Unapproved budget this PM

| 20/08/2012

Budget Address(2)_2.jpg(CNS): The Cayman Islands premier is persisting with his intention to deliver the 2012/13 budget statement this afternoon but he is doing so without the approval of the UK’s overseas minister.  In a short statement in his capacity as acting governor, Franz Manderson said that the premier would be presenting the government’s spending plans while negotiations continue with the FCO and without the UK’s agreement. He said that discussions between the Cayman Islands and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on the budget were ongoing and OT Minister Henry Bellingham may not agree to the plans the premier will present.

Manderson said the UK was still asking the government to ensure its budget proposals were credible, sustainable and consistent with the Framework for Fiscal Responsibility signed by the Premier in November 2011.

“The Honourable Premier intends to present the 2012/13 Budget to the Legislative Assembly today.  If so, he will be doing so in the knowledge that the Minister for the Overseas Territories has not given, and may not give, his approval to these budgetary plans,” Manderson said an hour before the LA was due to convene.

“In any event the FCO will wish to continue to work closely with the Cayman Islands Government to develop budgetary plans which are in the best interests of the Cayman Islands for the future,” he added.

It is understood that Deputy Governor Manderson, in the absence of Governor Duncan Taylor, who is currently overseas, will be delivering the Throne Speech as the FCO has offered no objection to that presentation being made.

Check back for more on the budget story and the consequences of the delivery of a budget that does have UK approval.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Sorry but with all due respect…… ..the deputy governor is no different than the governor…a spineless figurehead or just plain ignorant to the madness they are part of.  If the Governor had done his job from when he first came here, the honorable madman would not have been able to do what he has been doing from a long time ago….This madness didn't just start yesterday. The Governor failed us from day one.  Duncan Taylor, Franz Manderson, Madam Speaker, Macdictator, and all the rest of his parasites, you have got to go.  All we need is Honorable Ezzard and Honorable Arden and throw Bo in the mix and we can fix our problems….but first we have to rid ourselves of the plague in the house starting from the top.     

  2. Joe Mamas says:

    Things that were never meant to be will fail to survive.  Caymanian self rule is one of them.  The only question is how will it happen and how soon.

  3. Anonymous says:

    there were too many verbal gaffes to count……

    caymanians…how can you let him represent you?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Why is Franz giving credance to this maniac?  Franz should not permit someone to make a mockery of the system.  The Premier should have had to wait until the UK approved the budget before presenting it.  Had I been Franz, I can tell you I would not be going to the LA like that.

    • Anonymous says:

      OT Minister Henry Bellingham need to come to Cayman ASAP take control of these islands and sort things out.  Cayman is a financial jurisdiction and it sends the wrong message to investors when they see this kind of action.  The least we should be able to do is present a proper budget .  I know that we can if only our leader would be willing to let go of some pet projects until later in time. The UK need to seriously consider taking over this place like they did TCI before it becomes a bigger mess than TCI was.


    • Anonymous says:

      Does anyone know if Franz left the LA after his Throne Speech??? Because if he didn't bother to stay, that says a lot!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Re “if Franz left the LA after his Throne Speech” . His Excellency the Acting Governor, Mr Franz Manderson most definitely left, and what that says is that he did exactly protocol required him to do.

      • Anonymous says:

        08/21/2012 – 13:00  history shows that the Governor does not normally stay after the delivery of the Throne Speech.  Remember that the Governor is no longer a member of the Legislature so it would not be proper protocol for him to stay.  The fact is that Manderson delivered a Throne Speech based on a budget that was delivered in an unapproved form and which is most likely illegal in this context.

  5. St Peter says:

    I was watching Mac present the budget on tv just now and he was criticizing the press, and I swear that I heard him say 'Taking mountains and making a mole hill'.

    Silly me.  I thought that the term was 'making a mountain out of a mole hill', but who am I to know that the correct way to do it is to make a molehill out of a mountain…

    • Anonymous says:

      someone please make a youtube video of the 'best' bits……..

      this was classic mac…… dictator 2 in the making!


    • Anonymous says:

      Yep!  STILL a failure.  And still very sure of himself.  Plan on the Budget NOT getting done anytime soon.  Or anything thing else.  Its the new Caymankind.

    • Anonymous says:

      I gave up over twenty years ago questioning  these inventions – for your own sanity's sake I would earnestly encourage you to do likewise. Reading "Alice's Adventure in Wonderland" helped me greatly, in particular Chapter 7s "A Mad Tea Party". Alice got fed up and left, but the trick is to accept that this is what it is and then everything's just fine and dandy. Short of a lobotomy there really is no alternative. I hope this helps.

  6. Arf my Arfing Arfer says:

    Blowing smoke at people, MacBSer is.  No point in presenting a budget that isn't a budget because it hasn't been approved and will unquesitonably be rejected by those who are the keepers of common sense and last possible salvation of Cayman, who are in London trying to protect us against the most destructive force to hit Cayman since Ivan.  Mac and the people of West Bay are determined to destroy Cayman, and there's probably no stopping that, but thar's no point in presenting a non-budget budget.  Waste of time, that is.

  7. Anonymous says:

    What an idiot.

  8. SKEPTICAL says:

    Think you mean in your last “memo” ” …does NOT have UK approval. “

  9. Anonymous says:

    Fine example that you are setting for the children of these Islands Mr. Premier.  And you wonder why students are growing more and more disrespectful towards their peers, parents, adults, and teachers. 

