(CNS): Foreigners hoping to work in the Cayman Islands will soon have to give a range of bio-metric information to officials in order to enter the country. Government plans to introduce a system that goes way beyond the anticipated finger printing which could include collecting palm prints, face and iris patterns, and even DNA for the purpose of identifying all work permit holders. This data will be held by the Immigration Department and will also be used by the police in conjunction with a new Automated Fingerprint Identification System. The plan to introduce of a new RCIPS finger print system and the immigration biometric enrolment was revealed with the publication of an invitation for bids on the Central Tender’s Committee website on Friday.
According to the Request for Proposal, the winning bidder needs to provide the Immigration department with “Biometric Enrolment, Verification, and Enforcement Hardware and Software,” and the police with Law Enforcement Automated Fingerprint Identification to upgrade the existing system.
“The Cayman Islands Government wishes to integrate the capability for biometric enrolment and verification of identity for work permit holders into the existing Immigration System (IMSS), and upgrade or replace the existing Royal Cayman Islands Police Service’s (RCIPS) Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS). The Portfolio of Internal and External Affairs will be spearheading this project,” the request states.
The request indicates that the RCIPS wants an Automated Fingerprint Identification System that would allow police to print suspects in a variety of circumstances and integrate those prints with the police mug shot database. The portfolio is also looking for a system that would allow immigration and the RCIPS to search each others’ identification systems. The RFP asks for a system that would “allow integration and controlled access between the AFIS System and the Immigration System,” the document reveals.
The goal is to provide immigration with the ability to biometrically enrol work permit holders allowing accurate verification of work permit holder’s identity when they are entering or exiting Cayman, during immigration enforcement activities, and at other times and locations as required, the documents say.
The new AFIS system in turn is expected to provide, “sufficient performance, capacity, accuracy, and enhanced functionality to support current and future police operations including the processing of subjects in custody at RCIPS locations, during mobile police field operations,” as well as integration with existing records.
The portfolio said it is inviting submission of tenders “from interested eligible firms” by 12 noon on 19 November. Those firms will need to possess a verifiable past record, equal to or superseding the project’s size and complexity, of providing the proposed equipment and/or software to a local, state, or national government entity. Government will retain one or more companies specializing in the field and firms can bid on all or part of the products and services specified in the RFP.
9:42 YOU are wrong!
All demographics are committing crimes!
X-pats committing crimes and Caymanians Comitting Crimes.
This is not debatable
OK, several things here. First off, this is a disastrous suggestion, and here’s why.
The 1984 Big Brotherization of the globe at large is not only illegal in most cases, in terms of those countries’ own constitutions. The wire tapping, DNA collection, data collection performed do not serve the people, whom the governments that impose such invasive rules work for. Instead they serve corpororate and government totalitarian agendas. Global tax collection is high up on the agenda, and we’re going towards a cash-less society where this controll apparatus is imminent. Most of these invasive measures are imposed under the guise of terrorist threats, yet more people die from choking on peanuts than from terrorism, but we’re not seeing any crack down on the peanut farms…
The colonial master of Cayman Islands, UK is the nation that is on the forefront of monitoring its citizens, and now all of a suddent little Cayman, in the middle of a budget defeicit is deciding to using even more invasive technology of a caliber used in the rest of the world "against terrorism", to weed out a couple of Jamaican illegals. It doesn’t quite add up now, does it. It’s possible that a couple of illegals are behind recent robberies, but as far as the majority of the crimes, especially the violent crimes are done by locals if the statistics don’t lie. So we’re left with people who overstayed in Cayman, probably pay rent somewhere, and spend what little cash they have on local business. Is anybody trying to imply that these people are competing with Caymanians. Please. Are they here illegally and should be deported. Sure. Are they such a threat to this nation that all work permit holders regardless of nationality and positionshould have to give up bodily fluids to Cayman Immigration to be stored indefinetly in a database. No.
