Alden vows amity with UK

| 08/08/2013

(CNS): With the relationship between the UK and the Cayman Islands on a more even keel since the beginning of the year, as a result of the work by the minority UDP splinter Cabinet as well as that of the recently elected PPM government, the new premier, Alden McLaughlin, has made it clear that he intends to keep it that way. Following the exceptionally tumultuous relationship with former premier McKeeva Bush that existed for the first three years of Duncan Taylor’s time as Cayman Islands governor, McLaughlin said that he wants to forge a strong partnership with the British government and avoid constant battles with the UK and its representative in the islands.

Even before Taylor arrived in Cayman, Bush stated during his own swearing in ceremony as premier following the implementation of the country's new constitution that the incoming governor should not try to micro-manage and he was not afraid to take on the UK because he had done it before. However, after he arrived Taylor made it clear that if he had concerns about governance he would be getting involved.

As a result, over the ensuing three years the relationship between Cayman’s elected leader and its appointed leader deteriorated, culminating in a public spat in the spring of last year that saw Bush accuse the former governor of being “hell bent” on Cayman’s destruction and of spending his time here trying to undermine the work of the elected government.

On Friday at the governor’s farewell reception, McLaughlin made it clear that he would be taking a different approach. Describing Taylor as "one of the good ones” when it came to the governors that had passed through the islands, he said Taylor had ably governed in the face of challenges.

McLaughlin said that the partnership between the UK and the Cayman Islands was an important factor and forging a strong partnership and avoiding constant battles would be vital to inspiring confidence in investors. Admitting that differences were inevitable, he said that there was little need “for public utterances of dissent between the Cayman Islands and the UK Government”, indicating that he would be taking a different approach to that of Bush, the former UDP premier and now opposition leader.

With the departure of Taylor on Wednesday, Deputy Governor Franz Manderson is acting governor and will chair Cabinet until the arrival of the new governor, Helen Kilpatrick, sometime next month. Kilpatrick’s arrival and official swearing in is likely to coincide with the delivery of the government’s full 2012/13 budget in the Legislative Assembly – an issue in which, given Kilpatrick’s career history, she is likely to have a particular interest.

Category: Politics

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  1. Gordon Barlow says:

    Here is what I wrote at the end of a blog-post of mine in September 2011:

    "Remove the UK veto on all legislation, and let the demagogues do their own thing – why not? The revised Constitution could lift Britain’s liability in respect of the local government’s borrowings, and Bob’s your uncle.

    "Of course without the British guarantees, Cayman’s Offshore industry would fold like a house of cards. Everyone who knows anything about tax-havens knows that. And tourism by itself can’t preserve our prosperity. Ah, but never fear – the Seventh Cavalry is here; or soon will be. In the event, the collapse might not last long at all. Nature abhors a vacuum, science tells us – and so does an empire on the rampage. The CIA would have its feet up on the Governor’s old desk before the ink was dry. Good luck arguing with them about the right of native peoples to self-determination."

    The post was titled "House of Cards", and the blog can be accessed by Googling "Barlow's Cayman". A more recent post on the same general topic was "Trouble in Paradise" in December 2012. Whodatis and his fans will not enjoy reading what I wrote, but they should take it on board just the same. Independence from Britain would be the end of the road for our prosperity.

    • Whodatis says:

      Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Everyone else has the right to regard it as just that … an opinion.

      • Anonymous says:

        Your problem is that you overvalue the worth of your "time and attention"! I have yet to read one of your comments thats warrants the time it takes to read.

        • Whodatis says:

          Oh dear.

          Do you mean like the one you just read, considered and replied to?

  2. Anonymous says:

    PPM,  i dont care to much for the "relationship with UK "

    Where is the $ 4 a  gallon gas , that you promised

    And where is the "roll back" on fees ?????????????????

    remember PPM, you said that is the 1st thing you gonna do if elected !!!,

    • Anonymous says:

      Hey, give Alden a break will you? He said that stuff to get elected. Please, let's have a little respect here.

    • Lets be serious 10:38 says:

      No where did the PPM promise $4 gas.  They did no such thing.  You Must be confused with UDP promises to bring back low gas prices.  

