Calls come for CoPs head

| 04/12/2014

(CNS): Revelations that the police commissioner had recruited a man facing a murder charge in Jamaica to the RCIPS, who has now been convicted, has raisedserious public concerns and calls for the top cop’s resignation. Government has remained silent, however, and the governor’s office told CNS that Helen Kilpatrick was in London for the Overseas Territories Joint Ministerial Council (JMC) and “will consider whether to comment on this issue when she returns to office". Meanwhile, the public outcry on the CNS comments, social media, the radio waves and the street is unlikely to be something the governor and the rest of government can ignore. MLAs Ezzard Miller and Bernie Bush have called for David Baines’ resignation and Al Suckoo, the only member of the PPM government to comment, described the situation as an outrage.

Miller said that as well as Baines’ departure he wanted to see a review of all recruits to the RCIPS over the last four years.

“I can state categorically that I do not have confidence in the chief of police, given the most recent revelation about the now convicted murderer having been recruited into the police force, and I am equally concerned that he may not be the only one. As a matter of urgency I call on the governor to establish a committee to review all successful applicants over the last four years who remain in the RCIPS,” he told CNS.

Meanwhile, Bernie Bush, a West Bay member on the opposition benches, said that from the very beginning he had concerns about Baines, which were reinforced when he chose to buy the former governor a 'cow cod' as his parting gift  a symbol, Bush reminded people, of the master’s power over the slaves. Describing Baines as arrogant, Bush also called for him to go.

“Enough is enough,” he said. “The people do not have faith in him and for him to say he did nothing wrong regarding the recruitment of a now convicted murderer to our police force demonstrates the height of blindness over what the people think. When criminals complain about police management I am happy but when law abiding citizens are demanding that the commissioner leave then we all need to be concerned. It almost seems as though he wants the country to be in chaos,” the MLA stated, adding that he would be signing a People’s Referendum calling for the commissioner’s departure.

Bush said he had also heard that one of the MLAs had mooted the idea of a no confidence vote in the Legislative Assembly, which he said would have his full support.

The commissioner is employed by the governor and the Cayman government still has no control over staff or operational matters and can do little more than call for the commissioner’s removal if they have lost faith in him. Although CNS asked all of the members of the Legislative Assembly if they stillhad faith in the police boss, including government, opposition and independent members, the C4C members and the speaker, as representatives of their constituents, none of the Cabinet members have responded.

The only government member to voice concerns was back-bencher Al Suckoo. He said that he has raised the issue about policing and the police leadership with the government and although he has no personal gripe with the commissioner, he has concerns about the crime strategy.

“This latest incident involving an officer employed by the RCIPS being convicted of murder in Jamaica is an outrage and it appears as if the police leadership was aware of the investigation and chose to keep him employed,” Suckoo said, shocked by the revelation but worried it is not the first time it has happened. “I have to question how thorough and comprehensive our vetting process really is.”

He pointed out that instead of concentrating on retaining and recruiting local officers, well trained and experienced Caymanian officers are leaving the service “frustrated and fed up”. Suckoo said he would continue to raise concerns in caucus.

“I do hope that others will agree that it’s time to demand better. There really is too much at stake here. We have many excellent officers serving in the RCIPS and poor leadership will quickly demoralise them. If there ever was a time that we needed to be impressed with our police leadership, I would say the time is now,” the Bodden Town PPM member stated.

Health Minister Osbourne Bodden did not respond to CNS, but speaking generally about the police recently on Orrett Connor’s radio show, "For the Record", he implied that if the people do npt have faith in him, the commissioner should go.

Baines has still not answered enquiries from CNS directly since the revelations were made public earlier this week about the recruitment of Tyrone Findlay but he confirmed that he stood by comments he made in the Caymanian Compass.

A spokesperson for the RCIPS also denied suggestions that when Findlay was brought back to Cayman ahead of his trial, he had been working as an assistant to the commissioner.

The police said that Findlay had work most recently behind a desk in the Marine Unit.

The RCIPS has not still not revealed the full details of the conditions of employment and why it was that he could not be dismissed but Baines told the local paper that Findlay was hired for the RCIPS Armed Support Unit in May 2011, after he applied for a transfer, apparently believing he had been cleared of any wrongdoing in the line-of-duty shooting.

The RCIPS was aware that there were question marks over the killing but employed him anyway, two months before he was charged, in the local Uniform Support Group, the armed branch of the RCIPS, despite knowing that his use of firearms had given serious cause for concern, even in Jamaica, where police discharging their weapons and killing individuals allegedly in the line of duty is far from uncommon.

Findlay was sentenced to 25 years in prison last week for shooting and killing a man when he was a detective in the Manchester district of the Jamaica law enforcement agency.

In March this year, as the case dragged on without going to trial, RCIPS Commissioner David Baines applied for him to return to work in Cayman, having assisted in varying his bail conditions. Baines said this was to get some value from his salary, which the police were legally obliged to continue paying.

Baines said that Findlay came with exemplary references from three senior officers with the Jamaica Constabulary Force and one from a sitting judge. He also had a “clean bill of health” from Jamaica’s anti-corruption unit.

“We were looking for experienced officers that had been firearms trained and could do that duty. That’s why he was brought over,” Baines said.

Applicants to the RCIPS are required to inform the police if they are the subject of any active investigations involving inappropriate or excessive use of force. But Baines said that Findlay and his referees references were unaware that the inquiry into the shooting was continuing when he applied to work in Cayman.

Baines said the first that the RCIPS hierarchy knew of the incident was in July 2011, when the Jamaican Director of Public Prosecutions Office announced it was proceeding with criminal charges.

This was only two months after he was recruited and during what must have been a probationary period. But given that Findlay had not disclosed the investigation, it is not clear why he could not have been terminated immediately. Baines said he was, however, suspended on full pay.

“From his version of events, he believed the matter had been investigated and he had been cleared. That was his understanding until 19 months afterwards, when the DPP announced they were bringing these charges,” Baines claimed. “I can’t make any comment about what happened at Alligator Pond; I can say from an RCIPS perspective, in view of his colleagues and his supervisors, he was an exemplary professional – motivated and committed. There were no concerns about his professionalism or his judgment.”

He said the law in Cayman mandates that any officer under investigation has the right to be treated as innocent until proven guilty and cannot be summarily fired, but must be suspended with pay. Baines even suggested that if the expected appeal against the conviction is successful, Findlay could return to work in Cayman.

“If the shooting takes place in January 2010 and it is July 2011 before the DPP makes a decision to charge, that is a significant length of time for what should have been a straight forward investigation. The officers didn’t dispute the shooting; it was not a cold case. Had it been dealt with in a 12-month period, we wouldn’t be where we are,” the commissioner said by way of justification.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Why is that Eric Bush remains silent? He was the one who made public that Dwight Scott was fired because of failures at the prison. If Dwight Scott has failed, how can we grade David Brains and his cronies? Eric, we are waiting to hear you speak.

  2. Knot S Smart says:

    The hiring of government employees and/or private employees without comprehensive background checks seems to be a common problem in Cayman…

    I hardly think that crucifying Mr Baines will do anything to solve the problem – what we need is to fix the system that allows this to happen.

    Besides – with the rising crime in Cayman, this is not the time to throw the Police Dept into chaos by dismissing its leader and bringing someone new that we know nothing about.

    Mr Baines should be allowed to serve out his contract and I believe that his knowledge and experience will be beneficial to assist government in improving its recruitment system…

    • Whodatis says:

      So, the best way to fix a problem is to continue onwards with the same equation that brought about the problem?