I’m in IT, with 15 years experience from working in 5 different countries. I work here as a distraction from my own country. Wanted to see the world, live in the Caribbean for a while, get to know people. I’ve had my share of fun, but it’s been at a very high price. Because of that I’ve decided not to spend my foreign hard earned dollars and invest in the local real estate, because the general sense is that I’m not wanted here, outside of the fees my employer pays for me. I have a lot of local IT clients (many well known and well established business), and I’ve taken over mismanaged networks from local IT companies, and I’ve worked with the government’s IT department. The impression I’m left with is that I’ve never seens such overall poor practices, so much cracked and illegal software, lack of firewalls and joke of a security setup, non-existing documentation, and sheer negliegence — in my entire life. This is the culture in which we are to leave our most private information to be stored for an undefined lenght of time.
I’m hard pressed to believe that the Cayman government came up with this themselves. It’s not a priority for the country. I believe that UK, as a condition of making funds available to Cayman, have earmarked a couple of conditions with the cash, and this development are part of those conditions. UK is a "democratic totalitarian" state that would love be in everybody’s business to an even more granular extent than what they are now. But since they are already pushing the boundaries of the law, and since UK people are not likely to accept even more invasive technologies at this point, UK can use "their colonies" as guinea pigs. Use the same rethoric as with the terrorist threat ~ F ~ E ~ A ~ R ~, and an us and them logic, and local people who don’t think about consequences will welcome this technology as we can see in this comment field. First it will be used against foreign nationals, then against Caymanians. Hey, why not start to chip people riught now?
Look at this issue on a global scale, and don’t let your hate, nationalism, or racism decide. Using invasive technology is not "moving forward", it’s moving backwards. Just because USA and UK does it, it doesn’t make it right. Well, I could go on, but I think I’ve made my point.
You have made an excellent point, that being: Who’s idea was this?
I don’t think it matters, its an ignorant idea for several reasons. There is money to be made implementing this, and Cayman will be an example to the rest of the region.
Well said! Maybe your comment should be posted on Viewpoint. I would love to see the remarks generated. Enough of this sh%t! It is time for the people to rise up and ensure their democracy! We need to better our relations with the UK and ensure we as a people are 100% democratically represented! Instead of lobbying the U.S. for our offshore center, we should be lobbying members of parliament in the UK for our FULL DEMOCRACY. And our Constitution gives too much power for the Governor to override the people’s democratic will. This Colonialism has to stop – it is all about CONTROL!
Soon oneday, you will hear attacks against CNS and the media here in Cayman. The government will grow teeth and use them against the people. And when the people attempt to rise up and petition the government and try to change the puppets for the UK and special interest, the same CCTV camara’s, poligraph machines, socalled "MET TEAMS" who have came here to spy and send people to court, the same Police force, will be against the people – not for and by the people!
That day… is when I will pick up my belongings and go back home! I have seen it happen before, and I am not going to hang around and see it happen to a beautiful place like Cayman.
Excellent point made by 17:21 that it might move us sooner towards US pre-clearance etc. Of course the hate mongers who rush at every opportunity to spew venom always engage their mouths before their minds.
Here are some stats for those who are so ‘concerned’ about the population of Cayman’s prisons:
1) In the UK- HM Prison service reported 14% of the UK prison population as being foreign nationals.
2) In Canada there are over 900 foreign nationals in Canadian prisons. That’s 900 out of a population of around under 37,000 incarcerated offenders or around 2.4% of the prison population.
What does that mean?
Well in the words of some of the posters on this thread at CNS, the majority of people in UK and Canadian prisons are their own home grown, illiterate, ignorant, scum.
When we ‘foreigners’ go to the USA, UK or Canada, we don’t complain about being fingerprinted, scanned and questioned as we pass through immigration there. I guess since we are a little island and you are the great imperialists you should have free domain over the entire globe and not be subject to any of the rules you set for others in your countries?
Please don’t use legitimate immigration measures to smear your racist rants against an entire nation- the vast majority of whom are hard working, peace loving people.
we are not commenting on the prison population, we are commenting on the people who are convicted of crimes……
Really? You are fingerprinted when you go through US Immigration? I did not know that.
