Possible flu outbreak at Lighthouse School

| 22/09/2009

(CNS): Both the Education Department and the Health Services Authority (HSA) say that plans are in place to deal with a possible flu outbreak at the Lighthouse School. Seven staff members of the school called in with flu-like symptoms today and public health officials are investigating, a government release says. Medical Officer of Health Dr Kumar and staff have already met with the Education and Health ministries’ chief officers and the chief education officer to discuss the best approach.

“As a first step public health officials will test all symptomatic staff to see if we are really dealing with the flu,” Dr Kiran Kumar said. The test results are due tonight and based on the results, the Education and Health ministries will determine the next step. “This is exactly the kind of situation we were preparing ourselves for and our preparations are paying off. Seamless cooperation is invaluable when responding to a possible flu outbreak,” Dr Kumar stated.

Chief Education Officer Shirley Wahler said the school will remain open and teachers will immediately adopt additional preventative measures: “In keeping with the Education Department’s contingency plans, we were able to redeploy staff to keep the school open. However, our first priority remains the safety and health of our children.”

She confirmed that parents will receive letters from the department detailing the situation.
“We will keep parents as updated as possible, and they should not hesitate to contact the school or the Education Department should they have questions or concerns,” Wahler said.

“Staying home when you are sick, keeping sick children out of school and frequent hand washing remain the best defenses against flu,” Dr Kumar concluded.

For more information on H1N1 visit www.CaymanPrepared.ky or www.hsa.ky. The Health Services Authority also offers the public direct responses to their flu queries through its flu email and message system – flu@hsa.ky. This complements the 24-hour flu hotline (926-2812) manned by HSA staff.


Category: Science and Nature

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Was that supposed to be funny? Well your sense of humor lacks.

    Nothing about having H1N1 is, and the lighthouse school is the last place that I would have wanted to hear this happened. Anyway we have to excuse people like this, because obviously if he/she isn’t a student at the LH they ought to be.

  2. anonymous1 says:

    Sir Henry, are you cukcoo, is that why you push your warped sense of humour at the school with our handicap students,shame on yoy nut case

  3. Sir Henry Morgan says:

    Swineflu over the cuckoos nest.

    • Anonymous says:

      How disgusting can you be Mogan?! As one who in the past took the time to go and do voluneer work with these wonderful members of our society I will suggest to you that it would do you well to go and get to know them … there are many lessons that you could obviously be taught by them.

      The reality is that we are all challenged in some way buddy and I’d venture to bet that you are infact already in the "cuckoos nest" and don’t even know it.