      Isn't there a well known saying about doing the same thing and expecting different results?

      • Diogenes says:

        I agree with Whodatis, who will no doubt lend his considerable energies to reform of the electoral system in Cayman, since that too consistently produces the same outcomes no matter how much the public expects that picking between the same two tired old mares will produce a Derby winner next time around. 

      • Anonymous says:

        Generally your way of fixing a problem in Cayman is to find another country, perferably the UK, with a similar or bigger problem and call it a wash. Under this logic you are quite happy for Cayman to carry on as before so your answer to your first question, as expressed on CNS many times, is yes.

        • Whodatis says:

          Actually, I am obviously not happy for Cayman to "carry on" as I am outrightly calling for a removal of CoP Baines.

          Geesh … did you have reading comprehension in grade school, bub?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Haines, a valiant attempt to justify RCIPS' failure in this case but with respect, your position is undound. Unfortunately, throughout the world the police force (service) is known to be largely corrupt. This is nothing new nor is it known just in "official" circles. Talk to any Jamaican or read a reputable newspaper (not the rag mags). So, for the RCIPS and Commissioner Baines to cling to the excuse that they relied solely on the word of Jamiacan police referee. Anyone considered that he may have been given a glowing reference just to get rid of him? At the level of CoP, such an excuse is itself inexcusable and, indeed, is embarrasing.

    The criticism of this issue is not xenophobic, at least not by intelligent objectors. Simply put, RCIPS screwed up. Why this matter is so inflamatory is based not on where the officer is from, but the lack of due diligence conducted. Apparently RCIPS has learned nothing about vetting or "trust but verify" since it's embarrasing hiring of a Canadian fired from his city's police department for theft, and who eventually stole from a local primary school!. The current incident is like the straw which broke the camel's back, where RCIPS failures are concerned.The public is simply fed up of this "service" which gets all the funding and new "toys" it needs to do its job but is continually failing, and to top it off, displaying arrogance and excuses about its own failures. Further, the public has little trust of the RCIPS and clearly local officers who may be qualified for higher positions, appear to have little trust of their own leaders. That is perhaps why qualified RCIPS officers do not want senior positions. One could interpret this a confirmation of what has long been suspected by many, that RCIPS is inherently inept and perhaps corrupt. Too bad Tempura was derailed, although, who knows, perhaps that was the intent. It is no secret that LC and his handlers in London have their fingers fully embedded in our national security. Therefore, the poor level of service in this area reflects directly on seemingly "capable" UK officials. In that case, why does RCIPS continue to be such a failure? Sabotage? Hmmm?

    In any case, Mr. Haines, your argument of support for RCIPS in this matter does not hold water. Perhaps that should shine a light on your own suitability for the post of CoP as suggested by many in the public.

    Thanks anyway for your noble efforts of fundraising for Cayman Hospice. Good luck as you continue.

  4. Anonymous says:

    This all seems to boil down to the issue of accountability which is essential in the efficient running of any organisation.I agree wholeheartdly wih this concept, but if applied to the Civil Service there would be no Caymanians left in any senior management position. 

  5. Anonymous says:

    I SAY SACK THE COP NOW Waiting another day is just prolonging fear in our country. Baines has done nothing but to divide our Police Service xxxxx

  6. Anonymous says:

    Excuse my ignorance but I am from the private sector and in that sector a line staff is hired through Human Resources as a general rule.  I know RCIPS has an HR department and manager so why is nobody asking why didn't HR investigate thoroughly even if the CEO or MD ofa company is going to interview a staff member they usually rely on HR to do a thorough and comprehensive background check they don't usually perform these checks themselves that is why they have HR while I'm not condoning the whole process I sure would be looking to replace anyone in HR who signed off that this was an okay applicant!

    • Anonymous says:

      Read the article!!! Baines made the decision to keep the man on the job after it was discovered that he had been charged!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Why is no one calling out for the person/persons who hired the Jamaican cop to be fired?  Or is that person a Caymanian?  I had a conversation with my cousin last week (we're both Caymanians) and she was complaining because a young lady was hired for a job that was considered not Caymanian by her because one of her parents are Caymanian and one is isn't.  She said that she wasn't friendly/outgoing or something.  I said well, the Caymanian that works there is outright rude and insulting to customers so she can't be any worse than her.  Her exact words were "I know but at least she is one of us."  I told her that makes it worse as this Caymanian woman is one of the reasons that Caymanians get a bad name.

    • Anonymous says:

      Responsiblity for recruitment comes under the oversight of a Deputy Commissioner and the HR Dept. They rely on material sourced from the officer's previous employer and a set of standard background checks that can only uncover details of actual offences committed. I'm no fan of Baines but all you can blame him for here is poor handling of the media aspect of this, everything else he did was by the book.     

    • Anonymous says:

      Isn't Dep Ennis responsible for recruitment? We should know who was on that recruitment panel and all future references from Jamaican polcie and judges should be take with a grain of salt, actually stop recruitment from that jurisdiction

  8. Anonymous says:

    if there was more cops like baines…cayman would have far few problems……

    • Cass says:

      Ignorance is bliss….sucker.

    • Anonymous says:

      Its just the many criminals that are complaining.  Here they have a voice and of course they don't want a competent cop here.  They want one of their own.

  9. Derek says:

    I am saddened by the apparent xenophobic attitudes displayed by a number of writers in calling for the resignation of Commissioner Baines following the conviction of a serving RCIP officer for murder in Jamaica.

    The situation leading to the employment of the ex-Jamaican Constabulary officer by the RCIP seems to have come about asa result of an appalling lack of disclosure by the Jamaican authorities and not a failure of due diligence by the RCIP.

    The RCIP has just concluded a major recruitment campaign. If there was a willingness by suitably qualified Caymanians why would that be required? The truth is that there is an insufficient number of Caymanians willing to serve. That being said a Police Service ought to reflect the demographics of the society it serves.

    The post of Commissioner is an onerous one and has to be filled after careful selection; hopefully from a number of well qualified candidates. Promoting someone from within only works if the selected person is capable, well trained for the post and has the relevant experience. Otherwise the appointee will be doomed to failure as, unfortunately, not too distant history shows.

    To my knowledge no presently serving Caymanian officer, including the local Deputy Commissioner, has applied for the Commissioner post in the past recruitments for that position.

    Commissioner Baines has shown he has the qualities both as the COP and, in extreme circumstances at the beginning of this year, as a 'street cop'.

    When he eventually retires I hope that his replacement is the best candidate because of his abilities and not as a sop to ill informed rants on blogs or other media outlets.


    Derek Haines, QPM, CPM.


    • Anonymous says:

      You are a smart man Mr Haines. Every expat requires a police record clearance from thier country they are coming from. So if this was not stated its clearly a lack of disclosure on the jamaican authorities.


      How in gods name could commissioner Baines know of this man's crime if the Jamaican authorities failed to high light it. 


      Mr Baines stand your ground no need to resign.  You are doing a good job The criminals just want to over run Cayman. But that will not happen while you are here.


      God Bless You

      • Anonymous says:

        The responsiblity of our boarder patrol and border security lies with our Immigration Department.