Taking DNA samples is something quite different.
Anything that law enforcement has privy to, everyone will know about it…remember telephone "tell a Caymanian"….for goodness sakes Immigration has trouble scanning passports, let alone taking DNA Samples lmao!!!!!
I wonder who is getting some $$ on the side for this brainstorm…man can our Government waste our money. How about getting a 12 member full time work permit board instead!!
"I said open your eyes and look right here" LOL!.
Here’s a thought on a wet Monday, what if this system was compatible to the US Immigration one, can anyone say ‘pre-clearance’ and ‘domestic arrivals?’
Just hope someone’s made this connection.
Interesting idea. Problemis that it is only being applied to work permit holders – not tourists or locals (i.e., the majority of people flying to/from this fair isle). When everyone, I think that you may be on to something.
This is well needed technology that would bring us on line with the rest of the world. My only concern is who will be paying the bill for it. Like the helicopter and the mobile police headquarters will the end results justify the cost. But for Cayman at this time can we afford it? In combating the type of home grown thugs that we have here,the perceived results might not justify the cost.
This is another project of a kleptocracy
We are spending a lot of money that we don’t have. All I can say to every action there is a reaction. We purchased an helicopter, we bult new schools, new Government Admin. Building, we spend so much money on road works,Proposed new Cruise Terminal , we cut civil service pay, we are looking to tap dormant bank accounts and God only knows how many other sources of money we are looking to get our hands on. After all these efforts we are undertaking this new venture, where on Earth will we get the funds? Head tax? PAYE tax? property tax? we will have to get the funding but from wehre? And what about the persons in our society who are struggling with the basic need suchs as food, health , shelter,school for their children, the elderly without pension or health insurance?. I want to think positive but I can’t see beyond the "smoke screen".
In countries saylike Duabio that have implemented eye scans it is solely to stop workers sneaking back in when their terms have ended. Now is that such a probblem in Cayman that it is worth spending millions?
Could you please explain how this is discriminating?
In a perfect world I would not have any problem with this. However in this world I have 3 questions:
1) How much will it cost a criminal to have an honest person’s DNA and finger prints show up in the system as theirs and their DNA and finger prints assigned to some honest person?
2) How often will incompetent personnel mix things up so that a criminal’s samples/information are labeled as being from an honest personwithout any payment for wrong doing?
3) Which politician/crony is going to get the big payout on this one?
We all know that 3) is a problem. Do the other two issues arise – of course they do. Just look at these reports:
As a Caymanian I would like to see the same biometric requirements requirements implemented for our own peopleas well.
Most crimes in any country are committed by locals of that country. It follows that locals need to be properly identified.
We also want to minimise the possibility of importing shady characters.
If all goes according to plan tourists should feel more safe visiting Cayman as this information could increase our ability to solve crime and may even serve as a deterrent for criminals.
This legislation should be supported by all residents.
What about the well known cases of professional criminals who fly in as tourists – do their crimes – and then fly out? Should we not be collecting data on all tourists as well? These questions are tongue in cheek of course but what we need to realise is that all these measures will do is change the behaviour of criminals – wear gloves etc. I doubt very much that these things will decrease crime by even 1%.
Well known to whom?
Those that say, “If you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear” need to think again. You have much to fear. I am not just talking about abuse by a hostile regime; I am referring to the handling of the data on a day-to-day basis.
What data are you exactly referring to? You already have to provide your background and financial detail when you apply for a work permit, residency or status. If you are lying on your application form, you are already comitting a crime. What information are you worried about that could be forthcoming by giving finger prints or DNA or a photo of your Iris that is not already with Immigration?
Instead of just giving thumbs down, I would really welcome an answer to my question. What data are you worried may be forthcoming with an Iris scan that has not already been disclosed in your other papers?
My understanding is that this is used for identifying purposes.
I am holding a passport for a Europen country (not UK). I have to provide fingerprints to obtain a passport from my homecountry. Everyone who comes and migrates to my homecountry has to leave fingerprints.
