Marine cops rescue boat that runs out of fuel

| 06/12/2012

rescue.JPG(CNS): Less than three hours after the RCIPS circulated a release to the press warning boaters to take more care and be aware of safety issues before heading out to sea, the Joint Marine and Air Operations Units were deployed on another search and rescue after receiving a report around noon on Thursday. A police spokesperson stated that an 18 foot boat which ran out of fuel while sailing between Grand Cayman and Little Cayman sparked the operation in which a the single engine Grady White, with two people on board, had run out of fuel around 28 miles off Grand Cayman.

The Units began searching for the boat in the immediate wake of the report and at around 3.15pm the vessel was located about 22 miles northeast of the main channel. Both crew members were found to be in good health. And the boat was towed back to Grand Cayman by Tornado and was scheduled to arrive back shortly after 5.30 pm.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Some of these incidents, and this is definitely not the first I've read or heard about, always remind me of time spent on one of the out islands in the Bahamas.

    A couple of local fishermen would head off in the early morning in a tiny Boston Whaler with just enough fuel on board to get to their chosen fishing site then wait for the dive boat to come out so they could get a tow back.

    It was a little game and no one really bothered until one day they did it but the dive boat broke down at the dock just as the weather kicked up. Without power it was assumed the fishing boat broached and capsized. It was found the next day but the occupants presumably ended up as shark food.

    Open water + no fuel = no clever.


  2. Anonymous says:

    All down to training and regulation.

    How many aircraft do you see running out of fuel. Training Training and Inspections.


  3. Anonymous says:

    In the states, if the occupants are safe, not injured and the vessel is in no danger….the Coast Guard will call a private salvage company to tow the vessel to shore – the captain of the vessel has to negoiate a price for the tow with the company and it is very expensive.  This has reduced the number of intentional negilgent calls and quickly frees the responding unit to be available for other more pressing calls.

  4. go back to work says:


    Give me a break all these folk posting about the boaters being negligent, you don’t know the facts. There may have been a fuel leak, engine trouble (happens even with new boats) unexpected bad weather.  Part of the role of the Marine protection is saving boats in distress and emergency situations and they do a great job. It seems like these boaters had that situation what would you do leave them there? Your obviously pretending to do work at your desks so your boss doesn’t notice and you are posting on factors you know nothing about…go back to work.  

    • Anonymous says:

      you’r telling me everyone that ran out of had a fuel leak? You are probably one
      Of those guys who take advantage of our govt!


  5. Anonymous says:

    Keke throw in a careless fee to those who venture out to sea without significant fuel etc!


  6. WHAT A JOKE says:

    These are occasions when if the lack of sufficient fuel was shown to result from negligence, the boaters should be required to pay some level of compensation to the Marine Unit.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well for starters 18 -footers are not blue water boats.  Amazing that they were even found! 

  7. FCO says:

    The simple solution is that the RCIPS should have a minimum charge for such services, and the boat can't be released until fee paid.

    This will cause boat owners to ensure they are more careful etcetera.