Immigration to lose deputy in wake of CIO
(CNS): Just a month after Franz Manderson, the former chief immigration officer (CIO) moved to take up his post as deputy chief secretary, Deputy Chief Immigration Officer Kerry Nixon, has announced her retirement effective 30 September 2009. Thanking Nixon for her service, which spans some 40 years, Manderson said that he intends to appoint a new person to head what is considered one of government’s most important departments within the next few weeks.
“I take this opportunity to personally thank Mrs. Nixon for her unfailing assistance and support throughout my tenure at Immigration. On behalf of the government and the people of the Cayman Islands I wish her a most enjoyable retirement,” Manderson said.
Nixon said it had been a distinct honour to serve her country over the past 40 years, contributing to the development of the modern Immigration Department which exists today. “I look forward to providing advice and support to the new Chief Immigration Officer and to ensuring a smooth transition of the new management team,” she added.
Manderson confirmed that he expects to appoint a new CIO within the next 21 days.
Category: Local News
Congrats Mrs Nixon on your outstanding service to the people of the Cayman Islands. You will me missed by all and I wish you a happy retirement.
I am very conifdent that Mr Manderson will find a good Caymanian to become our next Chief Immigration Officer.
Sources in Immigration say no one from there has applied for the job. Does that mean we can expect a foreigner?
Goodness, I hope so, then the capricious conduct of this behemoth may be questioned from the inside.
I taught that Ms. Kerry would have been the next Chief Immigration Officer well I guess that wasn’t meant to be as she has announced her retirement, sure she would have been an excellent CIO.
Ms. Kerry do enjoy your retirement and GODS BLESSINGS to you and your family.
Do trust that the person Mr. Manderson will appoint will be a good CIO and not make the appointment go to his/her head.
BE BLESSED………………………..