I am getting fingerprinted every time I am entering the US, never mind if I just go shopping, or whether I am trying to enter the US for the next 5 years to set up shop..
Can somebody please explain to me why some people are so outraged by Cayman implementing these requirements?
BTW – I would love to know if some of those people that I have been working with over the last 10 years, actually have the qualifications they claim to have!
If it is only fingerprints, I don’t have a problem. But the article says it is much more than fingerprints.
BTW – I would love to know if some of those people that I have been working with over the last 10 years, actually have the qualifications they claim to have!
How can you do this? LOL you do know that someone’s DNA won’t tell you where they went to university or what they studied.
so please enlighten us.
I f a collegue obtained his qualification over 10 years ago then he certainly won’t have had biometric testing to go with the degree.
Cayman will not have access to other countries criminal databases so how will they identify any criminals from abroad?
That was exactly the point I was trying to make! Why is everyone claiming these privacy issues as I would assume that an Iris scan can not provide any additional info that hasn’t been put in your application papers already!
I think that you miss the point. It is a matter of discrimination. If the requirement applied to everyone I agree that it would be difficult to successfully object. But that doesn’t appear to be the case. Instead it appears that the requirement would be to biometrically record only permit holders – not tourists, part-time residents or those with status. Given that there is no evidence to support a link between the prevalence of local crime and the presence of permit holders the discrimination is unjustified (and ought to be unjustifiable) – which may not be an issue of concern to you, but it is to me.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety" – Benjamin Franklin
(That’s right. I busted out a little Ben F. for y’all)
I can’t believe the many people who make this an expat vs locals issue.
If we can prevent some criminals (white collar and blue collar) from coming here, isn’t this beneficial for everyone who lives here???
Wouldn’t you want to know that the banker who is advising you has already been convicted in regards to fraud back home, that the employee you are about to take on has been in jail for drug offenses back home, that somebody is roaming the streets who is a registered sex offender back home etc etc.
I for sure would want to know!
If, as statistics indicate, more crimes are committed by locals than imports, lets fingerprint and DNA sample local as well. IF reduction in crime is really a reason. I HAD A POLICE REPORT DONE when I was first allowed in the country and it accurately indicated I had no prior record of any sort.
I the police (who cannot solve a crime) and immigration (who cannot control the borders) want a DNA sample, I’ll show ’em my pecker.
Not sure what all the fuzz is about.
Every time I go to the US somebody takes my finger prints and a picture of me. I don’t dare to complain because I am afraid if I would, they would take me to that "little room in the corner", interrogate me and my family for the next 8 hours, and then send me packing back home.
I also had to spend a couple thousand dollars to obtain US visas for myself and my family (airfare to Jamaica, stay in Jamaica, transport in Jamaica, etc etc.) and I didn’t complain then either because IT IS WHAT IT IS!
I am also convinced that the majority of crimes comitted in the US are actually committed by US citizens – nevertheless, I don’t think I have to right to question their immigration requirements, so why do so many people here feel that they have the right to question Cayman’s immigration policies????
another waste of money
Waste of money? Yes? But you want the authorities to solve crimes though. Boy you can’t please some people you know, cheeez!
I swear you have to be the most annoying person that comments on this site
Three step plan to get around the fact that many Caymanians would object to being forced into being part of a database that can be manipulated by politicians and others at will:
Step 1- Pass clause 16 (non-discrimination) of the Constitution that in effect says that there is to be no discrimination on the basis of national origin;
Step 2 – Put through this type of legislation that only targets those that don’t vote and therefore are less likely to be an immediate threat to the politicians;
Step 3 – Wait for a lawsuit, "legal opinion" or note from the FCO to the effect that the "expat only" legislation is contrary to the Constitution and then impose it on Caymanians on the basis that somebody else made the politicians do it.
Anybody who does not understand that over time politicians try to and sometimes get away with abusing every bit of information that is available to them does not know history. A database that politicians can manipulate plus party politics is a disaster waiting to happen.
