MLAs ‘thrown under bus’
(CNS): Dwayne Seymour made a startling admission Thursday that he had never supported the idea of relocating the country’s landfill to Bodden Town and that he and his UDP colleagues at the time were “thrown under the bus” by then premier McKeeva Bush over the issue. He said that he did not reveal his true feelings when the plans were revealed because he believed the situation was not unlike a “family squabble” and did not need to be aired publicly, but he was not in favour of the proposal and would not be campaigning in support of a landfill in his district. The community affairs minister said he wanted people to know he was not scared to accept responsibility but he would not support any decision on a new landfill before the best site for it had been determined.
Speaking at Thursday morning’s live press briefing, which will be repeated on the government TV station this evening, the Bodden Town incumbent voluntarily offered the information when he referred to reports on CNS that he and his runningmate, Mark Scotland, were the last two candidates supporting the landfill move.
“No one ever came to me to ask me if I was OK with a waste-management facility in Bodden Town,” he said, adding that he was part of a group that made a decision to consider the Dart proposal. However, Seymour said Bush had made the announcement to him and his colleagues without consultation, “throwing us under the bus", but, he said, "I was not happy with that."
Nevertheless, he did not resign or speak out because promises were made that it would not be a dump but a modern waste-management facility and the caucus was “encouraged to go along with it". Seymour said that it was not his decision to bring the landfill to the district and he wanted to make it clear he was not a supporter of the plan.
Support from his cabinet colleagues also appeared to be dwindling for the proposal to relocate the George Town landfill to the Midland Acres area of Bodden Town as part of the wider ForCayman Investment Alliance with Dart. Scotland said the negotiations regarding the proposed land swap regarding the landfill had stopped because government was no longer in a position to be able to move ahead, given that the election is less than seven weeks away.
Scotland implied that the situation was always merely a proposal that offered a solution to what continues to be a major issue and would now be a problem for the next administration, which he hoped they would tackle as soon as possible. Back-pedalling somewhat on his own support, Scotland admitted it was possible to fix the dump in George Town but it was the cost that was the problem. He said he was in favour of any solution that would address the issue that government could afford, as Mount Trashmore has continued to grow while successive administrations have been unable to find a solution.
The West Bay incumbent MLAs also hedged their position about the proposal. Rolston Anglin said there was “never a carte blanche approval for the facility”, adding that the people needed to be properly educated about the waste-management problem Cayman faced as many candidates were “talking garbage” about it. But whatever the next government decided to do, it had to have the support of the residents, even if that meant having to start a new site. Anglin said that, in his own opinion, he did not think it was feasible to tackle it via a waste-to-energy project on site, describing the concept of “dredging and burning” at the landfill as “foolhardy”.
His West Bay running mate, Cline Glidden, also distanced himself from the proposal and implied that the politicians were not the best people to decide on a waste-management solution because it was a complex science that may still take time to be solved, given the lack of financial resources available to government.
Category: Politics
Wasn’t you up in BT on stage with Marck Scotland encouraging the BT’S that the dump was a good idea or was it a clone of you on stage & not you! A liar is a serious person!
Gt voter
Gee CNS, you know how many people got excited by that headline? I'm not sure but maybe you can do a poll.
The dump’s proposed location north of Breakers is actually the best place…there or east end where we have lots of land. Anyone who supports it staying in the center of the capital is crazy. One day when the methane in that dump goes off we will all be saying some politician in 2013 should have had the balls to move it. Every expert that has seen it says it’s a ticking time bomb. The residents in savannah are actually closer to the GT dump than they would be the one in Breakers. Lets think cayman.
Most don’t know that the dump was originally under the cricket field. As crewe road was built someone said let’s move it to where we have lots of land and there is no one around it. It got moved to the back of beyond (where it is now). First they dug a big hole and starting putting garbage in it. It soon became a hill. Then came the industrial park and swamp residences and esterley Tibbetts and Camana Bay and tourist and hotels and condos. Then it became a small mountain now topping 100 feet. I understand the fishermen now use it to find grand cayman as it is the only thing they can see over 12 miles out. The logical thing to do….move it again.
