First corruption charges filed

| 28/10/2011

(CNS): A spokesperson for the police has confirmed that a member of the RCIPS support staff has been charged under the anti-corruption law. The woman is the first person in the Cayman Islands to face charges under the new legislation and is now on bail and bound over to appear in court next month. The female staffer, who has been replaced on required leave, is accused of abusing confidential police data and faces two counts of abuse of public office and two charges of misconduct in a public office. The police have not given details of the crime but said the charges result from an investigation by the RCIPS’ own anti-corruption unit.

“Following an investigation launched by the RCIPS anti-corruption unit in relation to allegations of misuse of confidential police data systems, we can now confirm that a member of RCIPS support staff has been charged in connection with the enquiry,” a spokesperson for the RCIPS stated on Friday afternoon (28 October).

“She was charged earlier today, with two counts of abuse of public office, contrary to section 17 of the anti-corruption law 2008, and two charges of misconduct in a public office. The woman is currently on bail and it is anticipated that she will appear in court on Tuesday, 8 November.”


Category: Crime

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  1. Anonymous says:

    "The woman is currently on bail and it is anticipated that she will appear in court on Tuesday, 8 November".

    Funny that the court list does not show any such case before it tomorrow or indeed this week. Why is this woman being given special treatment? Isn't the policy of the police to let us know the names of the accused when they are charged?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Since  "she" has been charged, who is "she"?  Are they going to sneak "her" in and out of the courthouse in the middle of the night?

  3. Anonymouse says:

    Another serious post that begins with an indictment of a Police Officer facing serious charges and I commend theRCIPS ,but ye it turns out to slurs trowing towards each other as if we care. Some of you are too negatively opiniated and honestly your comments are getting stale and absolutly don't make any sense half of the time. Take a break or give us a break and say something that make sense once in a while instead of bickering at each other like parrots in a mango tree. if ever a perfect day should happen many of you with find something wrong with it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Here are the players, and see if you can see any similarities.



      (Like some of the posters who incessently whine and complain on CNS, but don't do anything about holding their elected leaders accountable)


      Combat that was at times to the death (REMOVAL FROM ELECTED OFFICE), and was the ancient world sport that rivaled all of modern society spectacles rolled into one.




      If selected for such duty, having lost, or never had, the rights of a citizen (NON-BORN CAYMANIANS, THE MAJORITY OF CNS POSTERS), there was no choice but to comply for these "recruits".


      Roman Gladiators were professional and amateur fighters in ancient Rome who fought for the entertainment of its "civilised" spectators (CNS POSTERS).


      By taking the gladiator's oath, they (ANONYMOUSLY) agreed to be treated as a slave and suffered the ultimate social disgrace. Seneca described this oath as "most shameful". The potential advantages for this new career could outweigh the alternatives, however. Aside from the potential for public fame and fortune, including liaisons with Roman women of even aristocratic status (NICKY & WENDY), the gladiator recruit became a member of a cohesive group (CNS POSTERS) that was known for its courage, good morale, and absolute fidelity to its master to the point of death (CNS SUPPORTERS AGAINST MCKEEVA'S LAWSUIT).




      (like CNS, these gladiator matches take place in the open arena) is staged after ANIMAL FIGHTS and PUBLIC EXECUTIONS.




      Petronius' Satyricon mentions a Roman circus (CAYMAN POLITRICKS) which featured a female chariot fighter competing against men (AUNT SOOKIE RUNNING FOR WEST BAY ELECTIONS).


      Emperor Septimius Severus (MCKEEVA) issued an edict prohibiting women combatants in the arena in 200 AD (NICKY, WENDY, AUNT SOOKIE).


      Gladiatoral contests (POSTING ON CNS) were first known to be outlawed by Constantine I in 325 AD (MCKEEVA), but they did continue through the mid 5th century.


      The Emperor Honorius (CHIEF JUSTICE ANTHONY SMELLIE) is credited with putting a stop to it as the western empire (THE CAYMAN ISLANDS) was nearing its fall. The last known gladiator competition in the city of Rome occurred on January 1, 404.