"Step 1- Pass clause 16 (non-discrimination) of the Constitution that in effect says that there is to be no discrimination on the basis of national origin;"
Not exactly in context-
It is a matter of construction which I am sure will be litigated at some point, and I doubt that irrational actions by governments would be safeguarded by the carve-out in sub 4.
Who cares what the Cayman constitution says? The European Convention always trumps national (or in this case sub-national) laws.
The exclusion in 4(b) is not worth the paper it is written on as it is such a blatant breach of the UK’s obligations under the ECHR. And for these purposes Cayman is just another part of the UK.
This government is so monocratic. When they come up with such measures it shows there are two different sets of law: one for Caymanians and the other for expats.
How will guys drive their cars or shop at local supermarkets under this regime? anyway recently a lady actually said "maids" should not own cars in Cayman. The Premier did not even contradict her and appeared to agree with her that families should own up to five cars but not "maids".
Why have records of my DNA, palm prints and iris?
This is as ridiculous as testing some people for HIV, venereal diseases, chest, skin among other many medical tests for one set of the population while the other is nottested.
If an expat contracted HIV yet did not have it when she/he came to Cayman where else would they have contracted it?
It is only fair if these tests will be subject to every residence of Cayman like the census, otherwise expats are being regarded as beasts capable of speech?
The rule of law should be subject to everyone after all Northward is not 50-50. It is largely made up of Caymanians; because current police requirements have been successful in their capacity to weed out those who do not have good intentions.
This is the best thing the goverment has thought of in 100 years. Weed out the criminals. I know they are here ruining this place. Now cayman is putting on a good thinking cap. Go for it. Dont have anything to hide then dont worry.
"Don’t have anything to hide, don’t worry." – I only wish this were true. But until an independent audit of the immigration department is done that shows that it can secure this increased level of personal information, I do worry… a lot. Caymanians and expats know that paperwork is often "lost" at the immigration department. No systematic investigation of this problem has ever been done, no-one is accountable and everyone just shakes their head and goes through the process (and expense) of redoing their papers.
Now imagine this scenario. Immigration says thatthey can’t locate the fingerprints or DNA (etc.) that you just submitted for a work permit. Only original, certified documentation will be accepted, however, and it costs $200 for each test. It doesn’t matter that it wasn’t your fault you still have to pay for the new tests.
Two months later, you are woken in the middle of the night by the police and arrested. Apparently someone has been murdered and your DNA was found at the crime scene. Unfortunately you were alone that night and no-one else can corroborate your location. You are charged with murder and convicted based on the DNA evidence. The jury (and/or judge) is not really interested in the fact that your DNA file was lost at Immigration. In fact, there is not even any documentation or proof that it was lost according to Immigration.
Questions to ask before going down this road. Who will be taking the DNA and fingerprint samples (and other personal info) and how will they be stored and/or disposed? How will this information be secure, and who will have access to it? How much will it cost (per test), and how will the companies be chosen who will be responsible for administering the tests?
Finally, will the Chamber of Commerce ever pull its head out of the sand, and find out how local businesses will ever survive with another increase in fees, or how they intend to attract new businesses with this increased cost?
Yes but this will only weed out the foreign criminals – what about the home grown variety that seems to prevalent here also?
One step at the time! Who is to say that this is not a requirement that will eventually be implemented for passport applications (new or renewal)?
Don’t you think we first should protect our borders?
Uhhhh.. I HIGHLY doubt that it is the petty criminals that are traveling. What about them? Those are the ones that threaten tourism
If you don’t have anything to hide, include Caymanians as well. Weed out the criminals then!
Here is how it works:
Crime is escalating because of the people themselves. Governments can not do much about it, they are being blamed, but they are not in control.
But it gives government officials a great opportunity; They can now spend people’s money on lucrative deals with companies. They have plenty of money and companies are willing to give incentives like condo’s,travel etc.
So probably one day one of these officials met a security company agent on a party in some foreign country and made a deal.
The people can be fooled easily. And nothing works better then fear.