It does not matter where we live on this island this is a NATIONAL issue and we need a NATIONAL SOLUTION! And clearly leaving it as it is, where it is, is not that solution.
This is a perfect example of why political parties are BAD. Even if it is bad they simply follow the leader! Let’s get some real independents in there this time who will speak up when required. Please cayman.
UDP supporters. Who was the follower tothe Philipines with the Premier, when he went on his express trip? I thought it was one of the not so independents. Is it a joke or for REAL?
This revelation tells the country nad all voters in the up coming election not to vote for UDP, PNA or ex UDP independents for none of them were actually doing their jobs of representing the people of their electorate nad the interests of the country as they blindly followed their despotic dictator and were basically lap dogs to Bush and not their people who are their employers paying their big salaries to do a job which they were clearly not doing. Mr Seymour you are an absolute disgrace in that you did not represent the will of your electorate, you did not go public with this phony revelation until now, and you did not stand up to your dictator Mr. Bush in the process. Shame on you Mr. Seymour and I sincerely hope that Bodden Town voters ensure that you will never represent them again.
The evidence is building up that John John IS as stupid as he looks.
PNA = Please NOT Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hear they are telling W. Bayers to vote like they did the last time
and that they are still backing mac.
Look people wake up, 14 UDP candidates, 5 PNA, 1 independent in
BT, 2 in GT, 1 in WB = 23 UDP fellows in the race
no vote for any past, present or future mackers
Dwayne, just before one month away – May Elections – now finally complains and says he had no part of it. wow… this is just amazing! And to associate family with the politics of a country? You got to be kidding me!
If you really had the gumption then to stand up for what you now claim to believe in you would have whipped Mac into shape with your cow cod.
I was at the public meeting in BT on the discussion of the dump. That was a perfect opportunity for Dwayne to say his bit, however he chose to remain silent while Mark was spouting his support for the movement of the dump to BT.
A family squabble? Dwayne, the BT voters are your family, and you said or acted how you truly felt at the time when Mac and Ellio were trying to ram the dump down our throats – you did not care, coz if you did you would have done something about how Mac and Ellio wanted to ruin BT .
You are a wutless, lying coward Dwayne, and Mark too for quietly following Mac and Ellio in their effort to destroy BT with moving the dump there. Bodden Towners have no use for you, give up now and you will at least save yourself some embarrassment.
Thrown under the Limo I think he means. I doubt he'd have gone anywhere near a bus while he was being a coward and supporting things he disagreed with.
This is worse than if he supported the dump. At least then we would have known he stood up for what he believed in even when it was unpopular. Instead it seems he had zero impact in government and when the time came for him to stand up and be counted he was useless.
Now he'll say whatever he thinks might keep him in a lucrative job for a bit longer.
The fact that this man is willing to flip on his old party members, claim ignorance in the deal and throw McKeeva Bush down as the person who will take full blame for a deal they all had a hand in sculpting just shows you how weak he is. Weak men have weak convictions. Dwayne Seymour is the kind of man who can be best described as a piece of dirty laundry on a clothesline – he blows wherever the wind pushes him, and if anyone asks he'll say that he got that dirty from working with other dirty people.
They'll all be friends again if they get voted back in, mark my words its all tactics
Yea, well you should have stayed under there love. Enjoy the time you have left in office.
Fool the people once, SHAME ON YOU, fool them twice SHAME ON THEM.
Please give BT voters more respect than that ….. we were not all born this size remember how many votes you got out of 4,000 + LAST TIME
You can't blame a politician for what he or she does.
But you CAN blame the voters that put 'em there.
Stay home, don't vote. . . . . . .
