Cayman now has basic quick flu test

| 05/05/2009

(CNS): According to the government H1N1 flu update today, Tuesday, 5 May the HSA can now do a basic test to see if a person has the flu with results available in 3-4 hours. HSA said that if the test is positive for Influenza A (the flu comes in two major types – A and B), the test will be sent to CAREC in Trinidad as a suspect case if the person has a travel history to an affected areain the past seven days. However, government has confirmed that there are still no suspected cases of H1N1 Flu in the Cayman Islands.

Government also stated that the name of the virus causing the current outbreak is Influenza A(H1N1) or HIN1 Flu as Swine Flu is now being frowned upon by the Centre  for Disease Control , WHO, health professionals, and pork producers as they all feel the name “swine flu” is wrong since the virus contains human, bird and swine factors.

Despite global indications that the flu is considerably less harmful than first suspected, the CI government is continuing with the flu pandemic plan including posting health alert notices at all ports of entry and a health desk at Owen Roberts where arriving passengers, who feel they might have the flu, can get help or where front line staff from airlines, Immigration and Customs can get information.

Anyone who tests positive for Influenza A will be treated with Tamiflu, stockpiles of which are now enough to treat 2,492, and asked to isolate themselves at home, staying away from family members and not going to work or to any public places. If they are severely ill, they will be admitted to the hospital.

HSA said it continues to hold briefing sessions for staff and private physicians and will continue periodic updates. Briefing sessions will soon be held with 911, Customs, Immigration, health professionals in Cayman Brac and Little Cayman..

The Cayman Islands National Influenza Pandemic Committee (CINIPC) is collaborating with HMCI the full resources of which can be called upon as the situation develops and CINIPC has advised the Chamber of Commerce and the Portfolios of Economics and Finance and Civil Service to inform their stakeholders to review business continuity plans.

An additional 2,000 copies of The Cayman IslandsInfluenza Pandemic Contingency Plan, sponsored by Sagicor, will be printed, so the plan can be made widely available. It’s already on the CaymanPrepared website.

Any vessel or aircraft which enters the Cayman Islands directly from Mexico will be met by public health officials. Passengers and crew will be screened before clearance by Immigration. It is important to remember that the best personal defence is good hygiene, i.e. frequent hand washing; as well as good health — eating right, getting enough sleep, exercising.


Category: Headline News

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  1. Caymanite says:

    What is important if you feel sick, is go get that test, do not go into your workplace……do not.

    If anyone comes into your workplace sick – especially after having travelled, PLEASE send them home. A/c running in an office means that one sick person sat by their desk for only a few hours could potentially spread the flu to at least 25% of the other people in there. It is just not worth it.

    Use your sick days in order to prevent flu spreading!

    It is a valid reason!


  2. Anonymous says:

    I think from they find out when you get tested that you are positive, they should admitted you into the hospital, but don’t tell you to stay at home and isolate yourself from your family that is impossible when it is your family who will have to attend to you. I could understand not going to work and public places, but don’t tell someone to stay away from their family it is just not going to work ,they will be in contact at all time. This is quite hard I know we should be trying to not spread the sickness.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Outstanding job!