If one makes the job of a criminal more difficult, it will only increase the cost of doing "business" and create more criminals. E.g. if the punishment for selling drugs doubles, then the price for the drugs go up, and more "new" criminals enter the field, because now it becomes financially more interesting.
Reduction in crimes comes from taking away the source of income for criminals.
Therefor educate people on the risks of drugs, legalize certain drugs and criminal activities. It is simple to understand once something becomes illegal, it becomes a source of income for criminals. That is how Las Vegas got big, and the mafia was created as a result of criminalizing the use of alcohol.
We have to change society and not government or police. They are completely irrelevant, and only take advantage of the situation.
The change comes from YOU !
It’s ALL or NONE.
I am in favor of ALL, as I have nothing to hide ….. do it when we get our Passport, Voter ID or DL.
BTW, Cayman is only a short boat-ride away from Jamaica, Honduras and several other countries, so how would this protect our borders from determined "criminals", especially given the FACT that the majority of Crime here is committed by our OWN?
Perhaps, instead of allowing a person with 88 Convictions to Roam freely, we should institute the "3 Strikes and your Out" policy …. or maybe Re-introduce Corporal Punishment …. ??
If the criminals get here by canoe, which RCIPS and Immigration KNOW they do and REFUSE to do anything to stop it, why harass the law-abiding persons coming here to work? This doesn’t make sense.
Finally a haymaker for the untouchable expat no more free rides on this Immigration payoff loop hole and fake police records. Yes you are right the prison is full of Caymanians they appear to be the only persons mysteriously before the courts and being put in jail. There are far too many examples in Cayman of serious injustices for the "special people".
Yes you thumbs down Hoard get on with it The truth may be and offence but not a sin. Knock yourself out and god bless and see you at the Yar port.
I also like the idea of RFID chips and CCTV cameras on every corner and ID cards and non-combatant interrogation and incarceration without trials and military tribunals and pre-emptive military operations and No-Knock and the Patriot Act and Homeland Security and private security contractors
and big brother
Soylent Green
Wow. I was excited to teach music here for longer than 7 years (roll-over reduction) but now that my EVERY detail must be given up, what’s the point? Who’s business is it to know about my DNA, or my iris patterns? What purpose does that serve?
I’m all for "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear" but this is going BEYOND patronizing.
Is the government suggesting that EX-PATS are the ONLY ones committing crimes here?
As a status holder, I have no problem having to do this myself as I have nothing to hide. I would also welcome national ID cards for all residents as well as computers in Police cars which are linked with Immigration. This is not an ex-pat vs. Caymanian issue, this is an all honest people fight against crimals issue. I have no problem being finger printed going into the USA or anywhere else because I have nothing to hide. Anyone not a criminal should not have an issue. We all want to know who is committing these crimes and yes, some are Caymanian. Some are status holders and some work permit holders. also, in the past it has been found that persons coming here to visit family have been committing crimes. We also have people coming in illegally and committing crimes. I don’t want to be held up at gunpoint (or worse) at the gas station, supermaket, restaurant, etc. etc. I hate to see this happen to anyone else as well. I want to live in a peaceful community and if Ihave to go through this as well each time I come and go through the airport or the dock, then so be it.
No disrespect to you or anyone else but as a visitor to the Isands, tightening up border control has been sorely needed for a long time and this is a step in the right direction.
As a non-status holder, I really have no problem with it either… except that the same damned incompetent f-wits that have been unable to control crime or borders REGARDLESS of what tools have been given them, will still be in charge. And the fact that these measures do not address crime by locals, makes the reasoning and justification all that much more suspicious. The joke goes, "it’s all a game… until somebody dies." Here in the Cayman Islands, it’s all a game… and people will die and their murderers will go uncaptured and unpunished.
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." – Benjamin Franklin
This is a great idea – now when crime continues and remains unsolved Cayman can finally accept the fact that they themselves are the criminals.
