Rotary ‘kids’ around for Haiti

| 05/08/2009

(CNS): Rotary Central is looking to help those in need in Haiti and has joined the ‘Big Kid project’, which is run through the Rotary Club of Pignon to provide all underprivileged families in the beleaguered country with a goat in order to assist them economically. Dubbed "the goatee club", President Paul Byles said every Rotarian in the club has sponsored a goat for a Haitian family. “The families will benefit greatly economically in terms of breading possibilities, milk, meat, and resale value,” he said.

“I am very proud of the enthusiasm and support given by the members of Rotary Central for this international services project. We have secured sponsorship of 65 goats, which will be a huge benefit to poor families in Haiti. This is what Rotary international is all about,” Byles added.

Errol Alberga, District Governor said that it was humbling to see the support from Rotary Central, Cayman Islands. “I hope that we continue to have their support on all upcoming Haiti projects.  I would like to thank all club members and Rotary Central President Paul Byles for this generous donation to help communities in Haiti,” he added.

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  1. anon1 says:

    Head now out of Ass.

    Mr Foreigner (your choice of titles not mine) having rethought my post I agree with you wholehartedly except for the hurricane aid.

    As a Roterian I pledge to donate $1,000.00 to Rotary with the request that $500.00 be used to buy goats for Haiti (in Haiti) and $500.00 be used to provide lunches to needy Caymanian school children.

    I hope my open mindedness will encourage you to rethink your post as well. It is not only Caymanians who have it good on this island but foreigners like yourself as well. Prove to me  that you have the decency to admit that is a true statement and that you are not a closed minded foreigner.

    To clarify my comment about the best use of Rotary resources. It has to be more cost effective for Rotary to buy the same number of goats already in Haiti (or the Dominican Republic) and donate the same number of goats to the same number of needy people in Haiti, than to purchase and ship the goats pictured from the Caymn Islands to Haiti. If approached this way the savings could be used to assist a needy Caymanian child with school lunches or school books.

    I look forward to your reply and some kind of explination of this elusive hurricane aid you allude to. I for one never asked for nor complained about  a lack of hurricane aid in my life.


    • Foreigner says:

      Thank you for your genuine reply.

      1. I agree that I have it very good on the Island, but I sometime get the idea that we all complain to much about things on the Island and forget how blessed we are to be here.

      2. Yes we have problems here but it is such a small place that is frustrating to see it take so long to get to a decision.

      3. Your second point regarding the purchase of the goats here and sending to Haiti is very valid, have to agree that it’s a waste to send them from here.  But maybe there are other logistical issues we aren’t aware of.

      4. Not to get into a whole lot of detail, but isn’t the Cayman still awaiting funds from the EU for Ivan relieve?

      I trust your funds will be spend wisely by the Rotary Club and if my post  made you angry enough to donate then I am happy!


    • Anonymous says:

      no goats were sent directly to haiti. what rotary did was provide the funds to purchase the goats in haiti.

  2. anon1 says:

    You have got to be kidding me. Is this really the best use of Rotary resources?

    In these tough economic times is it not possible to find a needy caymanian child to assist with school lunches or school books?

    • Foreigner says:

      typical view of a close minded caymanian. there is world beyond this rock. it’s time that people like you realise how good you have it on this island. funny how you complain when you don’t get aid for hurricanes but don’t want to help a country were people are starving of hunger. do us all a favour and get your head out of your a55, read up on haiti and rethink your post.