    • Anonymous says:

      Thanks Derek although I would not expect any different coming from a past COP. I'm sorry but I have to disagree! Our due diligence cannot fail because of the weaknesses of outside agencies (Jamaican police force) that are not under our control. Why are we recruiting from Jamaica anyway? Their force is known to be corrupt? Also are you really saying there are no capable Caymanians for the job? The lack of applications from Caymanians only tells me that our people are so fed up with the situation we don't even bother to apply. I myself have applied for many many admin jobs with the RCIPS only to be told I lack some minor requirement and months later an expat is in the post. I'd like to know if you are aware of the ratio of expats to Caymanians in the Police administration. Why have all the good Caymanian officers left? Why is Mr Walton so silent? Why is running down a bank robber with a car such a big deal? Why aren't other officers praised for apprehending criminals using less lethal methods? Derek do yourself and all of us a favour and stay out of this debate, you have just lost any credibility you may have had. I really wonder if there is a conspiracy to destabilize these islands ???!



      • Cass says:

        9:21 WELL SAID!

        Do not pay attention to the thumbs down, people do not know what is going on in these islands anymore.

        That same conspiracy has been around a long time….jus' sayin'.

      • philip says:

        You  sir lost all credibility in your first sentance , i will leave it up to you to work out why.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thanks for supporting Commissioner Baines. I agree with that stand.

      However I also feel that many Caymanians are fair in wanting less Jamaican nationals on our force, maybe persons like yourself could seek to encourage British officers trained in community policing to apply. But therein lies the problem, if Jamaica is seen as only source of officers no one else will get the jobs, whether British or Caymanian.

      Not everyone is agreeing with the status hodlers who want our entire government ran by Jamaicans, especially the legal and judicial system. Too many British people have become such close 'buddies' with Jamaicans they don't have a good understanding of the history and the fact that Jamaicans are also some of main persons encouraging this image of Caymanians hating British.

      Check our history, ask Jamaicans in Ja, they'll conform that most Jamaicans actualy are very anti-white, anti-Caymanian but too many caucasians believe the charming lies told to them or when they hear talk shows they have no idea that many of these callers are for political parties ranby Jamaicans or are loyal to Ja over Cayman/UK because once they become friends with or marry a Jamaican they find they can't be loyal to any other culture or country. 

      • Anonymous says:

        What is wrong with Jamaicans.  RCIPS tried to get locals to apply but couldn't find enough.  Its the same in teaching.  The conditions are so poor, and  expat treated so badly, less amd less teachers want to come amd teach in Cayman.  The majority of applicants are now Jamaicans. Thats the reality.

        • Anonymous says:

          So is the fact that most of the students in some govt schools are Jamaican.

      • Anonymous says:

        M. Derek Haines, you truy are a humble man that is unselfish to the core, but there be some in the midst that make it our business to check the PAST uk BOBBY'Squalifications, WORK ETHICS, NUMEOUS COMPLAINTS AND PERFORMANCE  of MR David Bainses the COP , AND OUR FINDINGS ARE TROUBLING!

        • bollox says:

          I think your qualifications should be checked first, from primary level.

    • Anonymous says:

      Finally a well balanced and sensible post on this topic.  Well said Derek.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe we would have more local men if we didn't have laws that criminalised young boys for smoking ganja and Jamaican cops who know exactly how to get rid of foreign competition. 

      • Anonymous says:

        So don’t smoke ganja, idiot! We need higher standards, not lower. Obey the law or face the consequences. It really is (and should remain) that easy!

    • Anonymous says:

      Cayman authorities was warned more than 2 years ago about these renegade Jamaican Police that had been fired in Jamaica for corruption and that we should be on the look out for them sliding into our RCIP systems, well our greatest nightmare is here on our door steps or maybe  in our living room by now if one of our crackhead idiots have already married him to keep him here I'll bet you he's already married or close to oing so ! Our women are so stupid and desperate!

      So there is no excuse for David Baines, this man thinks because he's English and white that he doesn't have to do the right thing, he seems to be working autocratically without reporting to no one, not the governor and not even our elected officials including thePremier, if that ain't a kick below the belt by the UK then what is?


      This Comm of Police needs to answer to the Iieutenant Governor and the elected government.The PPM removed this important aspect from the constitution which the concerned citizens found to be of paramont importance to protect  the people from government oppression and victimization!

      To the online choir singing praises to David Baines:"Too much mayhem has happened on Baines watch",  Has anyone  checked Baine's work record in the UK before he arrived here in Cayman? Well  it may interest you to know that Chief Inspector Derek Haines  has along with the Caymanian people been insulted and cheated to the core when David Baines was chosen over Derek Haines for the Comissioner of Police position!  Baines is not suited for the job, he does not have the experience and made a mess of things while in the UK  working as a cop as well ;A lot of complaints! He's nobody's Top cop by performance.



    • Anonymous says:

      I don't care how many letters you want to put after your name, but your post is nonsense.  We are talking about hiring a man and giving him a gun and then blaming another authority?


    • Anonymous says:

      A bit colonial old chap. Those days are over and not a moment too soon. It is definitely time to cut loose from the shores of the UK and no, we don't want folk like McKeeva Bush back to his old tricks.

      There are plenty of honest caymanians who were born and bred here and they would probably like a say in running the only piece of this planet they call home.



    • Whodatis says:

      One could easily say the fact that the country has never before been this disappointed and let down by the RCIPS and the coincidental rise in crime negates much of of your post.

      Never in my living memory have I ever heard so many calls for the resignation of a RCIPS CoP from such a broad sector of the community.

      Personally, I have no faith in the UK-controlled RCIPS, and my reasons are on record, however for those that still believe the UK ultimately holds the best interest of the Cayman Islands at heart – Baines has proven to be not up to scratch.

      However, this is not a debate over the personality of the CoP or how well he can run over and cripple a fleeing suspect. This is about the facts surrounding the hiring of a (foreign) officer that turned out to be a corrupt, conspiring, and cold-blooded murderer. An individual that was elevated to a position of; armed power, trust and state-backed authority, and let loose within this unsuspecting population of "British" nationals. You and I both know that on the mainland heads would roll for such an epic failure.

      In fact, what IS the position of the UK and FCO on this matter? How do they feel about Baines bringing their international organisation into such disrepute?

      Or will we simply see the classic, colonial shifting of the goalpost when it comes to the welfare of the lowly natives – given that we don't warrant a duty of care equal or close to a "real Brit"?


    • Anon says:

      I think the more relevant being asked is why, when the situation came to light within two months of this officer being recruited, wasn't he relieved of duty and returned to Jamaica. It sounds like he was living in Jamaica and receiving dull salary. 

      • Anonymous says:

        My understanding that I got of the whole thing was that no charges were brought against the officer and Baines didn't know that he was still being investigated.  Baines then made him permanent at the end of his probabtion period.  Where Baines went wrong is that he should have continued his probation for another 6 months to be on the safe side.  However, after 6 months and no word from the Jamacian authorities you can see why he would have went ahead and gave the officer permanent work.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Our immigration department sucks all the way through! No background checks, nothing. I almost crap my pants every time I have to go through the US immigration cause I know they mean business (once I was sent to the back of the line for filling in the paper in common letters instead of all capital), but in Cayman, we wave them all through with a friendly smile! Of course nothing is done any better or different when work permits are being issued. The more fluff someone puts on a resume, the more flustered and hyper we get around here. Clearly anything and everything coming from somewhere else must be better. Rubberstamp it all my friend, keep rolling them in!

  11. Anonymous says:

    If you want a new Commissioner, then go to Barbados and convince Mark Thompson to take the job. Cayman would be a new Cayman within six months!

  12. Anonymous says:

    A culture that idolizes a man like Bush will never accept a man like Baines.  The fact that Caymanians don't want him here just shows he is effective.  Just like the not yet kicked out auditor.