Cart = Bioemtric (National) IDs
Horse = Privacy Laws
Foreigners we can’t complain to the US govt for whatever measures they take to protect their borders – they have visas and finger printing in place and we have to abide by that so shut up
Does anyone know of any Caymanians qualified to operate the hardware/software and conduct these kinds of sophisticated bio-metric tests? I guess we will need to bring in more expats….
To those constitutional law buffs out there:
s.16 of Schedule II to the Constitution contains the Non-discrimination (i.e., Equality) provision of this fair nation. Subsection 16(1) provides that the right to not be discriminated against is subject to subsections (3), (4), (5) and (6).
16(3) requires that any discrimination have an objective and reasonable justification and is reasonably proportionate to its aim in the interests of defence, public safety, public order, public morality or public health. On the face of it, this discrimanatory biometric business clearly could not pass this test and would fail.
Of course, we have 16(4) and (5). These two provisions are intended to whittle away the right to non-discrimination for non-Caymanians. My question is: notwithstanding that the "and" in subsection (1) is fairly obvious, do you think much purchase would be found in the argument that subsections (4) and (5) are also subject to (3), suchthat any objective discrimination against non-Caymanians should be required to be reasonably justified and be reasonably proportionate to its aim.
If these rights are to have any real substance I would like to think so, but am curious what others think. Personally, if this law comes in I would like to object to compliance on these grounds – whether right or wrong (because it is Right). Of course if I do that, it pretty much means that I will be going home. Perhaps some nice local international law firm would like to bring forward a reference case so that I don’t have to put myself in that position.
It seem our government is at it again. Trying to beat their chest and find some fancy way of saying"Hey look at us and what we are doing" But guess what?? It takes money to do this and the answer is "we have no money". Guess what? it takes training to operate such a system" And we have no people to do such. But again I guess we can just pull people out their current jobs and send them off to the USA for training, of course picking up the bill for room, food, transportation etc, while they receive weeks of such training. Now we have them all trained and we need to pay for such equipment to operate. More money. Now tell us what is this really going to do for us? We need more police officers who know the jobs and will DO THE JOB. Not some fancy machine that cost$$$$$$. Like all the rest of our fancy stuff it starts out wonderful and then goes off to collect dust. I agree most of the bad guys are here in our own backyard and locally grown. Something to brag about!
A island state with more permit holders than locals. Why stop with permit holders? Test everyone and help stop crime. You have the opportunity now but I fear you will not test all the locals. A missed opportunity to stop the crime rate I say. What a waste of money and a waste of time.
Reply to an island state…
I agree ….also as one other poster said ”the local aspect” is very
prevalent in a lot of the crimes that happen here every day……
As a foreign consultant with Cayman clients, I would not trust the CIG with this info. If AFIS is utilized I will no longer do business in CI. I would not trust my own government with that kind of info. either.
Sorry this will not scare, hinder or stop us. If you have something to hide..leave now, and spare your friends and family the embrassment. "OPEN YOUR EYE AND LOOK RIGHT HERE" 🙁
Start looking for the airport signs. (this one needs a FREE ticket out of here!)
HALLELUJAH!!!! Those that protest this, perhaps is guilty of something.. =() hehe Happy Monday Cayman!
I wouldn’t get to excited… or enraged. The chances of this actually being put in place are
Now we will know about the foriegn nationals already amoung us who have criminal records in their country and are know in Cayman. Case in point, I am aware of an Asian national who I have known for sometime who informed me they were convicted of attempted murder in their country and after being released could not get mainingful employment for a while so they obtained a false police record to get a job in another country. Now they are inCayman because they had a friend already here who was in the same position. These individuals need to be indentified, weeded out and sent packing. Having to deal with our own convicts is enough.
Did you report this to immigration? If you have this information and do nothing then you are also part of the problem!
Second that emotion 08:10. I heard some one talking that their next door friend didthe same thing in Jamaica and is now here working with the Goverment. Not reporting to anyone. This eye and finger print patch will find him, or he wont be able to go home for christmas. Find him.
in order to get a permit in the first place we must submit detailed police report from our own country. whether or not immigration read these reports is another issue. this will be a total waste of time and money.