If everyone were to adopt your attitude of "stay home, don't vote" then no one would have the right to complain about what happens in our country. We have a civic duty and a responsibility to each other to elect the best possible candidates that are presented to us. Every vote counts, and every vote is an opinion on where the population sees our country progressing to in the future. Reactions and ideas like yours are the reason that we have such a hard time putting sensible, intelligent people in public office – now is not the time to be passive and have a 'what will be, will be' attitude. We need to stand up together, take control and make a postiive change in the future of our country before it is too late. Vote now, vote intelligently, vote for a secure future.
Really? do you think by staying home and not voting will make things any different? If ever we need to vote, would be this election ! get out there and vote for the candidates we want to make a change for the betterment of these Islands. Not voting will simply give those who are now elected a better chance to continue with the crap they have been doing – vote them out!!!
How stupid can one person be?I blame my children when they mis-behave, I blame my bank when they screw up my account and I sure as hello blame the paid politicians when they neglect their duties, steal or are corrupt.
You can blame good voters who don’t vote for the bad politicians who are elected but there is no escaping personal responsibility by the politicians
Where is Dick Arch these days? Still think Mr. Bush and Udp govt are the right people to sail the good ship Cayman in the right direction????????????? Speak up! Your silence is deafening! At least Mr. Noman had the backbone to acknowedge he made a mistake endorsing Mike and indirectly endorsing UDP in 2009 . Kudos Mr. Norman and thanks!
This confession is called political suicide.
What are the voters to think
You either believed and of course fully supported Mac in what he was doing.
You were too chicken to stop it.
Now you stop it with 4 months to go.
Your new party should be called "Boss say jump we jump".
We put you in to think not follow blindly.
Bo Bo or Tee Tee, don't worry bout all those posts below giving you hell about staying home. I have never voted and the parrot I got some years ago just starting to talk.
Well you see. What had happen was… It was a plan or a scheme. I wasn't really in agreement but went along with the scheme AGAIN.
Carrots and milk.
Seems to me the RCIPS should be knighted forever honerable for having the extreme balls to bring eleven criminal charges against mckeeva. Will the entire world ever understand this man is just another human being? And not a very bright one at that?
Eleven charges or none, the likes of you could never and will never be able to step in his shoes. Because if you have the ability to be truthful, which is seems u don’t, you will say that he has done alot of good for his country and the people. Who knows, even you might be a big beneficiary of some of the good that he has done. Remember though, not every day will be like today. Rejoicing in what happens to the first and only Premier that Cayman has had and will ever had isn’t going to benefit you in any way shape or form. But, if it does, please be the first one to come on and report it. We might be shocked to know! So much haters in such a small lil Island is really sad. God bless you and I pray he will give you a different mind set and will help you to make the right choice in May. Do what you feel is the right thing for you to do and not because of having so much hate in your heart for one person. Remember you donot have to vote for McKeeva, but you will have to live with the outcome of the election.
08.11- Mackeeva, stop writing on here…nobody except those with extreme learning problems beleives you any more…
I certainly wouldn't want to be in his shoes where he's headed.
McKeeva has done more harm to this country than all his predecessors combined and it is fools like you that let him. It beggars belie.f how anyone could be so stupid.
Sounds like we have someone who enjoyed macs use of the public purse. Is that the good you are talking about? if not that then what, pray tell what this traitor did for us and country?
Horse manure! He has only done a lot for HIMSELF.
Hi You…whsat drug do he have you on? whatever, you please wake up or remove the blind fold that is on your eyes and look around, read, listen for your self and then, just then you may admitt to yurself that yes he definitly was not good for the country.
What has happening to Mac was brought on by Mac.
I just feel sorry for my Grandchildren and their children.
Sounds like you are one of the many who are afraid that the UDP gravy train/nation building fund will no longer be there to pay for your kids education, settlement, business or whatever else you got because of your association with Mac.
A man or woman of Integrity would NOT have stood idley-by and kept quiet Mr Seymour, but then you have displayed the same level of integrity as the rest of your UDP / PNA colleagues, NONE!
It also doesn't help your 'case' that you so publicly displayed your disdain for the concerns of your constituents.
You had your chance, and you blew-it.