    • Anonymous says:

      As a Caymanian, Mckeeva Bush never has nor will represent me. He is the enemy of any authentic Caymanian with any sense or moral compass. One only has to look at who he made back room and under the table deals with to see who really stands with him for their own agenda and to the detriment of the Cayman Islands. Your untrue and insulting stance belies who and what you really are and that is as much of an enemy to Cayman as Mckeeva Bush and those like him. You are disingenuous to the extreme and I would like to see a complete and unabashed removal of all of the curtains hiding the real truth whereupon the goings on between the monopolistic so called developers, Mckeeva Bush and those within the FCO are privy to all and sundry. Caymanians have been purposefully stuck between a rock and a hard place and it is the anti-Caymanian blathering of a veritable rat such as yourself which exemplify said sad situation.

  13. Whodatis says:
    • CoP Baines is appointed by the UK / Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
    • Our police service, its policies and therefore the criminal element are entirely under the controlof the UK.
    • The Cayman Islands is a non-White British Overseas Territory that is undoubtedly on its way to independence (whether we know it or not).
    • British colonial history clearly demonstrates there is no interest on the part of the UK in ensuring a stable and crime-free environment in this country at this time.
    • UK led protection of Caymanians from crime is the proverbial fox guarding the henhouse.
    • Unfortunately for them, history is history. Whodatis didn't write, he uncovered it.
    • A rightly informed and educated BOT is not disappointed or shocked by these developments. In fact, we should expect them by now.
    • These words will upset quite a few. Whodatis wishes to paint a rosier picture but that would be lying. Whodatis reserves that role to the powers-that-be and the defenders thereof.
    • Anonymous says:

      In short Howdatis

      • Clearly you are on hallucogenic drugs
      • Your version of history could have been written by Valdimir Putin
      • Your are a racist bigot, for all your protests to the contrary
      • If Cayman goes independent it will have people like you guarding the henhouse, hardly a recipe for success.
      • Whodatis is the all powerful source of lies.
      • Putting things in bullet points does not prove your point/
      • Whodatis says:
        • Don't do drugs
        • If you think Vladimir Putin is scary – consider this; your version of (British colonial) history was written by the British establishment
        • Last I checked I was not a racist bigot – but I am open to review and consider any and all evidence to the contrary
        • That's an odd conclusion ocnsidering the fact you don't know me
        • Who? Lil' ol' me?! Oh, you are far too generous!
        • Ain't that the truth!
    • Anonymous says:

      In reply to Whodatis

      -The AG is also appointed by the FCO/UK so guess he must be working for the UK and the CoP

      -Our system is technically under UK but ACTUALLY controlled by Jamaican Deputy and officers, with their Jamaican judges, prosecutors

      -It's on its way to independence because teh anti-white status holders cannot bear to see Cayman succeed under British rule so have done their best to destroy the islands and even succeeded with their moles within the homes, political parties and CIG to convince Caymanians the dozen or so British people on the island is a bigger threat for the 24,000 jobs fiilled by Jamaicans (and see second point above.

      -Agreed. The UK and majority of English workers here are  concerned about the financial industry so stay out of cultural and social issues, leaving that area to be controlled by the jamaicans. You could even imagine a partnership of sorts, the Jamaicans control all aspects of legal system in public sector for their 'people' to get opportunities over Caymanains and they work with the leaders in private sector to ensure laws, politicians and CIG top civil servants are udner their control (interesting theory right?)

      -Disagree. If more British officers would realise they are just as entitled to be here as the Jamaicans, they might be more inclined to get more done, if not influenced/intimidated by Jamaicans, as they could arrest Jamaicans easier than the Jamaicans can do their own. Remember, justice must be seen to be done and with Jamaican officers, Jamaican lawyers, Jamaican judges, does that look like a fair system given their history of high corruption, especially with their recent officers with the RCIPS and Prison?

      -Whodatis continues to only show fault of British, please show us the 'bad' history of Jamaican officers and Jamaican politics. Please! show us you can read and state both sides, that is if you're a true concerned Caymanian willing to look at ALL forms of negativity.

      -See above point and request because many rightly informed and educated Caymanians clearly see that the bad from Jamaicans have more than outweighed any bad from the British living here. (Maybe it's good they don;t pretend to be our close friend in order to be close enough to stab us in the backs).

      -No one is upset, as you must be a jamaican (hiding behind your fake name while you publicly associate with the poor white folk I guess, Jacans good at that) spreading your hatred and reverse psychology for the Caymanians who continue to be fooled. A rosier picure would be possible if our entire legal system was not dominated by one group of nationals known for their hatred of Caymanians and English. Given the fact Jamaicans are literally dominating the main sources of employment and justice I will argue they have the control as they can even convince spineless Caymanian men to follow their lead. You clearly are defending them with your points so good luck with your mental tactics they don't work on many of us, you'll soon see.



      • Whodatis says:

        Ummm .. WTF!? Lol!!

        Poster, I don't know if a Jamaican has broken your heart or stolen your lover in the past – but you and I are not on the same page regarding much of your post.

        Also, you appear to be under the impression that I am "anti British people" or "anti white people" (or you believe I love them too much – I don't know, your post was very perplexing … but I digress). Please understand that when I make reference to "the UK", I am referring to the British government and or the establishment – not the British people.

        (Btw, there is no group of people that despises said government and establishment more than British people! Let there be no question in your mind – regardless of how many would protest the fact here in Cayman and on CNS. Shoot, as a matter of fact, I learned much of how to regard and assess the establishment from actual British people!)

        I focus my attention on actual power structures and controlling entities and tend to avoid reckless bashing against nationalities or "races" – primarily because it would cheapen and discredit my value as an individual. No person is worthy of my ire simply because he is of another skin colour or from another country.

        So, my dearest "Anonymous" (this must be your name as you would never dare hide behind a fake one like good ol' Whodatis, right?), where there may be glints of fair observations in your post, I am afraid you and I shall not be tangoing for long this evening. Clearly we are galaxies apart in how we assess the situation.

        *Lastly, don't you consider it rather presumptous of yourself to demand that I acknowledge, endorse and promote ideals of your own conclusions?



    • Cass says:

      Like it or not folks "whodatis", is CORRECT.

      Read it.

      Retain it.

      SREAD IT.

    • Anonymous says:

      Non- white?WTF?

      • Whodatis says:


        • Anonymous says:

          Yes. Unlike the rest of the region we have operated on a colour-blind basis with most in Cayman neither knowing whether they are black or white, and really not caring. Your very language creates racial divisions. 

          • Whodatis says:

            As for the first part of your post, me being a Caymanian all my life, not many have a better understanding of what you have described.

            Nevertheless, as I always say, "Sometimes in life it matters not what you think you are, but what others think you are". By that I mean, there should be no doubt that the British establishment is VERY clear on what they consider the makeup of the Caymanian population to be – hence my highlight of the issue.

            Subsequent to frank and unbiased research, one will find that in fact it is British colonial history that creates racial divisions – my "very language" simply reports it.

            Unfortunately, yours appears to be the typical vanilla-esqued mindset that is derailed and outraged by a mere mention of a founding principle of colonialism; RACE.

            If you haven't realized by now, I tend to get straight to the heart of the matter at times like these. If you don't agree or cannot understand what is being said, then I suggest you politely pull up a chair, have a seat, and observe. You may be enlightened at the end of the day.

            *There is a reason why Whodatis has obtained relative notoriety here on CNS – and it is not due to non-sensical contributions as those are always ignored and rightly dismissed.

            • Datisme says:

              Wrong on both counts.  But your notoriety here on CNS is due to that.  Reading your post helps us by showing just what a wrong post is.  Please don't stop.

              • Whodatis says:

                So what does it say about you as you are clearly going out of your way to chase a now moved on from post in order to see what non-sense has been posted by the notorious non-sensical one?