      EDITOR (CNS)

      The organiser of any of these BLOOD MATCHES was called the EDITOR (I'm not making this up…this is world history…repeating itself in the Cayman Islands!) meant to GAIN POLITICAL FAVOUR WITH THE PUBLIC.




      keeping the most popular of crowd pleasers alive was far more practical than the alternative (THE CAYMANIAN COMPASS).




      That's not to say, however, that death wasn't common among the non-elite. In these cases, when a gladiator had overpowered his opponent, he would turn to the spectators for a reaction from the crowd.


      The defeated gladiator would possibly raise his left hand (also sometimes referred to as raising a finger which may have indicated a request for mercy) asking for his life to be spared. If the spectators turned their thumbs down they were indicating that the fighter should live (perhaps indicating a desire to sheath or lay down the weapon).


      One theory regarding the thumbsup is that it represented the desire for the victor to cut his opponents throat. Other suggestions include the crowd yelling 'missum' or 'mitte' (release or send away) as a gesture of mercy and conversely yelling 'iugula' (to kill.. generally by slitting the throat) when they wanted the victor to finish his opponent.


      There are other theories regarding the use of thumbs and various motions to indicate the end of a match, such as that the thumb was positioned sideways to indicate a slashing motion across the neck, or even that a thumb pointed down with a thrusting motion may have represented an order for the victor to thrust his sword down into his opponents chest.


      Regardless of the debated hand motions, the final decision in this was not made by popular crowd appeal and was usually left to a single judge (though clearly abiding by the crowd's desire was a wise policy) (PPM-CONTROLLED WEBSITE). In the presence of the Emperor, the judgment belonged to him, but otherwise it may rest with the games munerator or sponsor (INTERNATIONAL MEDIA AND WORLD-WIDE PUBLIC OPINION OF CAYMAN, OR CNS EDITOR).


      There are many such events depicted on frescoes or mosaics. In one specific example, the result of a fight is shown in an inscription (Astyanax defeated Kalendio) with the symbol of death (a circle with a diagonal line through it) marked over the loser. Another possibility related to the thumbs up/down debate is that the crowd raised their fists but kept their thumb inside it if they wanted the loser to live, and pointed down to indicate death. If the audience felt both men fought admirably, or witnessed a bout between two popular gladiators, they would likely want both to live and fight another day (INDEPENDENTS/BOX OF FROZEN SQUID).


      A gladiator who won several fights (ALDEN), or served an indefinate period of time was allowed to retire (MCKEEVA, FATHER OF THE HOUSE), or in many cases to continue as a gladiator trainer (KURT HANDING PPM LEADERSHIP TO ALDEN). Those who did win or buy their freedom, or at times at the request of the crowd or Emperor, were given a wooden sword (rudis) as a memento (HEFTY SALARY & PENSION).




      QUESTION: Is my 15 year old son to whom I jokingly showed a sampling of some of these outrageous CNS comments and posts going to get sued by Chief Justice Smellie for comparing him to the Emperor Honorius, like how McKeeva sued CNS for comparing him to a dictator???  Or is this just political satire?  After I showed him some of the comments on this website, he asked me what I'm doing on this website that sounds like the blood-thirsty spectators who used to jeer the Roman Gladiators to kill each other off in the Coliseum, hence this post.  The nerve of that kid talking about my CNS addiction!!!  Hmphh!


      So, @18:54, we agree with you when you write to "make sense once in a while instead of bickering at each other like parrots in a mango tree. if ever a perfect day should happen many of you with find something wrong with it."

      • Anonymouse says:

        Wow I'm impressed with the history lesson and well written comparisons. I have to give you an A+. Yes I see your point : "History repeats itself " and if I remember well it was not a pretty ending. Who was the Governor is my only question to a perfect written scenario ? Now let' see who gets it ?

  4. Dennie Warren Jr. says:

    Let this be a lesson to all those who believe that the state, local and UK via the Governor, should have total control over every aspect of our lives.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Well, the first pin is rolling.

    I so hope that RCIP is realizing that in order to gain the public's respect (and perhaps trust) they need to enforce the law not just solve crime. May sound petty, but I have said it time and time again, if people can drive on the roads as they please without any consequences to their actions (or lack thereof), is has a domino effect where a lot of people just believe the law doesn't apply to them and their kids learn observe and learn accordingly.

    So I am asking the RCIP to PLEASE go out and make sure the law is upheld every single time. We all know that our leaders have failed us, butwe don't want to sink to their standards and it is now even more crucial that the population knows they have to toe the line!

  6. The Chickens Have Come to Roost..... says:

    To post 9:25 ………..correct me if I am wrong……BUT I do believe YOU posted your comments as Anonymous……..hmmmm …….as I sit here scratching my head…….

  7. World Traveller says:

    I triedto get a free flight home for myself and a bunch of friends on a bank owned private jet at Nassau airport.  Despite asking very nicely i got nowhere.  I event tried banks who were doing direct or indirect deals with the Cayman Islands government but apparently their generosity is not quite what I believed having read the recent comments made at the PAC.  What I am missing?

  8. The Prophet says:

    I am scratching my head, because if it is a Caymanian I am surprised her name is not already sent to the Media.  Now if the person is not from here then I have no reason to scratch, no name will be etched in red.  Or haven,t anyone noticed that only when a Caymanian do anything, it is said Caymanian.  Ok, ok you never paid attention..

    • Anonymous says:

      Prophet this must be the first post you have made on which we absolutely agree. When a Caymanian is charged with an offence it is always made clear that it is a Caymanian even if they are of a different nationality and simply have status.   

    • Alan Nivia says:

      Generally I have noticed the opposite.  Methinks you are a false prophet.

    • The Beaver says:

      Boy, you pretty dumb for a Prophet.  If you really paid attention you'd know that only when someone is charged with a crime is his/her name released to the press.  The Beaver

      • Anonymous says:

        Actually you are pretty dumb. If you had read even the first line of the article you would know that the person has already been charged: "A spokesperson for the police has confirmed that a member of the RCIPS support staff has been CHARGED under the anti-corruption law".

        • The Beaver says:

          You're right – I missed that entirely…  My bad.  The Beaver

      • Anonymous says:

        Not as dumb as you and the 7 others who have given you thumbs up. Can't you read? 

      • The Prophet says:

        Beaver please get back into your hole  Didn,t you read the police report or what.?

  9. Knot S Smart says:

    Its Pirate's Week already?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Who dat den??

  11. Anonymous says:

    Why is everyone so quick to judge and call people before they have their day in court? What kind of society have we become? No matter how wrong a crime may seem our society requires that we have a court system to handle things such as these.

    He who feels it knows it and for a lot of you on here that use this as a means to destroy others under the guise of another name or being anonymous, your day will come and Karma is a bit#h.

    And everyone wonders why there are lawsuits flying left and right. Free speech is good and I am happy for this medium to do so but I would never use it to bring my fellow man down. Shame on all of you that do so..Wait until it's your son, daughter, father, mother or even you, then you will know what Karma really is.

    • Anonymous says:

      I believe in Karma too – strongly.  And I surely hope that public officials, whether they be police, polititicians or otherwise who are abusing their positions get what they deserve in due course.  I assume the animosity you detect here is not unfounded in terms of certain police abusing their positions – its a well known fact that they do, and that information given in private to police officers has been leaked out plenty in the past, and I think that is the reason for such comments here.  I can make no comment or speculation about the lady involved in this incident, I just hope that if she did abuse her position, she gets suitably reprimanded and anyone who is convicted of such offences might hopefully dissuade others from following the same path.

    • Dred says:

      I just want a big fish to have his day in court that's all. I have no false hope that the rest will. Just him and I will sleep better at nights.

    • so Anonymous says:

      Why?  Because of what is so easy to see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears all around you in Cayman.  Not hard to see that Grand Cayman has a ways to go to get out of the third world mentality.  He who has lived with crime and done crime will not welcome a crime free world with open arms.  Especially if family is at risk.

    • noname says:

       Its called corruption for a reason.  Sounds like this hit a personal nerve.  Its just business as usual Cayman style until someone gets caught then its Crying and blameing and getting down on the Popo.  People tend to be quick to blame when so many are quick to do the crime.  And yes it is a crime, always was a crime and always will be a crime to most people.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Yeah, you were all cheering at the beginning of Tempura too! more people to pay for doing nothing. IMHO, the corruption song is being sung too long with paltry results, and it has the RCIP looking inwards instead of dealing with crime. As long as the tempura mentality is about we are not going to see proper policing.

    Hopefully justice is served to this person, guilty or innocent.

  13. Anonymous says:

    It's like a drug policy…hunt the one who smoke a joint!

  14. Anonymous says:

    This corruption charge will be the bell weather for future investigations and for the public to either take law enforcement seriously or not.

    • Anonymous says:

      Rubbish, there's nothing in the 'new' legislation that hasn't been available for years.

      The fact that there's only been this one, apparently fairly trivial, bust so far is already a good indication of how ineffective future enforcement is likely to be.

      When the RCIPS nail one of the real villains (and I'm not holding my breath) then we can take them seriously and not before.  

    • Anonymous says:

      I hope they hurry up & bring charges in the BIG corruption investigation, that is the important one, although I'm happy to see them picking them off one by one!

  15. Anonymous says:



    Will surely be lots more.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Looks like its going to be a busy year

  17. Anonymous says:

    Ok she have been charge, and will appear in court 8th Nov whats her Name?

    • Poster man says:

      Why do you want to prejudice the case. Wait till the court hearing and go to court and you will hear the name

      • Anonymous says:

        If hearing someone's name when they have been charged "prejudices the case" why do the police have a general policy of naming people when they are charged? Why is this an exception to the general rule? This matter should have been heard at court today but so far there is no media report. What is interesting is that in the affordable housing scandal a man was only arrested but details were provided by the police so that any well-informed local could easily determine who that person was. The only facts in this case where someone is charged is that is it is a female who works for the police. Something is very strange about this.    

    • Anonymous says:

      Who cares who it is?

      Just keep the momentum rolling and don't stop until it has been cleansed out.


  18. Anonymous says:

    Well done RCIP, now please, whats going on with the premier and Stan Thomas?

  19. Anonymous says:

    If this involved any witness names ebing goven out that resulted in assalts and murders, let's hope she is charged with accessory

    • Anonymous says:

      Learn to spell. Or read your post before you submit it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Be fair. The idiot was probably driving at the time.

        • Anonymous says:

          61 people so far can understand what is being said, so what happen to yuh?!

      • Anonymous says:

        Jeez guys cant u see this person is spelling wrong intentionally, yall arent too bright either.

    • Spell Checker says:

      For the love of God and all things good, please learn to spell before posting your comments.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think people would be better served considering the content rather than the format; however it is spelled the poster has a valid point.

  20. Anonymous says:

    more to come trust me!!!

  21. Anonymous says:

    Congrats RCIP. Let the heads roll but don't just go after the small fry.  

    • Anonymous says:

      Please, don't record over the tape, this time.  What a laugh.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yeah – I heard that the tape was evidence for the defendant….hmmm….maybe they should have another investigation into that one too and see what corruption lay there.

  22. Anonymous says:

    So happy to see this anti-corruption legislation being put to use!

  23. Dred says:

    That's a start……now let's go after the big fish……Huuummm I might have someone in mind……

    • Anonymous says:

      Come on rasta if you know something then be a man and say it to who can do something about it!

      • Anonymous says:

        They know. They know 100 times over. No point in reporting anymore – nothing happens and you are just exposing yourself to risk. Our systems are ineffective and plagued by a political adherence to popularity rather than principle. It’s now everyone for themselves. Welcome to the next Jamaica.