Please Mr. Seymour don't add insult to injury. You have already proved you are an idiot and each and every time you open your mouth you do yourself no justice. You and the rest of your croonies "The Fab 5" are just trying to find grace with the public so that you can get back in the house to continue with the shooty and self-serving representation and governance. You are all worse that the former Premier. He is one man and you bunch supported whatever he did makes you all collectively worse than him. Which sensible, educated, honest and upright person willingly and consciously follows a XXXX leader and just before he reaches his demise you bail out and then try to convince everyone that you just followed because it was all you could do at the time. #!9@& PLEASE!!!!!
And thats just the integrity part of the equation.
Lets think, what do you want in your representative, yes, integrity, what about wisdom, and how about loyalty to his constituents, and then how about courage to stand by his principles?
Cant tick many of those boxes!
Clearly trying to get supporters on his side. Why don't he go out and gain support by handing out bags of money to his commuity. Maybe they would be happy for this
"Thrown under the bus?"
Sorry, they were on the bus taking a free ride.
and why is he against the bodden town waste mangement proposal??…nimbyism of ccourse…
what are your solutions john?
Good job nobody hurt here – the bus driver could have easily mistaken a mout for a tunnel and driven in!
This is absolutely pathetic. And he's actually asking for people's votes once more? Incredible.
MY! How the rats are deserting the sinking (stinking?) ship!
WOW! Thrown under a bus and still trucking. Wow!! Was this a miracle, or was this because of
"Clean Hands and a Pure Heart"?
Saved by his 'sacred vessel'
All I heard was blah blah blah blame blame blame. Too late now to sever ties!
Liar liar pants on fire.
Hmmmm, if the new "waste management facility" (aka new dump) is so environmentally friendly, why is it not put in West Bay?
What a load of utter unmitigated horseshit. Either they are lying or are a bunch of spineless, cowardly, amoral, duplicitous yes-men. A shameful shower of shits, who are transparently not fit for public office. Every last one of them should be kicked out of office, and kicked out on their arses to actually work for a living.
Oh please don’t force them on to us in the private sector we are struggling to place the other unemployable because they refuse to get a good education or put in a full day of work…thank goodness for our people who do get educated and work hard but we can’t take anymore especially like this bunch of useless idiots, can we set them to cleaning beaches for minimum wage? Oh wait that’s right no minimum wage…
Best description of this bunch yet. Love the triple S….. LOL
So what. All this really means is that for the next four years at least we will pile more crap on top of the already overgrown crap pile. Govt can’t afford to solve this issue on its own and there are no other viable solutions on the table.
It has to be fixed in GT i! It can be done, it’s only for Dart’s sake, it is suggested to be moved, let the rich deal with it and please don’t dump it on BT!
John John you are done and it is to late! Trust me! How could ou sleep at night?
Mr. Seymour is so typical of the breakaway UDPites …Seems like none of them were ever in the room when anything unpopular was being discussed. Truth is that Mac would tell them what he had decided and they simply towed the line and religously preached his propoganda.
Mac and Foolio were making fun of this mimmion on the Joey Ebanks (soon-to-be-cancelled) talk show today. Mac also hinted that someone is a "business partner" with the person that sold DART the land for the BT dump. Wonder who that could be?
The 2 UDP factions will destroy each other prior to the election and that is win-win for Cayman!
He was in the room. That for sure. Problem is one of the lights being on but nobody being home.
I guess these people got your number Seymour. The time for this 'admission' is loooong past bud. It's time to get a real job. Hope you saved something while you were asleep in the Legislature.
This is the same politician who has stabbed his leader in the back! This is the same politician who fought with another man in the public eye, while he was an elected official and never even charge for it! This is the same politician who first wanted to put the dump in BT! This is the same politician that just change his mind, and do not want the dump in BT! This is the kind of politician that we the people elected to represent us??? This is the kind of politician who we should all trust? I smell a rat here and its all to do with dirty corrupted polictics…hello Mr. Seymore we know it is nearing election time, simply do us all a favor and quit lieing to try to gain people votes.