      Give the guys a break – they have been in Government a short 2 + months and the first consideration is fixing the mess and getting a budget. 

      Peace Out



    • Anonymous says:

      You should care about that relationship and it was those who destroyed it that jacked up the price of fuel substantially then had the nerve to promise the people 4 dollar a gallon gas! PPM  promised a reduction in fuel duty and I have no doubt it will happen as soon as possible.

      Your UDP smear campaign will fail so give it up!

    • Anonymous says:

      I don't see where PPM promised you $4.00 per gal of gas. They are not in control of world oil prices, you know.

      • Anonymous says:

        09.31…no they are not, but they are in control of import taxes…and they could do something about the obvious cartels operating in gas stations and supermarkets..

        • Anonymous says:

          Gas stations do offer different prices for gas so you can choose. I do not see any cartel operating at that level. And while I am in agreement that the duty on gas and diesel should be lowered from the $0.75 per gal that we pay that of itself will not lower the price to $4.00 per gal.

  3. Libertarian says:

    Aside from who is right and who is wrong on this issue, I like how many of the loyalist here, use "INDEPENDENCE" as a scare tactic to quiet Caymanians / Locals from standing up for their civil rights when certain in the UK and in the FCO ignore them. I think some of it has to do with racism, discrimination, and/or the colonial habit of viewing us as second class citizens. I can't stress the reality this present condition!   

    • Anonymous says:

      Unfortunately you are so second class that I had to thumbs you down. You should be thankful to God that your under the UK. It could be worse fi you were under Jamaica or the United States.

    • Anonymous says:

      Libertarian if I look at the limited choices we have for leadership of this country and what both of these  parties have  done I am scared to death. Moreover no party has come up with a true alternative source of revenue for this country leaving our finances very tight. No leave independence out of this until at least we show that we can move forward in a positive manner with our finances.

      • Libertarian says:

        I agree that we are in serious financial delimma; however, it seems like some here on this site, are deliberately protraying the Foreign Office as the "good guys" or the "good referees" who govern by the rules of justice and fairness, and we shouldn't mind what they do… we should worry about our parties here solo. Yes we have problems and the two parties seem to not be solving them, but I am afraid that whilst we are caught up with parties here, we forget the other potential evil, the FCO that appears in whitish royal gown until someone ignorant takes the reins… I personally believe this is where trust breaks down between us. And I mean "us" who are well informed Caymanians, who know their history and the history of the British Empire. Don't get me wrong I oppose Indepedence, but I do not believe in being treated like a second class citizen where I am expected to sing proudly God Save the Queen. As Caymanians we have our own little culture, our own little history, even our own slang. We shouldn't be threatened with "direct rule" where our democratically elected parties are dissolved for Her Majesty's interest whenever "they" feel like it. We shouldn't be threatened with forced "independence-fear-tactics" when their are major wrong comparisons between the freedoms of UK citizens in the UK and a limited democracy here. Our democracy should be respected and that should be stipulated in our Constitution (which is not). This has nothing to do with Indepdendence; it has more to do with colonial policies still in existence and the trust breaks down when these laws and policies are resurrected at their convenient time despite it trampling on people's rights. Don't get me wrong, you may have an FCO official with good intentions for the UK, but watches them???  What about our interest???  These things can be respected without independence which the loyalist are trying to time and time again use that word to silence their objectors on this site and elsewhere.  Regards

        • Whodatis says:

          Very well said.

        • Anonymous says:

          16.35…there are some strange perceptions here of what the FCO or UK wants of Cayman. You all seem obsessed that we want to rule and control you. No Brit I know thinks like that, (including several I know in the FCO). You will note the previous Governor Mr Taylor, only stuck his nose into shady and  not transparent dealings that Mac tried to drag Cayman into. And as long as that Union Jack stays in the corner of Cayman's flag, that is what is going to happen. Otherwise it could fall to UK to bail out the country if all Caymans politicians went the way of Misick. Along the way, the UK will try to demonstrate the benefits of transparency and fiscal controls. Some interests here do not and will not like that, as it will threaten their little empires within Government or the CS.

