Archive for August 26th, 2009

Suspect crack dealer caught
(CNS): Police said this afternoon that a 55-year-old man is currently in custody after being arrested on suspicion of possession of cocaine with intent to supply, possession of cocaine, possession of ganja and consumption of a controlled drug. The man was arrested early this morning (26 August) at 6.35am as he cycled on Firewood Close off Capt. Joe and Osbert Road. 17 packets of wrapped crack cocaine, 7 pieces of crack cocaine,a quarter ounce of cocaine powder and a small amount of ganja.was found on him.
The arrest was made by officers working on ‘Operation Lacovia’, which involves on and off-duty West Bay officers supported by the K9 unit targeting known criminals and tackling serious areas of crime such as burglary and drug crime. The suspect was searched under the misuse of drugs law when the crack and other drugs were found.
“Drug use is a plague in our communities,” said Area Commander Chief Inspector Angelique Howell. “It has a devastating effect on our families, neighbours and the society at large and we are determined to continue to target those involved in using and selling illegal substances.”
Anyone with information about crime taking place in the Cayman Islands should contact their local police station or Crime Stoppers on 800-8477 (TIPS). All persons calling Crime Stoppers remain anonymous, and are eligible for a reward of up to $1000, should their information lead to an arrest or recovery of property/drugs.

Three nabbed red handed in GT home
(CNS): Responding to a report of suspicious activity in the early hours of Monday morning, the RCIPS George Town burglary team found three men inside a home on Selkirk Drive with suspected stolen property still in their possession. Police say the report came in at around 4:00am on 24 August, and subsequent investigations led to the arrest of the three men, aged, 24, 22 and 18, who are currently in police custody. Police say the recovered items included three lap-tops, a number of cell phones, a digital camera, two ipods and some jewellery.
A number of break-ins had occurred in the Selkirk Drive area that night and all are under investigation by the Criminal Investigation Department.
The RCIPS says it is working hard to tackle burglaries, which includes having burglary teams in operation across the Island, holding regular road checks to disrupt criminal’s movements on the road and targeting known offenders. Residents are reminded to play their part in addressing property crime by ensuring their homes and property are secure and by recording the serial numbers of electronic and high value goods.
“Many of the offences we have taking place involve offenders getting in through insecure windows or doors,” said Detective Chief Inspector Peter Kennett. “This makes the burglars life very easy. Please make sure that all your doors and windows are secure. If a window catch or lock is broken, spend a few dollars and get it fixed or you could face the consequence of losing your prized possessions – often of extreme sentimental but low monetary value. Alarms do deter burglars and if they activate the burglar will run off empty handed.”
The police also take this opportunity to warn business owners, particularly those in the construction business, to be mindful of security. The warning comes following a number of thefts of power tools and construction equipment.
All business owners should ensure their property is as secure as it can be and CCTV and alarms should be installed and fully operational. More crime reduction advice can be found on the police website at
“There is a considerable increase in burglaries,” said Kennett. “So please be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to police. Burglary is a despicable and extremely upsetting crime that the RCIPS is battling to combat.”
Anyone with information about crime taking place in the Cayman Islands should contact their local police station or Crime Stoppers on 800-8477 (TIPS). All persons calling Crime Stoppers remain anonymous, and are eligible for a reward of up to $1000, should their information lead to an arrest or recovery of property/drugs.

Arrests made in murder case
(CNS): Two men, both aged 22 and both residents of George Town, have been arrested on suspicion of murdering Omar Samuels in the McField Lane area of George Town in the early hours of Sunday, 5 July. Police say the pair were arrested by the murder enquiry team yesterday (Tuesday, 25 August) and remain in police custody at this time. Samuels, 28, was found suffering a gunshot wound to his leg. A post mortem was carried out on Sunday, 12 July, which showed Samuels suffered a single gunshot wound to his leg which penetrated the femoral artery.
Detective Inspector Kim Evans, who is leading the enquiry, said that initially assistance from the community was slow. However, persistent police work and the growing strength of the community helped people to come forward. “I would like to thank all those who have spoken with us,” he said. “We have been working hard to piece together what took place and all the information that has been given to us has been valuable.”
Evans also noted that officers continue to work with the community of McField Lane. “We want to ensure we are doing all we can to make people feel safe,” he said. The enquiry into Samuels’ death is continuing and anyone with information who has not passed it on is encouraged to do so.
DI Kim Evans can be reached on 925-6761 or 925-7240. An anonymous answerphone has been set up so residents can pass information directly to the police without giving their identity. The number is 949-7777. Alternatively, people can also call Crime Stoppers on 800-8477 (TIPS) which is answered overseas. All persons calling Crime Stoppers remain anonymous, and are eligible for a reward of up to $1000, should their information lead to an arrest or recovery of property/drugs.

Ocean threat from plastics
(The Independent): Scientists have identified a new source of chemical pollution released by the huge amounts of plastic rubbish found floating in the oceans of the world. A study has found that as plastics break down in the sea they release potentially toxic substances not found in nature and which could affect the growth and development of marine organisms. Until now it was thought that plastic rubbish is relatively stable chemically and, apart from being unsightly, its principle threat to living creatures came from its ability to choke or strangle any animals that either got caught in it or ingested it thinking it was food.

