Over 200 health specialists to confer in Cayman

| 12/04/2012

img-06.jpg(CNS): The latest scientific research in health care will be under discussion in the Cayman Islands next week, when the country plays host to this year’s Caribbean Health and Research Council/Caribbean Public Health Agency (CHRC/ CARPHA) Annual Research Conference. This will be the first time that the largest health research conference in the English-speaking Caribbean will be held in Cayman. Over 200 delegates are expected to come to the conference, including researchers, policy makers and healthcare providers. This year, close to sixty researchers will share their findings. Cayman’s health minister said it would provide Cayman access to valuable information to strengthen health policies.

CHRC Director Dr. Donald Simeon explained the importance of the conference which has been running since 1956.

“The dissemination of health research findings is one of the CHRC’s most important functions. The annual regional conference helps us to create a unique network of health stakeholders who share needs, information and experiences,” he said. “We are looking forward to another great conference. Apart from keeping abreast of the latest regional research, participants can also look forward to experiencing a great destination as there will be time enough to explore the unique features of the Cayman Islands after every day’s sessions,” Dr. Simeon added.

Mark Scotland, the health minister said it was an honour to host such a high-level conference.
“Providing affordable and quality healthcare to our citizens remains a challenge throughout the region. I have no doubt that the 57th Annual CHRC/CARPHA Scientific Conference will once again generate productive partnerships, while also giving us access to valuable information that enables us to strengthen and streamline our healthcare policies,” he added.

According to government officials highlights of the 2012 CHRC/CARPHA Scientific Conference include keynote lectures, satellite meetings, and training workshops hosted by medical professionals and researchers. This year’s event will start on Thursday, 19 April with a Minister’s Reception at the Cayman Islands National Gallery and concludes on Saturday, 21 April.

The general conference will be preceded by a two-day meeting of the region’s chief medical officers starting on Monday, 16 April.

For more information and registration go to http://www.chrc-caribbean.org

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Indeed, Thank God for the Internet!


  2. Anonymous says:

    How can Cayman as a jurisdiction credibly host a conference like this? Our laws do not even permit us to train our own physicians.  We rely on other countries to train our doctors for us and wonder why healthcare in this country is expensive and sub-par.  

    We need a path-to-practise to train Caymanian doctors like we have for Caymanian attorneys.

    • Anonymous says:

      14; 13

      why are you so critical of what this adinistration are trying to do? have you heard of St. Mathew Medical training campus? for christ sake, get educated of whatas happening in your own country.

      Get off your ass and get our children to get envolved in training ior these jobs, call Mr. Roy Bodden at our University. he can assit you on how tio encourage our Caymanians to attend these classes.

      • Anonymous says:

        Actually, if you were educated and read the Health Practitioner's Law you would know that even if someone gets a MD from St. Matthews University (or anywhere else) the law does not allow them to train to become licensed in Cayman.  They must first go to the United States, Canada, Jamaica, South Africa, Australia or another country to train to be licensed and THEN come back to Cayman.

        Perhaps you should read and understand the issue before you go off, half-cocked and start insulting Caymanians' work-ethic.

        If our country's laws do not permit our children to become licensed to practise after receiving the requisite education, then there is no incentive for Caymanian children to attend Medical School.

    • Anonymous says:

      I did not know that Cayman’s laws did not permit the training and licensing of local doctors. No wonder our children aren’t interested in becoming doctors. Why isn’t Government addressing this issue?

    • Anonymous says:

      The Cayman Islands is serving only as a meeting place for the event. I dare say the reason that the event is being held here is more of a tourism consideration than any other, beach, sun etc…..

  3. Anonymous says:

    Affordable and quality "sick care" will always remain a challenge. Health care starts with prevention. "Sick care" starts with care. Both are missing not only in the Caribbean region. Thank God for Internet-people diagnose themselves now and bring their finding to "pills dispensers". 

  4. Anonymous says:

    They arre here to discuss ways to make more money on sick people.

    • Anonymous says:

      200 People arriving here, and staying for 2 days should be welcomed news for the economy.