                Yes, I am talking to you buddy.

                (Your move.)



        • Anonymous says:

          Cayman is made up of white, black and mixed a beautiful mixing pot, only the KKK and you, Dr Frank and the Black Panthers see black and white. The majority of us see only other human beings, I will pray that one day you will let go of your hatred.

          • Anonymous says:

            You sir are blind as a bat and very ignorant..


          • Whodatis says:


            Poster, my reference to the modern description of the racial makeup of Cayman was not for random or personal reasons. Instead, it was directly related to the following point in my original post.

            (Hint: Add a "therefore" between the 2 bulletpoints in question and it may become clearer.

            Smh – like pulling teeth at times.

      • Whodatis says:

        If so, take it up with the British government. It is their legacy after all.

        All you have to do is open your eyes to reality my friend. However, something tells me you are not brave enough to do so.

        Anyway, as you were …

    • Anonymous says:

      If you were able to obtain a Cayman Islands Birth Certificate you would see that there is no mention of race on it. The people of the Cayman Islands, through the elected Legislative Assembly, removed ALL references to race and ethnic origins from ALL government documents.

      You are free to call yourself a black man or a white man, or even a purple man if you so desire, but unlike many other countries the Cayman Islands Government is not in a position to provide you with any documentation to support your claim.

    • Bob the Nabob says:

      Bless, the narcissism is complete.  Whodatis is now referring to himself in the third person.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Baines never did a thing since he's been here! the crime rate rose since he took office & police moral has dropped due unfair treatment within the force & public has NO TRUST IN HIM!  

    • Anonymous says:

      Ummm, and you do not think rampant teenage pregnancy rates, absent fathers, the worst standards of education known in any developped economy and a few thousand un-vetted third world cabinet status grant recipients have nothing to do with the problem? Go back to sleep.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Can someone endeavour to find out the status of this bag snatcher at the craft market yesterday? Is it a Bodden Towner or one of our famous visitors or a Status holder. These headlines should read Caymanian of orign, or whatever nationality, or Status holder.

  16. Anonymous says:

    I would like to see the entire Force background checked. For a long time we get all kinds of recommendations especially from Jamaica. Not only the Police. I do feel sorry for Mr Baines as he came here from England and did not have any knowledge of the Back A Yard tricks. If he had a known I know that he would not have employed so many of them . I am sure he like any one else getting such recommendations from such high Authoritys should not be held accountable. We always go after the problems in the wrong way. Why not deal with those that gave the recommendations. They should be made to pay back the Cayman Islands for the three years that the killer was paid. I am sure that if we do some investigation we are going to find alot like him. The one and only Police except Mr Mcfarlane that we Caymanians know in the force is Mr Walton, we would like to see more of those type Caymanians in the Force even if it means bringing back some of our retirees. Whenever there is a problem between a Ja and a Caymanian and Police are called the poor Caymanian usually get the wrong. I did not hear this but had to personally deal with it. It was most hurtful.

  17. Anonymous says:

     THANK YOU AL SUCKOO for STANDING UP and Having your own voice


     THank you for not having to wait for " Clearance" before you can voice your

     feelings on this matter.

     You havea voice of your own  and do not have to wait to get others permission before you can voice yours

  18. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Millar,  can you state categorically that you have confidence in the ex-premeir (now head of the opposition) given the revalation of his past deeds?  Of course you do.  And we all know why.

  19. ánonymous says:

    Sacking him would be 4 years overdue! Worst thing to happen to local Policing, it would take decades to rebuild the middle management that has been decimated by his policy. 

  20. Anonymous says:

    You know something? Getting rid of Baines isn't going to solve the RCIPs problems.  Do you know something else?  Electing people like Ezzard isn't getting us anywhere either, becuase as the leader for North Side, he aught to be out trying to persuade North Siders to train their children to follow Biblical principles and to respect law and order, but no, it is much easier for him to blame the police for crime.  Same thing with Bernie in West Bay.  At least Ozzie used a cow cod to chastise one of his constituents who was misbehaving and as far as I know, he hasn't misbehaved by Ozzie's gas station since that time.  I sick of politicians like Ezzard talking shit.

    • Cass says:

      Well if you sick of one you must be sick of all. SIMPLE.


  21. mccarron mclaughlin says:

    Pepole in cayman continue to be crapped on everyday. CoP has so much pride that he can’t say for once that the RCIP made a mistake. They just loving rubbing that crap in our collective faces.

  22. Anonymous says:

    I'm all for Baines' sacking or resignation but careful who we replace him with. Hopefully a Caymanian but I hope any local candidate considered will be very thoroughly vetted. XXXX

    Why not Deputy Commissioner Anthony Ennis? He's respectable, personable,capable and according to the aborted Tempura investigation, clean. Yes, he came from Jamaica but long ago made Cayman his home, started and raised his family here. 

    But, to my recollection after [the local] CoP retired, I believe there was some UK directive that a few key posts could not be filled with Caymanians – CoP was one.  

    • Anonymous says:

      There is no way commissioner Baines can be held solely responsible.  I imagine there were two other people on the interview panel.  Once someone gets past that post, it is HR who takes over by checking references and other means to discover past history.  So get real and stop always insisting without him everything would be just peachy in Cayman.  

      • Anonymous says:

        The bucks stops with him. he is the CoP. If he were Caymanian you would have no problem crucifying him for ther mistakes of others so dont be a hypocrite.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are calling for the resignation because he hired the man after getting good references including one from a judge. Now guys you tell us how it should be done, exactly what you would do when you are hiring someone so we can be sure there is nothing against him,  tell us so the Commissioner can get it right next time.

    • Anonymous says:

      while u at dat try get the acting fire chief thats been on sick leave for 10 months out too please

    • Anonymous says:

      CNS, in the quote from the Compass "apparently believing he was cleared of wrong doing" etc., suggest you put in quotation marks to make it clear that was according to theCompass.  For 1, the Compass has no way of knowing what was in Findlay's mind.  2. He should not be proceeding on a basis of a belief.  He must have been officially notified the matter was under investigation, and I am sure that there is provision for subsequent official notification once an officer has been cleared.  Proceeding on the basis of an assumption is plain wishful thinking which ultimately leads to deception, etc. 

      It is also inappropriate to continue characterizing what is now determined to be a most serious crime as a "line of duty" matter.  The court certainly did not find he was acting in the line of duty.  Quite the contrary! So quotation marks, please.

      My whole instinct here is that there is something radically wrong here.  It just feels as if someone, somewhere was protecting Findlay from the get go.  

      There is also no way anyone can convince me that Findlay was not being deceptive in failing to disclose the investigation at the time of the job interview.  That failure would have been grounds for termination.  Further, our police force's Intel is rather weak if the relevant persons here were unable to ferret out this info.

      Overall, it looks bad on the RCIPS, and with the Commissioner out there defending rather than Apologising and vowing to fix these problems, confidence in his leadership becomes eroded.



    • Fred the Piemaker says:

      Ummm – isnt Deputy Commissioner Ennis the man responsible for HR in RCIPS? Replacing Baines with Ennis for an HR failure seems to be a little counter intuitive. 

  23. Anonymous says:

    Derek Haines for CoP – a cop's cop and someone who will sort these islands out.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Wonderful how Caymankind judges everyone before the facts come out. Thank the Good Lord for the Union flag in the corner of Cayman…otherwise you would be carrying out lynch mobbings for the wrong kind of fart smell….