  10. The Beaver says:

    A few questions that come to mind:

    1.  Is there anything very honourable about bestowing titles upon oneself?  (e.g. from here on forward, please refer to me as the Honourable Quarter Pounder…)

    2.  Franz, will you speak up for the people or will you, like your predecessor, let things slide?  Is now the time to speak or later when you become irrelevant, much like Donnie has become?

    3.  Is it just me or is it crazy to present a budget that's not a budget?  Aren't there better things to do with one's time – like come up with an acceptable budget?

    4.  How much longer could the Circus possibly remain in town?  Some people are really going to miss the craziness of the Clowns and the Merry-Go-Round … 

    5.  Why doesn't our esteemeed UCCI President, who loves the flowery sound of his own voice so very much, for once write a book that truly interests the people of these Islands?  (e.g. Tears of a Clown, or My Years with the Clown, or How many Clowns does it take to run  government?)

    Just askin.  The Beaver

    • Dennis says:

      Thank you Mr Mandeson for standing up and issuing that statement- it is important that eveyone understands that the budget does not have the approval of the FCO. I can only imagine the pressure that you and the Civil Service must be under now- God Bless

      • The Beaver says:

        Silly goose – Franz ought to stand up for the people, not go along with the madness.  The only person that ought to be thanked is Ezzard.  The Beaver

  11. Truth says:

    Pathetic.  And predictable.  Incompetence of this magnitude is not sustainable.  Plan accourdingly.  Good times are NOT coming to Cayman anytime soon.

  12. Anonymous says:

    What a crock?  I am so appalled and embarrassed by the way every single member of the Legislative Assembly conducts itself.    What was the point of this?????????? To appease the dictator once again?  Every last participant in the House needs to be removed.  Not one of them is respectable or representative of what democracy or good governance is.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I had to go to The Black Forrest in Germany now I know I can get Kook Kook clocks in Cayman.  Thanks Mac !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Knot S Smart says:

    Can we all agree then, that this is just a rehersal for a real 'pretend' budget?

  15. SKEPTICAL says:

    Any truth to the rumour that government has bought an old Barnum & Bailey’s sign on eBay, which is to be mounted over the entrance to the Legislative Assembly building.

  16. Anonymous says:

    This has descended into an omnishambles of epic proportions. There can be no doubt now that this is officially the worst government in the entire history of the Cayman Islands. They are like clowns running through a minefield.

    Looking on the bright side though, Bush has signed his own (and the UDP's) political death warrant.

  17. Anonymous says:

    I imagine that the majority of Caymanians whether they be status holders or men and women of the soil are cringing at this latest announcement.There is a grounswell of opinion that seperates many of us ( and hopefully most of us) from the intentions and actions of the government of the day.If this statement is true, then all the rhetoric from those of us who are dismayed by the actions of this governemnt becomes meaningless unless each and every one of us go to the polls and votes selflessly for the better of Cayman. With this in mind,there are many hundreds of young smart Caymanians out there who have not yet registered.PLEASE… we need your voice more than ever in our history.

    CNS could you post the address of the voting registration office ?


  18. Anonymous says:

    A politician in the US being asked to resign for a idiotic comment made about rape in an routine INTERVIEW …yet Cayman politicians are routinely arrested for theft, dui, domestic violence, fighting in public, charged with assault are under multiple police investigations, blatantly misspend public funds, insult and disrespect their constituents … and their fellow MLAs defend their slackness and put on their matching ties and STAND behind them.

    Caymanians have so little and low standards for its elected officials, it dont make no sense…

  19. Anonymous says:

    Is this de facto independence?

  20. Anonymous says:

    What an absolute excuse for a Premiere we have. He's a bloody disgrace and should be removed from office for gross incompetence and failure to serve the people of the islands.

  21. Anonymous says:

    sounds like keke is maing things hard for himself between him & uk! please cool down and keep  your heaad on your shoulders! do it for us!!



  22. madazhell says:

    WOW, WOW and WOW


    No objections from the Deputy Governor?


    WTH is going on?


    Seems these guys are looking for trouble…





  23. Truth Hurts says:

    So Mac's respect for Cayman, and for the obligations and responsibilities of his position fall yet further from what is expected of him. I wonder why we bother with any laws in this country. Our leader seems to ignore anything that gets in his way.

  24. Anonymous says:

    On a serous note, I must point my finger at the power in charge. They are the see ones administering the affairs in TCI, and it looks bleak. There is no reason to dress it up and cherry pick who is who here. The fact is, the people need a good budget approved!  Its like having bush in a garden and whilst pulling at the bush, your pulling at the people along with the bush. The FCO need to act on our behalf as well.

  25. Anonymous says:

    So a waste of time then but to embarrassed not to present something that means nothing

  26. Anonymous says:

    Speaker should not allow this farce…oh,..forgot …shes a muppet too

    when is the street riot and protest Caymanians? yall are too pathetic


  27. Anonymous says:

    Isn't Bellingham on vacation or came from vacation?  Why would you want a good ole english man to rush his tea and crackers?????

  28. Anonymous says:

    hahahaaaaa winging it again!

    "we make it up as we go along"

    Cayman swirling the toilet bowl now

  29. Anonymous says:

    Direct rule please, Britain, or failing that, a gunboat off Hog Sty Bay.. At least one native (along with some "advisors" and hangers on) needs to be taught a lesson by John Bull. Eh, what?

  30. Anonymous says:

    Where's the Governor?  Never mind, he's probably in the Uk begging to not be sent back here to deal with this mad man.

  31. Anonymous says:

    the farce continues…..

    the opposition and the media should boycott the proceedings…