Lawyers help Meals on Wheels

| 05/08/2009

(CNS): Grand Cayman’s Meals on Wheels programme has received a donation of US$5,000 from international offshore law firm, Mourant du Feu & Jeune. Meals On Wheels provides food, conversation and regular safety checks to hungry seniors and those with disabilities. Relying heavily on public donations, a team of dedicated volunteers prepare and deliver meals to almost 170 people, five days a week throughout Grand Cayman ensuring the recipients receive at least one balanced meal a day and providing them with additional social interaction, which is often one of the highlights of their day.

Beulah McField, organizer of the Meals on Wheels programme, is pleased that her organisation has been selected as one of the charitable organizations that Mourant du Feu & Jeune has chosen to donate to. She said, “We understand that in these uncertain and turbulent economical times it is not easy to give. This, however, makes the gift from Mourant du Feu & Jeune all the more remarkable. The Meals on Wheels Board of Directors thanks you, as do all the 168 recipients.”

Neal Lomax (above), head of Mourant du Feu & Jeune’s Cayman office, is delighted to provide financial assistance to Meals on Wheels: “Cayman is a caring community and Meals on Wheels epitomises the spirit of giving to others and helping those who need it most. We are extremely pleased to support such a worthwhile cause.”

Meals on Wheels is one of a number of charitable and sporting organisations that Mourant du Feu & Jeune has donated money to recently through staff pledges and charitable trust monies, including a Summer Camp programme for local children in need, the Cayman Brac Relief Fund and youth sides of the Cayman Cricket Association and Cayman Rugby Union.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    On behalf of my Caymanian people ….. THANK YOU MOURANT.

    I do not know anyone that works in your firm personally but this one act proves to me that you have a genuine wish to help the elderly on my island. It would certainly have gathered more praise in the local press if you had donated the same smount to the Cayman Islands Olympic Committe and became a gold sponsor.

    It is the little acts of kindness such as this that has a BIG impact on the hearts and minds of the typical Caymanian.


  2. Anonymous says:

    This is one of the most deserving programmes out there.  I know because I arranged for an elderly George Town family to receive lunch about six years ago and they are still getting one square meal — I believe it’s five days a week.  Good pick Mourant – hopefully others will follow your lead.