Hurricane season moves into peak period
(CNS): As the second tropical depression of the 2009 Atlantic Hurricane Season dissipated today, (14 August) the Deputy Director of Preparedness at Hazard Management Cayman Islands (HMCI) reminded residents that we are entering the peak period of the season for storm activity. Historical statistics show a dramatic increase in tropical cyclone activity beginning in early August and a steep decline in activity towards the end of October. Ninety six percent of the major hurricane days on record have occurred within this window.
Although TD2 never made it to the first named storm of 2009 there are still weather systems churning around the Atlantic and anyone of them at anytime can build in intensity as a result the Deputy Director Omar Afflick reminded Cayman’s residents to be prepared. “If you don’t have a family plan in place already it is not too late to put it together now,” he said adding that hurricane information kits are available at the HMCI office or can be downloaded from
Afflick also reminded residents to trim back trees on their property and make sure they have an emergency supply of canned food and water that can last for a week. “Ideally you should have at least a gallon of water per day for each person in your house. Preparation is the key. It is too late to install hurricane shutters or scramble for batteries for your portable radio when a storm is bearing down on the Cayman Islands,” he observed.
Afflick also encouraged residents to plan where they will stay in a hurricane well ahead of time. “If your home is strong, elevated and away from the coastline then it is probably the best place to ride out a storm. If you determine that your property is not strong enough, or if the location in which you live makes it vulnerable then plan to evacuate. At this point you still have a number of options, but you have to choose one.”
He said hurricane shelters are certainly an option to consider and the list with locations is available on the Cayman Prepared website.
“Every district has a shelter that is specifically designated as an Emergency Medical Centre (EMC). If you have an existing medical condition that might require treatment during the passage of a hurricane then this may be the appropriate choice because there are medical personnel on hand. Remember when winds reach tropical storm strength ambulances will not move until the winds subside to a safe level and this could potentially be over 24 hours.”
Government shelters will not take pets, so Afflick suggested pet owners who want to stay with their animals should contact someone with a resilient property and ask if they would be willing to put you and your pets up during a hurricane. “Reaching out and asking someone to do this for you can be a daunting prospect, but remember they can only say no and you must have an established plan in place before the storm strikes. Where ever you decide to weather the storm, identify the location ahead of time and confirm that the space will be made available to you to shelter in the event of a hurricane,” he added.
Category: Science and Nature
The depression dissipated and has now made a comeback to become TS Ana. The area behind it is soon to be TS Bill.
I am telling you all something from now! The next hurricane come here like Ivan again I will be getting stone drunk, for it this time. The last one with Ivan was just too much for me.