Lions campaign against junk food

| 01/12/2008

(CNS): The food group pyramid and other technologies were introduced to middle school students at George Hicks last month as part of the Lions Club of Tropical Garden’s campaign to prevent type 2 diabetes in kids. All over the world November is marked as Diabetes Awareness month and the Lions Sight First and Diabetes Committee sponsored a ‘Nutrition Awareness Campaign among  year eight students.

The campaign ran from 11-14 November and students were given seven 50-minute interactive sessions with Nutritionists Bethany Smith, Regina O’Connor, Brandi Popas, Chad Collins and Dr Robinson over the four days.

Life Skills Coordinator at George Hicks Campus Marie Pride welcomed Lion Nereen Thomas and the Committee into the life skills classes to promote the campaign across the four schools on the middle school campus.

Lions said that the students were very responsive and attentive as the presenters used a range of technology as well as models to encourage participation in the sessions. Most of the students had previous knowledge of the food groups and the nutrients.

They were very enthusiastic about the models of food on the food group pyramid creating a healthy array of foods to promote a healthier lifestyle. The presenters reminded the students that Diabetes as well as other lifestyle diseases can be prevented if they aim to choose the healthier choices of food that is available to them.

Students also learned that even though they might not be showing signs of obesity, prolonged eating of food high in fat and calories is still harmful .Lions said the club intends to continue this awareness campaign throughout the school year to include years seven and nine.

Category: Local News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Thank God somebody is taking an interest in the foods that children are eating these days.  The problem is though that it’s the parents fault.  Just take a look around you and you’ll see so many huge overweight parents with very chubby children.  It’s sad and it’s a form of abuse.  The parents need to be educated in order to teach their children from a young age what is healthy to eat and what is not.   I feel sick to my stomach when I see the poor little children under 10 years of age and they are even heavier than me as an adult.  Teach the parents first!