Abdel Hakim Belhaj to sue Diego Garcia commission

| 11/04/2012

diego_garcia2.jpg(BBC): A former terror suspect who claims he was tortured after being rendered to Libya in 2004 is suing the UK commission in charge of Diego Garcia. Abdel Hakim Belhaj alleges the aircraft taking him to Libya refuelled at the UK territory, and that its administration was complicit in his illegal rendition. Mr Belhaj is already suing MI6 and the government. Successive governments have denied involvement in such renditions. But the BBC understands Mr Belhaj's rendition had ministerial approval. Mr Belhaj believes he was rendered from Bangkok to Libya by the CIA, and claims that during his more than four years in a Libyan prison he was interrogated by agents from countries including Britain and United States.

He has since worked with Nato as one of the leaders of the forces that helped overthrow Col Muammar Gaddafi and is now a senior military commander in the new Libya.

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