    • anonymous says:

      I suspect that the Union Flag of which you refer, is on borrowed time. It seems that almost every post is hijacked and converted to an anti UK, personal axe grinding, xenophobic rant with a thinly disguised agenda. This has gathered momentum over the last two years and the incidence of this seems to be more frequent showing a trend towards Independence.

      Looking at the calibre and the amount of people leaving right now, I would not be surprised if most just pack up and leave the Islands to their own, self made downward spiral.


      • Whodatis says:

        If Cayman is on a downward spiral, pray-tell what does that say about whatever country from whence you came searching for a better life?

        Cayman was fine before the "asshole element" arrived in their droves and will be fine long after they depart.

        Not every expat is the same – I know as I am the offspring of one. Today far too many of our expats shudder at the thought of even living next door to a Caymanian, much less marrying and reproducing with one. That is the asshole element that has no place in this society.


  25. Alice says:

    I really can't understand what Mr Baines did was wrong?  He followed procedures, got references, suspended him when he was charged, fired him when he was convicted. What am I missing. We clearly want officers with firearms experience in our armed unit.zzzzzzzzzzz

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      If the CoP and his cohorts at Police Training had done a proper police applicant background investigation – as should be done in all cases of new recruits/applicants; he would have discovered that this particular officer was under "active police investgation" for a fatal shooting in the Jamaica Constabulary Force. 

      Is is prudent to hire an officer under these circumstances and put them directly into an armed respose team, (USG which is similar to SWAT) and allow them to pack "two fiearms" and patrol the streets of the Cayman Islands ?? Aaaahhhhh that's like hiring a felon to head up security at Buckingham Palace for Her Majesty The Queen.    

      I can tell you that in the late 90's our entire police training department at the time – were sent to IPTM (Institute Police Technology Managaement) in Jacksonville Florida on Police Appliacnt Backgound Investigations courses to learn specifically from lecturers from the FBI, US Military and other law enforcement bodies; to prevent these kind of incidents from happening. 

      CNS, did you know that every convicted criminal who is deported from the United States, UK and I believe Canada – of Jamaican origin or any other caribbean territory; a copy of their names, passport numbers, D.O.B. and other particlars are sent to our local Joint Intelligence Unit (JIU) which comprises of Police, Immigration, Customs and a Prison Officer – on a monthly basis?

      Why have we just discovered that a convicted sexual offender (Jamaican) who was in the US previously and deported, somehow found his way to the Cayman Islands and was employed at H.M Prison Northward ?  

      I'm sorry but don't blame Caymanians for this, "ah dem na langer run things sa" in the RCIPS and H.M. Prison Northward.  

      Well the $%&^ has hit the fan and it's a "BIG BIG DOWN – POUR" on the CoP and the Director of Prisons. They not only got caught with their pants around their knees but got caught with their drawers around their ankles as well. 

      Some heads really needs to roll on this one – Her Excellency the Governor. "SOME HEADS REALLY NEEDS TO ROOL". The UK always talks about good governance, then let's see an example of good govrenance is on this matter.  

      Why do you think the Governor and the FCO decided not to lift the ban on Jamaicans traveling to the Cayman Islands without visas just over a year ago ?? A false passport, phoney police record and forged documents can be obtained in Jamaica – as easy as sending a kid in a local candy store to purchase caramel and choclates for him and his friends to eat after school. 

      SAD SAD SAD !!!     


    • Anonymous says:

      You are missing those expat hating, guilty always, "christian caymanian" views

  26. Anonymous says:

    This isn't the first time an ex-pat officer has fled to RCIPS while under investigation by his home force. If I remember a previous occasion involving a Canadian national correctly doesn't their recruitment actually come under the oversight of a Deputy Commissioner rather than the CoP himself?

  27. resident says:

    About time that Caymanians take over that position.

    the right person to take over is our superintendent Kurt Walton, he is most than capable to be our top cop.

    Baines need to go!!!!!!


    • Anonymous says:

      And here goes Baines double talking he had a clean bill of health from Jamaica…a clean bill of health isn't a clean police clearance…also if he was on probabtion and didn't disclose anything, he was deceitful…..get rid of him, why should he be put on paid salary…as far as I am concerned…the majority of the RCIPS are useless and the track records of convictions shows….Baines hasn't done a damn thing for this country, if one looks at it, this country is getting worse by the day and not any better…crime is up, they get rid of the good officers and put them out of the way places like McFarlane, who was a shining star in George Town…don't see anyone there now!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      13.22 I would like to thank you for your undoubted knowledge and expertise in all matters related to policing and employment. Cayman clearly would be a better place if you were premier or dare I suggest, our next Queen? Rarely does one see such inspirational thought leadership.

  28. WillYaListen! says:

    I think we should put Ezzard in charge of everything. Then, when things go wrong  he can tell himself that he was right all along and take appropriate action against the evil people he despises so much. Mmmmm wonder what group they belong to (other than ex-pats and opposition politicans).



  29. Anonymous says:

    I fail to see the issue, when he was hired he had no been charged, when he was charged he was suspended. He could not be fired as he is innocent until proven guilty. There are Civil servants on full paid suspension for 5-7 years in the last administration with no one calling for resignations, and even the Premier was actually charged and refused to step down, Is this a case of an expat is always guilty and a Caymanians hands are always clean and heart is pure. Double standards Ezzard?

    • Anonymous says:

      Findlay was serving a probationary period, during that time, and could ve been terminated.  Other civil servants have been employed for years so there is no similarity.

    • Anonymous says:

      The sinister and maligned deeds were committed before he applied to RCIPS – with convincing XXX references in Jamaican Constabulary.  Formal charges came within the employment probationary period at RCIPS.  Despite the very serious omission and deception, RCIPS brass allowed him to continue to serve out his employment probation, and assume a full time suspended role in the force – even with the knowledge he was facing these serious charges.  What kind of employer does that?!?  It's a mockery of the uniform.  Everyone complicit in this deception should be canned.




    • Anonymous says:

      If you don's see the issue something is wrong there.  Even if he had not been charged yet he would have been under investigation and unless and until he was cleared he never should have been hired.

      • Anonymous says:

        His police clearance would not show he was under investigation. Whereas your own premier was not only under investigation, but charged with corruption and he was not suspended and was even voted back into power, double standard as usual, Caymanians are always inncoent and expats are always guilty! did they teach you that in church?

    • Anonymous says:

      you Ezzard haters cant see past your nose. Ezzard was the only politician who consistantly called on Mac to step aside and let the investigation take place. Now he is asking the COP to resign – consistant I would say.

      Whay of the Governmens non-respone how can they continue to sppot te COP.

  30. Anonymous says:

    I quite like Baines – his spectacular capture of the Diamonds International Robbers last January was so cool it made him "Super CoP" overnight. That said in leadership the buck stops at the top – the only right thing to do is accept responsibility for the failure that happened under your watch and step aside for the good of the organisation.

    Of course Baines wasn't the one who did interviews, background checks or anything of the sort and maybe even if all of those things had been done properly by relevant staff at RCIPS this person would still have been hired but in my opinion it is completely irrelevant. The only thing that matters is that a murderer was hired to be a police man while Mr Baines was in charge. That is not a HR issue it is a complete scandal which rocks everyone on these island's trust in the officers of the RCIPS. Without the trust and respect of the public the ability of the RCIPS to do there job iscompletely undermined.

    For the sake of the RCIPS Baines should have the courage to accept his responsibility and step aside. 

    Too often in Cayman our leaders place their own interests above the interest of the groups they claim to serve – they are happy to let their personal scandals tear down institutions that others have built rather than step aside and be the bigger person. Be the bigger man Mr Baines – you will be remembered and respected for it.