"Lying" even?
Is it election time ? yeah , tought so .
Wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round and we all sit down. Mr. Seymour please enjoy your last days as an elected official for Bodden Town. Time longer than rope….and May is right around the corner. Soon Bodden town will be DUMP and UDP FREE!
Here's four words for you that I am sure you have heard and will hear again, and again, and again…
This is what happens when people loose or show they never had a BACKBONE!!!
Let me explain this to you another way….
The people of Bodden Town put you in office, your loyalty is to them first and then to the country and then to your party. When you put Party first you signed your political death warrant. The one thing the people of Bodden Town is is NOT STUPID. We rid ourselves of mistakes come election time.
You should have said your piece and lived with the consequences knowing your heart is cleaned instead you preferred to keep your mouth shut and watch us take this D U M P down our throats.
Go Dred, go, well said!
And here you have a perfect example of party politics, a group of people who have to answer to the whims of the leader…
In no way does the UDP represent true party politics. When properly functioning parties are a source if accountability. The UDP is not a properly functioning party.
move the dump to Bodden Town
wasn't me
let a tourist fill my sacred vessel
wasn't me
I have the will of a flower
wasn't me
I did protest in camera
wasn't me
So that means that John John was the Weakest Link…
these pna muppetts actually make you like mckeeva more……..
Next time some one is not elected properly, let him and his colleague be a lesson to us all. If we cannot trust you to follow the rules to be properly elected, we cannot trust you. Full stop! Go home, good night. Goodbye.
What a gutless wanker. He and Mark times two.
I'm not a fan of McKeeva but come on Dwayne, you can't blame him for this one too. Be a man and accept responsibility for once. You did support the proposal. Maybe you don't now because you realise you will lose the election if you show support but the people of Bodden Town aren't stupid…..they remember that you supported it and they can see why you're now saying you never did. Please……..don't insult us. Just when I didn't think you could go any lower Dwayne……'ve just managed to. Well done!
Really??? I find that not only an insult to every Bodden Town voter but to every member of this community. How can he tell such a blatant lie. Seriously. I think these latest comments show exactly what this man is like, he clearly cannot be trusted and Bodden Towners please, please do not vote him back in. He has shown that he cannot be trusted so please send him that message clearly on May 22nd. And Mark? Really? One of the biggest proponents of the waste management facility? Even he is now back pedalling? Whether you support it or not, take a stance and stick to it. How can your position on such critical issues be dependent upon who you're speaking to or whether there s an election in a few weeks. Please voters, elect people who will take a position on things and stick with their positions. Vote the PNA and UDP out on May 22nd. Bring in some decent people. We're going to become a laughing stock to the world……if we haven't already.
I remember making a comment, while I was checking out at Kirk's Home Center, about the terrible scent in the air that was making me very nauseous . I did not realize where it was coming from and this elderly lady made it quite clear that it was the dump. I then commented on how I disagreed with its relocation to Bodden Town and the lady nearly ate me and endeavoured to justify the relocation. I later found out that she is the mother of one of the BT ministers. Now! I am curious to know what her view of the matter will be if and when that minister refutes his original decision. WHAT A BUNCH OF HYPROC-RATS! MR. MINISTER WE ARE WATCHING, LISTENING AND WAITING!!!!!!!
Yep, she thinks nothing of insulting customers wearing a PPM t-shirt too. Should be fired.
what a spineless, worthless waste of space john, john is…..
He’s feeling the pinch now & these islands needs a leader not a follower, someone to stand up for what’s not right & not a coward! BT you’ll know what to expect from him!
Gt Voter
Rats on a ship. And to think that McKeeva stood up for him when he was facing criminal charges. I hope the people in Bodden Town are taking note of this. Disgusting
Aw poor little diddums. While we were ridiculing him about his sacred vessel, little did we know he himself was a scared vassal.
riiiiiight. Here's a guy that reeeeaaaaallllly likes to keep his family squabbles private. Ha Ha ha
Where are your fighters when you need them. Shoot, Mr. McField could have defended him one more time. LOL
Come on, do you really need to take it that far.
