Boy of 11 charged in burglary

| 29/08/2014

(CNS): An 11-year-old child from West Bay has been charged with a burglary following a number of break-ins in the district reported to police last week. The boy was one of two juvenile suspects arrested and detained by police over the weekend, one of whom was understood to have been under suicide risk. A 14-year-old boy was charged in court with one of the burglaries on Monday and the 11-year-old appeared in court in relation to another on Friday. During a public meeting on Thursday evening Chief Inspector Powery, who heads up the West Bay station, lamented the increasing number of young people that are suspected of committing serious crimes in the district.

Category: Crime

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Their parents should be charged along side them

  2. Anonymous says:

    Maybe they could get a 10 YO lawyer. 

  3. Anonymous says:

    I have no compassion for these young thieves!

    Let the "thumbs down"  commence.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Future thugs in the making!!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    West Bay parental leadership at its best…

  6. Anonymous says:

    Clearly the decline in personal and family values in Cayman (and indeed throughout the world) is fundamental to this issue. Good parenting is now an elusive attribute as many of today's new parents never benefitted from good parenting themselves. Of course external influnces are also crucial – the perceived "coolness" of breaking the law often portrayed in movies, TV shows and video games. That such influences can have a greater effect on some kids speaks also the type of parenting and the home environment which they experience.

    However, in these types of cases one cannot overlook the "boredom" of teens and tweens during the long summer school holidays – which facilitates those with a warped mindset and no parental guidance to gravitate towards burglary and other forms of crime. Years ago one would see a sharp rise in hoax bomb threats during summer holidays, now kids are more emboldened. Again it speaks to the poor standard of parenting in many homes.  But what happened to the average (male) teen getting a bag-boy job in a supermarket or a beach-boy job at a hotel? I don't know know if such jobs are no longer available to Caymanian youth or perhaps many parents can't be bothered to search – just leave them at home with their XBox, iPad or Smartphone games. Not to be ignored is the fact that many youth are seeing their fathers, mothers and older siblings being rejected by the job market and perhaps they develop a complacency that it might make no sense to apply for a summer job when even full time jobs aren't available to Caymanians.

    Added to the mix is the obvious realization that RCIPS is severely challenged in investigating and solving crime and that surely sends a signal to youth who are prompted to break the law.

    All these factors, and more, should no longer be ignored by our politcal and administrative authorities, law enforcement authorities, employers, civic and religious organizations and of course, parents. To continue to do so is the catalyst for even more dismal expectations in the not so distant future. As long as the majority of Caymanians feel disenfranchised in their own country we can expect worse.

  7. Nuts says:

    Unfortunately we will continue to see these types of criminal activity because this is what happens when parents aren't parenting. These kids are only getting attention and influence from gang members and drug dealers. We are on a slippery slope covered with banana peals. While successive governments continue to focus on development and investors, they ignore  the social issues which turn into economic crisis and a crime riddled island.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Where are the worthless parents for these children? where is the laws in this country to punish these unseless parents?

    We complain about the UK, but they have child-care laws. They  jail these type of  parents.

    Our leaders are a bunch of clowns.

  9. Anonymous says:

    11 year old boy in court. Seriously? What are you going to do with him when he is found guilty? Why is this clogging up our judicial system, this is a matter for Child and Family services, this is NOTa criminal issue, the nitwhits that think this is how you deal with troubled youth are the ones who should be on trial here.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Where is the dam parents for these neglected kids. Please lock them up.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Lockup the parents with them cause they should be held responsible for their minors.


  12. Anonymous says:

    Will people finally listen to me about having student ids for all school aged children? The id must have fingerprints, a photo, home address, name of parents and guardian etc

  13. Anonymous says:

    It should say parent(s)/guardian of 11-year-old charged……

  14. Anonymous says:

    Parents must be proud.