thing goes on all the time in both the private/public sector. So nothing new being discovered here.

  19. As expected says:

    As expected, they don't want Caymanians into these positions because it would mean certain powers in the hands of foreignors especially if they are from the UK. How come it is so hard for a Caymanian Commissioner of Police?  Its about "who rule you" mentality.  Get use to it folks

    • Anonymous says:

      8:52, we had a Caymanian Commissioner of Police who embarrassed the ass of us by being AWOL after Ivan (among other things). Please do not go there. Let it rest. (But where the hell were you?) Think before you post.

      • Anonymous says:

        Just wait a moment; The Excuse Brigade is on its way.  Wait for it…

      • Anonymous says:

        You are a real ass. So because there was once a Caymanian Commissioner who did not perform well it disqualifies every other Caymanian from ever being Commissioner? You are bigoted and ignorant.

  20. Joe B says:

    Instead of trying to figure out how to shove Caymanians into jobs they are not wanted for why not put more effort into figureing out how to make the Caymanians wanted by the those with the jobs?  Its a retorical question as it seems everyone but those in charge has always known the answer.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Regardless of the color of skin A private sector employee will allways fill the job with the best or sometimes only willing candidate

    Business owners do not operate anything like Government.

    I personally could of taken a cushey Govt job but being in the private sector all of my life i would not of been able to do it the inefficent lipservice method the govt does it. My mind can only do things in the most cost effective smartest way i can do a job.

    Thus i must work much harder and smarter because there are concequences It called out of business.

    Govt thinks we in the private sector do the same sick  practices they do, thus they put all kinds of burden on us the business community .They really have no clue.

    If you look at sucessful communitys around the world the best are run by businessmen that know what it takes to run a business on a budget.

    That said look how bad obama is doing he has no clue how to work in the private sector,thus businesses are up in arms and overburdened by Govt  

    At the same time look at  Gov Rick Scott or Mayor Michael Bloomburg those former business men have booming local economys because they know how to make money not just spend it.

    Next Time you have an election vote for those from the private business sector. and you may see some positive change.

    Lastly the Govt of the cayman islands is actually Bankrupt and it is because failures of politicians have been running this place for so long. they just have no idea. that said they do do a fantastic job at spending money they dont have.

    YES MY spelling sucks  

    • Hancock says:

      With your spelling attributes and lack of grammar may I suggest that you go back to school. 

      • Anonymous says:

        Since you missed out the comma after "grammar" and the question mark at the end of your sentence, may I suggest that you get off your high horse and work on your own problems?

    • Anonymous says:

      CIG is NOT bankrupt by any definition. Not liabilities which exceed assets and not on a cash flow basis.

  22. Hear hear says:

    "exposed to the extent of the barriers faced by Caymanians trying to get work, not just in the private sector but in government as well"… Recent personal FOIs show GIS, Customs, CIAA, and General Registry all passed over "more qualified locals" with excellent work histories and impeccable references for personal panel choices, this is simply a sad crabs-in-a-bucket mentality. The Govt and Authorities hiring practices are not fair and unbiased and must be revamped. 

    The article also shows the need for succession planning and work permit limits for government employees. Currently, a management hire is cemented for 7-9 years, so what hope of returning university students or those who work hard for their MBAs only to be shut out of their own professions?

    • Anonymous says:

      MBAs a two a penny after the recession.  Everyone has one.  MBAs from mediocre establishments are worth nothing.

      • Anonymous says:

        Especially those "professional" MBAs from UCCI!  Exactly how does one get an MBA without completing a 4 year bachelor degree?  Only in Cayman!

        • Anonymous says:

          FYI, It is an accepted route with some UK universities also provided one has the relevant management experience.

    • Anonymous says:

      7:39, your definition of "fair and unbiased" means putting a Caymanian who is not qualified, experienced or capable of doing a job into a post simply based on his/her birth certificate.It does not happen in the real world. Nor should it.

      • Hear hear says:

        No 11:13- you read that wrong! I said perfectly qualified locals with impeccable job histories and references are being passed over. No one wants a free lunch, but if a local is the best choice then they should be given the job.  Sadly, this is not the case.  Ask a few expats who achieved status and they will tell you too, Caymanian on your CV is poison… White collar businesses want the work permit hires for flexibility and HR power- sad but too true and our politicians turn a blind eye daily. This would not have been the case 20 years ago, but our elected officials are all playing a bad game.

        • Anonymous says:

          What you need understand is that the poster is of the expat brigade who automatically assumes that any Caymanian applicant is not qualified or experienced.

        • Anonymous says:

          I call BS. The labour market simply does not pass over "perfectly qualified locals with impeccable job histories and references" for someone who costs thousands of dollars a year in work permit fees. That simply does not make business sense. Show me an example and I will retract my BS call and apologize but I just don't buy it. 

  23. Anonymous says:

    More hysteria.  As telecoms regulation is in its infancy in Cayman recruiting experienced professionals would tend towards foreign recruitment. 

    • Dread on Dread says:

      Hysteria you say well if it is it is our hysteria so mind ya business.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah. Same for banking. 50 years is nothing.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why get the best when you can win votes and push in someone local?

    • Anonymous says:

      I beg to differ. Telecoms companies have thrived in the Cayman Islands since the 1960s, making increased profits each year, and the vast majority of workers, including management, have been Caymanian. Alee, Mr. Tim Adam and Mr. Tony Ritch are great examples of this. Telecoms in Cayman has grown almost as fast as our large northern neighbour. There are also many Caymanians in corporate Cayman that are at the head of the IT departmetn/section of many large law firms and accounting firms. Some may not have a law degree, but they most certainly have the knowledge of running and operating telecoms businesses. Why should they not qualify because they do not have a law degree? That's almost like saying you cannot run a company because you do not have a Director's degree or certificate.

      • Anonymous says:

        You didn't mention hat barefoot Billy fella from east end

        • Dread on Dread says:

          07:12 Ya mama look like never mind., ya na worth the time probably na go nuff bones to deal with.

      • Anonymous says:

        One thing is needed, and that is local operators. It is most disgusting to have to call overseas for directory. I can imagine how disgusting it is for tourists trying to get information. We would like to seeour telephone operators placed in Cayman and Caymanians answering the phones who are very familiar with the Cayman Islands.We are tired of being told that certain people dont have a number when that information is so incorrect.

    • Anonymous says:
