College to open new business block next term

| 07/07/2011

(CNS): With a growing student body the International College of the Cayman Islands is currently expanding and says it expects the new business building at the Savannah-Newlands campus will be finished in time for the autumn term. The new block will have two high tech classrooms including a smart board – an interactive tool that combines the power of a computer with the whiteboard. The additional building will enable the college to offer four more classes each term.

“Over the last three years, our student body has been growing steadily and we have literally run out of classroom space so we are excited to finally get our new business building up and running by the fall quarter,” said Business Manager Kira Ebanks, who has been coordinating with the contractor Phoenix Construction on the business building.

Phoenix Construction General Manager, Barbara Anley said despite initial setbacks getting permit approval, the project is moving along at a steady pace. The crew is in the process of installing the roof and next week will see the windows and doors go in before work starts on the interior.

“The men are on schedule and the project will be completed in ample time to ramp up for the college’s fall quarter,” said  Anley. “It is encouraging to see the college enrolments growing each year, which reflects society’s interest in higher education. Whether as a high school graduate continuing on or as a mature student, ICCI has a lot to offer in continuing education, particularly as it relates to the Cayman’s business market.”

Both the Cayman Islands Society of Professional Accountants and the Cayman Islands Fund Administrators Association have each sponsored the fitting out of a classroom, which has been a big help in constructing the building. “So many people and businesses have stood behind this project such as Cayman National Bank for financing, Phoenix Construction, CIFAA and CISPA,” added Ebanks.

The new building will be named after ICCI alum Carlyle McLaughlin and his wife Martha for their generosity and support over the years.

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