Governor says cops are coping with crime
(CNS): In an exclusive interview with the local television station to mark her first year in office, the governor has said she thinks the police can cope with “spikes in crime” but that the social issues need to be addressed as she pointed to the age of some very young people accused of burglary. Despite another crime surge, Helen Kilpatrick also pointed to RCIPS statistics that claimed break-ins are down. In the interview which was published on the day that Cayman marked its first murder for 2014, the governor talked mostly about the lighter side of her work, including being chased by fish, the Cayman Cook-off and how lucky she is to live at Government House. Kilpatrick came to the Cayman Islands in September 2013 and has had a very low key twelve months. She is responsible for national security among other issues.
“I think we have all been shocked at just how young some of the children recently arrested for burglary have been. There are far too many burglaries, but this year there have been11% (or 50) fewer burglaries than last year,” she said, adding that Cayman was still the safest part of the Caribbean.
“Daily intervention by RCIPS has served to put a lid on the worst of the gang activity. Everyone will remember only too well the shootings in 2011, which saw 5 deaths in nine days. Gang issues haven’t gone away but the excesses have been controlled by targeted policing,” she said just ahead of the death of Solomon Webster from West Bay, who is believed to have been shot by a West Bay gang member.
She said family break-down was responsible for 11-year-old burglars, which she said could not be blamed on the police “The police are not going to solve those ills, but have to hold line whilst wider social policy is introduced to address the social problems experienced by sections of the community,”
the appointment of Kilpatrick, who is a public finance expert, marked an historic break by the Foreign Office to select a number cruncher to one of its remaining colonies rather than a diplomat, likely hoping that she would help the local government toe the financial line.
Despite the continued warnings from the Office of the Auditor General about the very poor quality of public finance management and governance in general, the governor said she believed the country was “performing very well” and government was on course to be compliant with the financial framework by 2016.
“This will be a very considerable achievement that will put the Cayman Islands on a sound financial basis for the future,” she told Cayman27.
The governor also said that she had a good relationship with the current administration and announced that the premier, Alden McLaughlin, and financial services minister, Wayne Panton, will be going to London next month to meet the FCO’s new overseas territories minister, James Duddridge.
See the transcript of the governor’s answers to the questions below or go to Cayman27.
Category: Local News
Kilpatrick is in denial the RCIPS is a joke
Wisely put Ms Gov., just like a war veteran coping with losing both legs and having to live with it FOREVER! Tackling crime might have been a possible descriptor but that is certainly not the case. You can't keep bashing RCIPS about this either if the community don't do their part too. To have a significant change is going to take a full on joint effort, police, parents and community. That's how it used to be.
The fact that you got 11 thumbs down is the very reason we wojn't get better. We are in a shitty mess. Your post is very accurate.
I guess we are doomed. The two people who have the most to do with public safety, The Governor and Police Commissioner both say crime is down and everything is fine. One thing for sure if you dont admit you have a problem you will never solve it.
Yeah, sure they are. You are just saying this to protect "Lame Duck" Baines who has been a shocking failure.
he who feels it knows it! you don't have to worry governor kilpatrick you are right you are lucky to live at governors house.
I was broken into on Sunday night along with my neighbour who found a man in her house. My other neighbour was broken into a couple of weeks ago. When the police came on Monday morning, we were told that 5 – 9 other burglaries were being dealt with that morning. If that's just one night, then what are the stats for one week? And if they have gone down this year, then the numbers must have been extremely hight before this because all I ever hear about it houses getting broken into.
OMG! RCIPS can cope with "spikes in crime"?? Really Your Excellency? What does that mean exactly? Does this suggest that they cannot deal with the "regular" level of crime (as appears obvious to the citizens) but manage to deal with the "spikes"? Does this opinion suggest that the FCO issues its appointed representatives with blinders as a part of their familiarization kit?
I guess then that means that within the first crucial 48 hours after a crime has been committed RCIPS is honestly displaying a high rate of solving or being well on the way to solving crimes?? In that case, I guess by Wednesday morning RCIPS will announce that they have someone in custody for the latest murder in WB on Sunday night.
Unfortunately RCIPS' track record belies Her Excellency's rose-coloured opinion, while residents and visitors alike are awaiting the results of all the increased resources provided to Commissioner Baines and his crew.
Yes, much of the crime being experienced in our country can be attributed to the breakdown of social values, laziness amongst some and sheer increase in criminal mentality and opportunity, BUT blaming the cause is not the RCIPS' statutory function – addressing the result (increased crime) through effective crime-fighting is! Her Excellency's endorsement of RCIPS' affinity for the former does little to comfort the citizenry until they put their mettle where their mouth is.
It's Wednesday morning and they have announced that they have not one, but two people in custody over the murder- you were saying?
RInky Dink Government Rinky dink Police and a Rinky dink Governor What mess this place is in?
Your Excellency, I have had the pleasure of meeting you and think you are doing a good job. Your powers are limited as to what you can action, but this Government is certainly trying much harder than the last group to work together.
Thank you Madame Governor
Then why is it ms Kilpatrick that I, along with many others do not feel safe in my home? Statistics and lies, can be much the same thing. Why is it that when yet another house is broken into in my street the cops knock on my door and ask me to check my cctv, when I offered them the data they didn't want it. Go figure! Sorry Governor, I do not support your view.
I like our new Governor.
Gov says what? hahahahahhahahah.
Thank you HE Helen Kilpatrick for being so honest, parents need to take more responsibility for their children and the government need to address the many social problems.