Government misses goal for debut LA TV coverage

| 06/11/2012

_DSC7998-web.jpg(CNS): Despite a successful test of the government’s new television channel, CIGTV20, with signals sent to the WestStar cable system from midnight last night, it failed to provide the hoped for debut of the regular proceedings of the country’s parliament. Although the state opening and other special occasions, such as the budget addresses, are televised, the normal day to day affairs of the Legislative Assembly are usually confined to recorded coverage on Radio Cayman in the evenings during meetings. However, in future, with its new TV station, government is hoping to broadcast the entire goings on live.

A release from the premier’s office Monday evening explained that thelive coverage did not materialize due to a technical problem with the remote connection to the cameras in the Legislative Assembly. However, CIGTV20 will air the recorded programs tonight from 7pm with a statement from Premier McKeeva Bush concerning the Framework for Fiscal Responsibility and the cruise port facility.

“The video cameras in the Legislative Assembly send video feed and are controlled via fibre optic cable between the Government Administration Building and the Legislative Assembly Building. While video was able to be received at the studio control room in GAB, the cameras at the LA could not be remotely manipulated,” government officials stated.
Engineers are said to be working on resolving the problem in time to cover the LA when it resumes on Wednesday.

Instead of the planned repeat of the morning session of the Legislative Assembly this evening, CIGTV20 will begin its evening programming tonight at 7pm with a statement from the premier followed by a series of GIS Spotlight shows at 7:20pm. The premier’s statement repeats at 8:05. At 8:25pm a recorded news conference announcing public consultation for the Strategic Plan for Education will be broadcast.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    A&E is available on Channel 52. It was just moved. 🙂 

  2. Anonymous says:

    CIG incompetence is epic.

  3. Anonymous says:

    What an unnecessary piece of third world posturing…and a massive waste of public money.

  4. Anonymous says:

    At least they are consistent.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I wonder when the PPM will be blamed for this?

  6. Annon says:

    Geez, is there anything that the CIG can do right?

    • Donald Duck says:

      Strange but I saw the LA  on Weststar this morning. The speaker was talking to Freddie Flintstone but could not understand his shouting.

  7. Anonymous says:

    how very conveniant that one of the most important la sessions is not shown live to the people……zzzzzzzzzz

  8. Anonymous says:

    shambolic as usual……i'm sure they were more concerned with getting mckeeva's dictorial rant ready…..

    i propose a petition to weststar to get this nonsense removed from our channel line-up and give us back A&E…..