Old phones wanted to give women in crisis a new voice
(CNS): The Cayman Islands Crisis Centre, the islands’ only refuge for women in abusive situations, where they can find safety and sanctuary, is calling on the community to help give its clients a new voice with their old phones. The 'Find Your Voice' initiative is asking people to donate their old phones, which can be recycled in the United States and turned into cash for new mobile phones and numbers to help the women get a fresh start. The phones will give them the means to find an apartment, set up employment and connect with family and friends.
“We send your old phones and accessories to the United States for recycling,” a spokesperson for the charity stated. “The proceeds of this sale will go towards the purchase of new phones, pre-paid minutes, and other programme needs.”
Looking for phones and accessories, the Crisis Centre is asking people to drop them in the collection boxes at all Fosters supermarkets, Kirk Market and LIME retail stores.
The CI Crisis Centre is the only locally run charitable company, established in 2003, with a mission to provide a safe haven for abused women and their children. Programmes provided include: case and risk management, individual/group counseling, support groups, referral services and a Children and Youth Programme (sponsored by Hedge FundsCare Cayman).
Category: Local News
Are the phones being reused if they are in good condition, rather than sent off the island? It seems a waste to send them off if they are in working order. I'm sure the phone companies would donate new pay as you go sims.
And dare a Man to say he is the receiving side of abuse in the home. How many men are abused and locked up and told to stay home or will be sent home or similar threats? But women are thesacred vessels so its ok to be biased. Its not normal to be a man and get abused from the wife or other adopted children. If we pretend its not happening then maybe its not happening. And yes lets try to give any one these women an "old fashion" phone. You can collect all the phones and try to distribute, but if its not a Blackberry or latest Iphone or Galaxay model, no matter the abuse or the need for communication, its just not possible to communicate in public. Good luck on this venture. You will collect the hundreds of handsets but they will stay in that box. apart from that, stay focused on one sided support groups.
I support your comments! Yes, unfortunately, it is true, most of the abuse victims are females & Children. However, the part that is mostly overlooked is how some women belittle, needle and taunt some men until they snap!
Just about cat and dog have a cell phone, some two and three phones. Are you sure that the problem is a phone. Most of them do not want to report because of fear. If you guve them a phone then they will ask for the credit too. Problem is most of the folks that have to deal with these abused women are abusers themselves. There are many a way of abusing a wife. I have a friend that her husband shuts her up everytime that she trys to open her mouth and is trying to make her believe that she is stupid as he so often calls her. He enjoys putting her down before their friends. Yet he is so often used in decision making.
I am so tired of hearing these excuses, why is the woman staying with the man if he puts her down. Listen, i was in a relationship with a man who very much tried to control me until i stomped his ass and walked out, and i did not even look back. Some of these cases where women actually walk away seem to return to these men for some reason, i am truly sorry for these ladies but if they keep going back i really don't see how anyone can help them if they will not listen to the counsellors, i have seen counsellors practically begging and crying to help that person even offering that they can stay with them, but it never works as they make excuses as to why they don't want to leave.
I also find that Men have been abused by women also, throwing hot water on a manif he refuse to tell you were he was is not an excuse to harm another person, YES men are human beings too. i have been married to my Husband for 33 years and he can be a stubborn man but that's ok because i just kill my self laughing at his face expressions. i am thankful that i walked out on that relationship and found my husband. These ladies/men need to belive that there are better relationships and they need to stand up for themselves. I'm sorry but this island is going to continue to see more abuse victims.