Pandemix performs in Toronto
(CNS): UCCI Cayman National Steel Band Pandemix recently performed in Caribana 2009, the largest Caribbean festival in North America, held in Toronto, Canada, performing alongside Toronto’s leading steel orchestra Afropan both in the Pan Alive 2009 steel band competition and in the Caribana Parade. A release from the local college said the trip broadened the band’s horizons and that performing with Afropan, which has won awards for the best playing steel band at the Caribana Parade26 times out of the 35 years of competition, was “an honour”. The Pan Alive 2009 competition featured 13 bands from Canada.
Afropan, with over 60 members, placed third and the experience of competing at such a high level was an invaluable experience for members of Pandemix. The release said, “Representing the Cayman Islands as artistic ambassadors they made the most of this wonderful opportunity for cultural exchange and are looking forward to welcoming members of Afropan to Cayman in the near future.”
Jannelle Mungalsingh, Treasurer for Pandemix and coordinator of the Pandemix page on Facebook, invited people who wanted to join the band to attend their practice.
Earl La Pierre, the Afropan Steel Orchestra Arranger and Music Director, congratulated Pandemix on their ability to rise to the challenge and learn the competition song ‘Magic Drum’ within a week. Glen Inanga, Music Programme coordinator at UCCI, was thrilled with the success of the trip and thanked all those who supported Pandemix since its inception in September 2008, in particular, Cayman National Corporation, the band’s principal sponsor.
For more information about the UCCI steelpan programme or other course offerings in the music programme at UCCI, please contact Mr Glen Inanga on or phone 526 5059.

Anti-corruption team sent to Turks and Caicos
(FT.Com): The former head of the abortive probe into suspected bribery linked to a BAE Systems arms deal with Saudi Arabia is to lead an anti-corruption team in a Caribbean tax haven that has been shocked by Britain’s imposition of direct rule. Helen Garlick (left) has begun work in the Turks and Caicos Islands this week as part of a wider British clampdown on governance, which is being watched closely in other overseas territory offshore centres dealing with graft allegations, such as Bermuda and the Cayman Islands.

Ted Kennedy dies at 77
(BBC): Veteran US Senator Edward Kennedy, the brother of former President John F Kennedy, has died at 77, after a long battle with a brain tumour. He became a Democratic Massachusetts senator in 1962, replacing his brother when he resigned to become president, and was re-elected seven times. Senator Kennedy was a dominant force in US politics for almost 50 years. President Barack Obama, of whom he was an active supporter, said he was "heartbroken" to hear of his death. "An important chapter in our history has come to an end," he said. "Our country has lost a great leader, who picked up the torch of his fallen brothers and became the greatest United States senator of our time."
Lion of the year award
(CNS): Her selfless service to the community was one reason why Lion Belinda Blessitt Vincent received the “Lion of the Year” Award from the Lions Club of Tropical Gardens on Tuesday, 18 August 18. Immediate Past President, Lion Ann Hunte, MJF commended Lion Belinda for her commitment to the organization. Hunte said that Belinda’s performance as Public Relations Chairperson in keeping the club visible in the community and members up to date with the publication of the monthly newsletter was second to none.
Vincent said she was honored to have been recognized for the prestigious award and thanked Hunte and the club for considering her for the award and she promised to continue to serve in lionism.
Vincent has been a member of LCTG for three years but prior to that was a Lion in St. Mary Lions Club (Jamaica) for many years. During that time she has taken on various positions, and is currently the 2nd Vice President with responsibility for fundraising and public relations.
Her advice to other members is she takes from Lions International. “Whenever a Lions club gets together, problems get smaller. And communities get better. That’s because we help where help is needed – in our own communities and around the world – with unmatched integrity and energy.”

UK civil servants face pension cuts
(Times Online): Millions of public sector workers will have their pensions slashed under plans to deal with a massive shortfall in the value of local government pension funds, The Times has learnt. The move by ministers to strip council workers of their “gold-standard” final-salary pensions is likely to trigger widespread industrial action. John Denham, the Communities Secretary, is drawing up a series of proposals to overhaul the pensions of two million council workers, covering short, medium and longer terms. Senior staff could lose out on tens of thousands of pounds a year if the changes are applied across the board.

Sagicor helps WOW contest
(CNS): A battle of the bulge contest, designed to promote healthy lifestyles, has received a bonus from a local insurance company. Sagicor General is donating CI$3,800 to the Cayman Heart Fund’s War on Weight (WOW) competition, whereby 16 contestants are undertaking a new and healthy lifestyle over a 16 week period in order to lose weight. The funds will ease the cost of the sixteencontestants’ war on weight, and will go towards paying for the various medical tests that the contestants need in order to participate, as well as on going medical checks throughout the 16 weeks.
Marketing Manager for Sagicor General Ravi Kapoor (above with CHF Treasurer Karen Bodden) said that health issues are an important focus at his firm. “We are delighted to be able to assist the War on Weight contest with this donation and hope that this initiative will motivate others in the Cayman Islands to adopt a healthier lifestyle,” he said.
Andrea Knox, who is part of the WOW committee, a sub-committee of the Cayman Heart Fund, says that the Sagicor donation will make a huge difference to the initiative.
“We are extremely fortunate to have a team of professionals donating their time and energies assisting us with the WOW programme, including nutritionistChad Collins, physicians Dr John Addleson and Dr Marli Ellis, trainer Ernest Ebanks of Body Sculptor and Cayman Health laboratories. Even so, tests such as blood tests for cholesterol, thyroid abnormalities and blood glucose readings all cost money and this donation will help to pay for these crucial checks on the contestants,” she explained.
Contestants were all carefully checked and tested before the programme began to ensure that they were physically fit and able to undertake the physically demanding initiative, which will include gym work outs and boot camps with Ebanks, thus promoting a healthy lifestyle. Henceforth they will be checked fortnightly throughout the sixteen week period.