He took it there himself!
I was so excited to read this and then I found out that it was figurative instead of literal.
You did not have the balls to stand up to the "Boss" when you felt he is wrong and now you have the balls to ask the people of Bodden Town to vote for you when you need their vote.
Sir, you are useless to the district ofBodden Town and the Country. And lack the guts of a true leader. Step aside and let someone who cares get elected.
He don’t have any balls, just a gall and with the new organ donation law, I will put that on my request list.
Proof of weak ship. He may be a decent guy, but a leader he is not!
He is not a decent guy. Sacred Vessel-gate proved that.
and that rhymes with wutless…
okBbarefut and Andy I hear a song coming on now
Hit it John John……….
Gutless and Wutless, the former UDP
No better than the Mac and Fries, they're all the same to me
Nation building nonsense and wasting our moneeee
Vote em out Caymanians, they are all in it for ME
Apologies to Andy and Barefoot, I couldn't help myself.
What a bunch of cowards. They say wearing pants don't make u a man and these idiots are proof of that.
Dwayne Seymour
Do you take people for idiots? How do you explain you behavious at the public meeting in Bodden Town where you jeered and poked fun at the protesters and told them "Put up a placard for that" while your crony Ellio Solomon looked at us in disgust.
You are seeking re-election and now you come to us like a boy saying Big Mac bullied you? We elected you as a big hard back man to represent us and now we see your cowardice and failure to stand up for us. You choose to hide behind your useless leader.
Do you really think you will get the job back ? So you can once again let us down and run and hide ? Leave BT Dwayne go run in West Bay with your wonderful leader.
In the words of Donald Trump "You Are Fired"
Good Bye
Or put another way … you ARE the weakest link … Goodbye!!!!!
This is what B Town deserves. You traded the horse that carried the heavy load for the mule that is neither nor. It is so funny, I forgot to laugh.
It's almost possible to feel sorry for Seymour. Hopeless, like a cow in a horse race. Someone has swapped all the horses for donkeys but he's still outclassed and clueless.
Spot on 16.26- he and people should all be thrown under the bus or horses and cows…cannot believe he actually said that…another animal comes to mind…jelly fish..totally spineless and moulds itself around whatever it can feed off…and he does not have a sting either…probably just a limp wet handshake..
What's the point of having him elected in government if he keeps his mouth shut on the big issues? Better have somebody who can stand up for us, instead of bend down for mr. former premier all the time. Good thing he be gone soon.
That's why I say, Joey Ebanks For BT! At least he's firing on all sparks plugs.
And I guess by "firing" no pun was intended eh?
Please wake up.
Excuse the pun, but what GARBAGE.. Seymour, you are an elected official of bodden town, Yet you went along with a plan you nor your constituency did not agree with??!! GARBAGE again! You sir are trying to make people look like idiots. Your other buddies are doing the same thing too. You were voted in to look after the people of bodden town, to be their voice, yet you kept quite. This shows me that you do not deserve to be an MLA for the people by any standards… Go and lay low.. protect your cayman vessel and begone with you, you false prophet.
Make sure you take scotland and the rest of those idiots with you too, ie Frederick, Arnold Berry, Theresa Pitcarin just to name a few We know what they are all about too. waste our time listening to lies empty promises.
Damn sell outs.. This is a different year.
You have been weighed, you have been measured, you have been found wanting…. bobo
I am with you on getting rid of UDP and the rest of them, but in BT, I am voting PPM all the way, because I don't see any better candidates to vote for.
Please don’t forget Saunders! I cannot think of a worse (loyal) awful UDP crony! Ugh- You all have shown your greed and loyalty to your party so at least stick with your party as the ship goes down.
Yet him, Mark and Richard Christian were still campaing to residents in Beach Bay a couple if weeks ago telling them is was still the best place to out to dump.