    However, on another note it is also completely ridiculous to suggest that it is the job of police to stop people from becoming criminals – that is the job of parents to raise their children properly and the education system to make sure that people are prepared for a productive life. So please stop blaiming Mr Baines for that one.


  31. Anonymous says:

    Ex-Police Officer Mr. Welcome disarms a criminal and got physical with him. Baines uses a “lorry” to catch and run over a robber “not that I care” but let’s call a spade a spade. In the example of Mr. Welcome he was fired when in fact we need more like him to standup to these little punks. Baines as far as I’m concerned, you should have stepped down / fired after making the silly comment “Cayman has about 15 gunmen” Cayman needs a commissioner who’s not here to soak up the sun and collect a salary.

    Brad Ebanks or Walton for Commissioner.

    • Fred the Piemaker says:

      Disarms a criminal and gopt physical with him…..right.  The trial found that 1) Welcome started the incident by making inappropriate remarks to Myries girlfriend 2) AFTER Myrie had droipped the machete, Welcome, 6ft 250 pounds versus Myries 5'8 130 pounds, walks Myrie round the back of the petrol station after which Myrie has a broken arm and needs stitches.   Standing up to punks in my book doesnt extend to initiating fights by insulting girlfriends to provoke a fight, nor does beating a man after he surrenders.  

  32. Anonymous says:

    I can bet my last dollar we will blog, call Austin, call Dwayne Sterling, call in to OC, write to compass, & what not….not a blessed thing will be done.  This man will work out his contract here and have it renewed…theyll speak about this in the LA but once FCO sink their teeth into this not a blessed thing will change. 

    May I point out to those that keep calling out "Jamaicans".  I am not from there, but this recruit could have been from Belize, Barbados…or even another country.  Lets stop singling out Jamaicans as they like many other nationalities that some caymanians like to bash have helped to build this beautiful country.  They work in the food & beverage industry, construction industry plus any other sectorwhich some of my fellow countrymen wouldnt dare take cause sun too hot or they cant bother working from 7AM or what not.  These same people that single out Jamaicans are the same ones that have daughters or sons or sisters or brothers that are married to them and have kids with them…SMH…

    Anyways my main point was that nomatter what we will not see anything change with Bainesy…

    If he is reading this, or someone that knows him is reading this just talk to him and tell him to do the right thing.  Answer to this issue before the country and walk out like a man.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hello, you said they helped build Cayman?  I beg your pardon, those who came here, lived here, worked here died here, were paid here.  They lived life here, did yet they?  What we got we paid darely for.  Thank you.

      • Anonymous says:


        We speak E n g l i s h in the Cayman Islands.

        Thank you.

      • Anonymous says:

        I think the point the poster is trying to make is regardless of Jamaicans being paid to "build" this island they did so because Caymanians are not capable or too lazy to work in the hot sun.

        • Anonymous says:

          So Caymanians are now more akin white slaves because the black African slaves were more able and forced (today aka work for anything)?

          Shameful! no wonder Jamaicans are so anti-white and befriending all to get a chance to take over

  33. Anonymous says:

    About time too. Baines must go home.

  34. Anonymous says:

    [Baines said this was to get some value from his salary, which the police were legally obliged to continue paying]

    There are two ways to be dismissed from the civil service; (1) gross misconduct and (2) performance issues which is a lengthy process. With gross misconduct, a civil servant can be terminated immediately and the offense has to be serious.

    So an officer charged with murder and with responsibilities to prevent murder in a position with authority over citizen is less serious than losing a police salary? WOW!!!!

  35. Anonymous says:

    I nominate Pit Bull to be CoP since we apparently need to keep that post British.

  36. Anonymous says:

    If this was his home country the UK he would have been fired or forced to resign before his first term was out.

    Lets not forget those who vouched for him and extended his contract – Alden, Dan Scott and the list of others.

    They continue to hire these third world police because they keep their mouthsshut and do as they are told – they could care less about public safety what makes you think they would care about public opinion.

    Someone should send these articles to the UK Newspapers!

    RESIGN!!!!! – PPM i hope you know this is happening on your watch, and i personally will not forget, cant speak for the ever common Cayman Zombies that allow you the luxury of a life long career as political embarrassments!

    Man with a Plan

    • Anonymous says:

      If LAden supported the CoP staying here vs putting a Jacan in charge I'm PPM now baby!

    • Anonymous says:

      And you seriously think the UK newspapers would waste space in printing this – no one in the UK could give a s*** about this place – get some perspective my friend.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Make a Caymanian the Chief of Police. If he is as successful as the last one, we can all look forward to better things in these bessed isles of ours..

    • Anonymous says:

      Because Caymanians in charge are doing so well or because everyone knows they will screw things up so it won't come as a surprise?  So far I can only see his only fault was trusting Caymanians to do their part.  I heard Uncle Joey will be out and available soon.  Where is Daddy Bush going to put him?

  38. Anonymous says:

    The Cayman Islands are in dire need of a police force that is made up of Caymanians and beholden/accountable to the Cayman Islands people and nobody else. Let the anti-Caymanian contingent start their blatherings all they want but it is the truth. Anything else is nothing short of an unjustifiable and untennable occupation of a country who see said place as something and somewhere to be used and abused. One can clearly see the unholy alliance between the compost propaganda publication, owned by you know who, and the cop figure head. Look at footage of their last banquet and one will see those who are undeserving and unworthy wallowing in their egocentric pit of pigs with lipstick and fancy dress flouting their conglomeration of undeserved power and influence over the Cayman Islands. Baines needs to go but that in itself will not remedy the problem which ails the Cayman Islands in itself. There needs to be a sea change in the administration of the Cayman Islands in order to remedy the woeful maladministration of the Cayman Islands. Self determination, and the need for it, is becoming more obvious by the minute. We just need to figure out how to disallow and eliminate the imminent and seemingly untouchable threat the parasites within our own ranks and within the political spectrum beforehand. Can it be done? Catastrophic failure of the Cayman Islands is the only other option. One only has to look around to see the undeniable and ugly truth of the matters at hand which pertain to the subjects at hand. Wake up froggies, the water is a bubbling and you have heard the warning.

  39. Sir Henry Morgan says:


  40. Anonymous says:

    Bring back serious Community Policing – the criminals & parolees rule our districts now!

    Let Officer Miguel head up that area, and train the officers .

  41. Anonymous says:

    Agreed….Baines should be made to resign NOW!

    • Anonymous says:

      This from the people that voted in a man charged with corruption and misuse of government funds at the time of the election. Double standards much?

  42. Anonymous says:

    There are such strong firearms laws here but you allow and seek a man from a crime ridden jurisdiction to take duty here without due diligence. In Baines defense he could not have known what was coming as the references checked out. This falls on the recruitment department. Poor poor poor. 

  43. Anonymous says:

    In support of Baines warranted resignation or dismissal over this fallout; why don't Bernie, Ezzard and others politicians arrange a "Protest March" to the Government Administration Building, similar to what McKeeva did with Commissioner Jim Stowers back in the 1980's – when kilo's of cocaine went missing during a police operation with the Cubans ?? 

    Hiring a police officer into the RCIPS shortly after a deadly shooting in Jamaica which was under investigation at the time, and putting him into USG and packing two firearms on patrol, is no different than the fallout with Stowers and the missing coke in the 80's. 

    What is good for the Goose is good for the Gander !!

    I see no reason why policiticans shouldn't initiate this course of action; if they reallyare sincere in their beliefs – as they say. I'm sure many in the public will join them. I certainly would and I know many others will join them as well. 