So pick up the god damn phone already.
and after this test he will have his biometrics matched to his forged police clearance.
Cayman does not have access to the "asian nationals" home criminal database, so this will do nothing but cosdt more money.
ANyway what is an Asia national? there is no such country as Asia, so how can that me your nationality??
If you do not report this knowledge to the authorities – then you are also guilty of a criminal offense. You are "aiding and abetting" a known criminal who has falsified records after being convicted of a very serious crime. You can be convicted and then you will have a criminal record of your own. Please do the right thing and report this person. Please help to make our Cayman home a safer place in which to live.
the gov should start with the people who commit 95% of crime on the island…….caymanians!
That will help solving crime for sure.
It will expose all those American Lawyers, British Accountants, and Canadian Servers that lead a double life as dastardly brigands by night.
we need to start in west bay and the rest of cayman (including the schools) with finger printing etc. just look at the prison population in north ward and you will find 80% of our own.
i am sure the majority of criminals in any country in this world are nationals of that country?
what is your point?
can’t we protect our borders?
By my recollection, the vast majority of the petty and major crimes are committed by the shiftless, illiterate, vagabond CAYMANIANS and 97% of the inmates in Northward are Caymanian (as foreign convicts are deported after serving their sentence):
Maybe they are most of them that are BEING CAUGHT
yes deported! but what are the figures? how many expats are deported due to criminal arrest/onviction annually?
This would in fact however stop advanced predators looking to return or enter for the first time under well established liases duh??
However I do not see a reason that caymanians would be included in this collection of biometric infomation it could perhaps prevent child abduction and insurance fraud as well?no?
God be praised, it’s about time for serious action to be taken to put in place effective border control for the Cayman Islands! Amongst the reasons I’ve heard in the past for not progressing this was that putting such a complex system in place would cost a lot of money, but, you know what, the cost of installing and maintaining the proposed hardware and software would be just a drop in the bucket compared to not getting it but instead just burying our heads in the sand as we continue to witness the rapid deterioration of a Cayman that was once known worldwide for its safety and security for residents and visitors!
We are becoming a more paranoid society! This is rediculous!
General police access to any of this information would be illegal under Cayman’s human rights obligations.
FINALLY! Thank you for hearing our pleas. This should have been started and in place a long time ago before a lot of the current criminals arrived – we have enough of them homegrown already. I really hope that this is fast tracked so that it can be in place soon and that all current work permit holders’ data can be entered. I also hope that the data entered is verified so that no one can provide bio-metric information that does not match their identification. By that I mean that a person can be here already on a fake passport and by providing their bio-metric information to immigration, in essence they will be entered as the wrong person.
For this to be a success Caymanians need to have their details stored as well. I for one do not object
oh right… and I’ll bet it will streamline the permit process
THIS IS XXXX. People here on work permits are not committing the murders, shootings, stabbings and other crimes that have terrified this country! Ex-pats are being made scape-goats for the scum that was born and nurtured here. Register everyone or register no one. There is no need for anyone not born here to travel half way around the world to live IN A POLICE STATE. XXXXX
You are being ignorant. Implementing up-to-date immigration policies like finger printing is not equivalent to accuse all foreigners of committing all crimes. However, such policies certainly will help to weed out the good from the bad and hopefully deter some of the bad from ever even reaching Cayman! Isn’t this beneficial for all who live here, no matter if expat or local?
There is no legal basis for allowing the police to search immigration databases and the first person who finds themselves the subject of this breach of privacy will agree that this is a breach of their human rights.
Good idea but lets get it right from the start. Lets do EVERYONE in the cayman islands ok? That way crime will be easier to solve and lets face it we need to do everyone INCLUDING locals as it is those who are committing 95% of the crime. FACT,
Great! That will solve the crime problem by stopping all those foreigners coming here and robbing our gas stations and restaurants. Oh, but wait, all the people appearing in court recently for these crimes and worse have been our own Caymanians.So.er.um…..