It actually is the best place…there or east end where we have lots of land. Anyone who supports it staying in the center of the capital is crazy. One day when the methane in that dump goes off we will all be saying some politician in 2013 should have had the balls to move it.
Most don’t know that the dump was originally under the cricket field. As crewe road was built someone said let’s move it to where we have lots of land and there is no one around it. It got moved. First they dug a big hole and starting putting garbage in it. It soon became a hill. Then came the industrial park and swamp residences and esterley Tibbetts and Camana Bay and tourist and hotels and condos. Then it became a small mountain. The logical thing to do….move it again.
It does not matter where we live on this island thisis a NATIONAL issue and we need a NATIONAL SOLUTION! And clearly leaving it as it is, where it is, is not that solution.
Flip-Flopping career politicians and ones like Cline Glidden (let me cash a dozen more paycheques before I do what I was voted in for…..make decisions for the public) are the reason we need to streamline government and get rid of our “waste” the UDP & PPM !!!
I’m tired of the same old garbage!
Don’t like to point out the obvious but didn’t the people of Bodden Town vote this loser in to office in the first place? Don’t we as voters have to take some responsibility for thoseWEelected in to office and then failed to march into their offices and demand accountability? Just something to think about when going to the polls this year YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for at least part of the mess if you vote for the mess in the first place and don’t demand it be cleaned up sooner rather than later
Sadly the headline is only a metaphor.
Too late Bobo, now that the handwriting in on the wall for UDP and UDP Lites.
It wasne' me! The oldestexcuse in the book.
Oh Please, He didn't speak up before so he should remain silent now. Nothing like a back-stabber. He is just trying to get votes, what a fool this man is, if he thinks we don't see that. He could have said he did not agree but he was out voted, why elect someone to office that will not use his/her voice!
Next all these liars will also be claiming they were against the GLF deal, the CHEC deal, Shetty's Hospital, the Business Park, and every other suggestion put forth.
Covering their asses just in time for elections, what a pile of BS.
One thing these Honourable liars should remember is that it's hard to remember lies when you constantly do it, so as Mac loves to say, be careful you don't fall and pop ya mout.
So…in other words, nothing will change, the dump will treble in size in its current location and then it will be too late to do anything.
I am going to start a tour for the the cruise shippers as its the first and last landmark anyone see's when they come to Cayman.
I can then sell them t-shirts with the slogan "Don't go to Cayman, its a Dump".
Agreed, I just don't get it. The dump doesn't belong where it is and something needs to be done before it's too late. No matter what location is chosen for the dump you will have a group of unhappy residents. Just get it done and move it from the current location for crying out loud!!
I just don't get it either! Everyone seems to know that it is anenvironmental hazard that the people of George Town and West Bay Road/Seven Mile Beach deal with 24 hours every day. Every politician talks about it but so far this was the only plan that appeared to be taking it somewhere (literally). C'mon people something MUST be done!
Thrown under the buss?!!! If only, then perhaps I would feel better about the future of these islands with UDP/PNA gone.
Totally agree, for God's sake, the dump needs to be moved, we talking about needing a cruise berthing facility so that we can handle more cruise ships to come here, do you know the first thing they see from the decks of the ships, a huge mountain full of garbabe. Someone needs to grow a pair and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT NOWWWWWWW!!!
Do you live in West Bay? If so, maybe your backyard might be the best place to put the dump then! They only want it moved because Dart doesn’t like iit next to the Prestigious Camana Bay!
so….i wonder if anyone heard mark scotland talking about the waste management system on the radio a few months back….you seem pretty much for it
He was on the Rooster arguing with Alva Suckoo telling him that they had the solution all figured out and the location and the plan was perfect. I plainly heard Suckoo tell Mark that the plan was flawed and that it was only a stop-gap solution and would be a major issue within 4 years. Mark argued and argued and believed his own foolishness. Thank God people like Suckoo can see through his veil of crap and are able to take him down. Mr Suckoo you have my vote we need people like you representing BT not these jokers because they are all alike.