    • Anonymous says:

      What people actually unite in a common purpose here in the Cayman Islands.  It will never happen.

    • Anonymous says:

      Back in the late '80s politicians also put a moratorium on Jamaican helpers coming to Cayman.

      Yeah see where you going with that suggestion but our MLAs today lack something past politicians had….. no fear of Jamaicans and they respected that their forefathers had testicles that worked. [pun on worked too, let's have some fun with balls right?]

  44. Anonymous says:

    Let me be the first to say that, he has done nothing since he has been here. He knew all the gunmen who was shooting people. Under his watch, Cayman has seen a massive hike in bank robberies and murders. Look at the amount of police officers that has lost their jobs for old retired policemen from the UK.


    • Sensi says:

      Caymanian Commissioner anyone?

      Seriously. How could we get this done if the Commissioner is employed by the Governor?


      • Anonymous says:

        Baines and the Governor need to EXIT, they serve no purpose.

        • Anonymous says:

          sounds good,lets but our trust in McKeeva Bush

          • Anonymous says:

            Mckeeva Bush is the biggest stumbling block to a successfully independant Cayman Islands and the FCO knows it. That is why he has not been held accountable.

      • Anonymous says:

        They all need to stop the socialising and do their jobs.  If I see one more picture rolled out of the governor and her deputy governor attending some social event I'm going to puke!  What has she achieved thus far? What is her offce really doing to benefit this country? Since that office is responsible for the post of commissioner is anyone surprised at what is happening?  Isn't it curious how Caymanian heads of department can abrupty be placed on required leave for reasons few are clear on but Baines is allowed to remain with what has been happening on his watch? Curious indeed!

        • Cass says:

          She is no different to any other Governor who served before. They are all the same.

          What did we think she was bringing change? LMAO

          Aprils fool is all year round with "these guys".

    • Anonymous says:

      What he knew all the gunmen and you honestly think that is true.  Rumour and supposition.  Come up with hard evidence and I will believe it.

    • Anonymous says:

      He came here to "clean House" ,clean out  corruption out of the RCIPS, Set up a better CID,Training Unit, FIU USG etc ,get rid of those he describe as the "dead woods" in the Service,Reduce the various crimes being committed, Reorganise the Special Constabulary, change the uniform, Make speeches at public events to tell about his achievements,get suitable applicants from England,Canada, Caribbean   and other jursdictions(some of them Old and retired on pension), Ignore local applicants from the islands who pass the entrance tests,and generally to Fix the RCIPS. He has been fixing it alright. We have seen the results. Are most of the people in these Islands siatisfied with his work? Does he himself thinks that he has done a great job so far? Is he going to get another 4 years contract after this one? Some very good question i would say.

  45. Anonymous says:

    A few months ago, I was at Kirk Supermarket collecting my lunch from the hot food booth, when I saw two Jamaican cops of the USG proceed to pick up the sneeze barrier and then serve themselves. I spoke up saying that the barrier was there for a reason, and one of them replied "but it is not there to inconvenience me ", obviously ignorant to the health reasons for the barrier.

    Somewhat incensed, I responded that not because they were in uniform it meant that they did not need to obey the rules. This is seen as an indicator of performance, because if they are ignorant to and cannot obey simple hygienic practices to protect the public from disease, how can we rely on that particular individual for our public safety?



    • Anonymous says:

      Could this be the same 2 Jam heroes I saw in Elizabethan Square recently:

      Trying to pick up (of intimidate) a woman, saying:  "I bet you I don't look so soft now that I'm in uniforrm".  (Wearing the Unifirmed Grou[p's blue outfits.. guns and all).

    • Anonymous says:

      Arrogance personified.

    • Anonymous says:

      Did you take their police numbers and make a formal complaint to the Police? No thought not

      • Anonymous says:

        Makes no point. They do nothing.

      • Anonymous says:

        Like reporting Police to the Police ever works….

      • Anonymous says:

        Have you ever seen a police ID number on the USG uniform? Since you are so familiar do us the public a favor and post where it is nah?

    • Anon says:

      Do you seriously think they even knew why that barrier is there? 

  46. Anonymous says:

    Baines should go, without question!! But Government's position already appears to be set when only Al Suckoo comes out publicly. Ossie Bodden's inference that the public should lead the call for Baines' departure is as close as any Cabinet member will come to supporting such a call because they will follow the Premier's lines on the matter. I mean the puppet lines connected from his shoulders and head to the Governor and the UK handlers. Baines is the UK's boy and neither the FCO nor the Governor will sack him or require his resignation and Alden will shut up. Whatever the Premier desires, Cabinet will follow.

    However, Cabinet controls the funding for his post and RCIPS so all they have to do is to use the financing route – if they have any balls!

    The public has the power by calling for his sacking by a majority and if that is ignored, public no- confidence in the government will be heightened and reflected on election day. Wonder if Cabinet will wish to take that chance?

  47. Anonymous says:

    when was the last time a caymanian resigned for anything?…

    you should know by now that cayman does not do resignations…..

    • Anonymous says:

      He's not Caymanian, and that is part of the problem. He should be fired. No resignation required.

  48. Anonymous says:

    I have said it many times before….Cayman's judicial system is OVERRUN with Jamaicans and supplemented with others from similar Third World countries.  Now to find out they do not even get screened properly to ensure they are of the caliber and standard we desire and expect is shameful and disgraceful.  Baines definitely needs to go NOW and PLEASE DO NOT REPLACE HIM WITH A JAMAICAN.  All Police recruits here should have at the very minimum a bachelors degree, preferably in something useful for being a Police Officer as well as proper training by a certified Police Trainer from a first world country with years of experieince in this field.  Our crime has escalated to unacceptable levels in recent years and this can moslty be attributed to a mostly incompetent judicial system.  Time for change Cayman….change for the better because we are fast becoming just like our neighbor to the southeast.  Mac gets some of the blame too…Thanks for that Mac. 

    • Anonymous says:

      There should be a few cops from NYC or Ferguson that may be looking for work…

    • Anonymous says:

      so no caymanians then? ic an see the next story line. Advert for police officer, must have law degree and 15 years experience, salary 24K a year. SOmething else for you to complain about zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    • Anonymous says:

      To "I have said it many times, posted on 4Dec at 9:06, the police is part of the "legal" system and not the "judicial" system.  Judicial has to do with the courts. 

  49. laugh says:

    He needs to be gone, it is ridiculous the way he is operating and ruining this country.

  50. Anonymous says:

    This is the same man that got an OBE from Duncan after having his "Bubbly" in the Mr. Bush debacle, he should be fired without shadow of doubt!

  51. Anonymous says:

    Thank God for Alva Suckoo the regressives should promote him

    • Anonymous says:

      Please do not call his name too loud the Progressives are already "picking" on him.  The trying to treat him like they did Chuckie and Alfonso because he stands up for integrity and fair play.

      while they are getting rid of Baines they also need to get rid of the DPP and her staff as well as the Attorney General.  Now that is a cause I would march for.  Just our dimes going down the drain.

  52. Anonymous says:

    PPM as usual asleep at the wheel. Premier McLaughlin Cayman demands action 

  53. Anonymous says:

    Disgraceful best describes the response from Governor Kilpatrick it says everything about her and her understanding of accountability. It's  obvious the FCO have circled the wagons to protect their man but this is more proof of the double standard and lack of accountability at the highest levels of CIG. 

    Imagine if the Commissioner was a Caymanian I wonder what would happen then? 

  54. Anonymous says:

    Baines must go now!

    • People For a Dump Free G.T. says:

      Not before a new landfill facility is opened in Bodden Town!