          UK has not threatened direct rule, some bloggers on here have suggested it. Let us be clear, the only reason that would happen was if the locally elected politicians got it totally wrong, or went mad, or stole and tried to financially break the country. UK would put a stop to that, for sure. And that, my dear Sir, is the ultimate guarantee that whilstall may not be well, that it will never be allowed to get that bad. That is why the offshore industry is here. UK does not want to interfere, it has enough on its own plate and carries a shame for its colonial past. I honestly believe that UK would quietly prefer that its remaining territories went independent, but as long as the citizens of those places dont want to be independent, they will remain British.

          • sq. says:

            Oh please, get off your royal gong!  The potential alone that the UK's FCO can enforce direct rule on us like it did on TCI, is enough reason to not trust her. If she did it once to a neaighboring island, don't have us not to believe she wouldn't do so again. You are blowing smokes!

          • Anonymous says:

            They need to balance catching corrupt leaders and respecting people's rights me thinks. Turks and Caicos debucle wasn't a children's fairy tale.

    • Truthseeker says:

      I think youmeant to say " I cannot overstress".  The suggested shortening  does not make logical or linguistic sense. 

  4. Knot S Smart says:

    I wonder if Whodatis would be mad at me if I suggested that we choose him to do the foot washing this time when we get the new governor?

    Poor Ms Julie sure needs a break and who better for the job than Whodatis…

    Oh Dear! Oh Dear!

    The bombs have been launched.

    The bombs are falling… The bombs are falling…

    • Whodatis says:

      Considering that I don’t care very much forthe undemocratic role of governor in the country and that I am not the most politically correct kinda fella … plus topped off by Kilpatrick being quite easy on the eyes … I don’t think I would be the safest candidate for that job. πŸ˜‰

      • Anonymous says:

        You really are a caveman when it comes to women.

        • Whodatis says:

          Only when they want me to be … which is most of the time.
          But you probably wouldn’t know anything bout dem tings!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Blogger at 6:30…I wonder who put us in this state? Who made Caymanians unemployed? Who turned the Caymanians into this expectancy? Who turned the Cayman Islands into a Welfare State? You really think this new Government is to blame? C'Mon on now, be realistic. That same McKeeva Bush and his policies caused most of our problems of today. He promoted this "Gimme situation" here, instead of teaching you all how to do for yourselves and how to behave on the jobs etc etc. Yes, I am speaking to all your Caymanian this way, because I am a BORN Caymanian and some of you has shamed me with unnah attitudes. I dunno where the bunch of you came from, but it sure not from heh!!  Caymanians were always known as the friendliest people in the Caribbean, the hardest working people and the people of doers. Weh yah all come from now eh? Weh?  Give this Government a chance to get their business in order nah!! Geez!

  6. Sucka Free Cayman says:

    Dearest Alden you can fix this situation and turn this whole mess around by giving the job of speech writer to the Jordanian!

  7. Dred says:

    God the idiots are out in numbers again. Whodatis is a mental crackpot. Alden is only saying what is truly the truth. The UK rules us. In the end if they are "hell bent" on us doing something they white paper us and we are forced to do it. It's an idiot to think we are EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE to independence. We have rampant corruption that needs to be dealt with otherwise we see another Bush coming in here and messing up our country again. He did not say he will not speak up for what he believes in, he is only saying he won't be retarded like the other baffoon we had in there for 3 1/2 yrs making us look like some 4th world (not even 3rd) country out in the goonies. Please retire and never even consider advising Bush.

  8. Unison says:

    It is said that Cayman's relationship with the UK is strained. That is not so how they are saying it! To put things into perspective, the problem is with the mindset of certain politicians whilst we the people really have no say… so it is made to appear that the entire country of Cayman is at variance against the UK, and the UK at variance against Cayman. I wish the media would put these things into perspective.

  9. sickntired says:

    Better try get jobs for your ppl, every minute talkign about UK relationship.  Feed the children going to school without lunches, and get your ppl employment so they can pay their bills.  90 days and you all have done nothing for the caymanian ppl.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well they've done more in 90 days than McKeeva did in his entire stint in office.  And look at the laughable result he promised to deliver within 90 days?  And now we're even worse off.

      Perspective is a heck of a thing.

    • noname says:

      If they didn't have to continue to pay so much to feed the unemployable, uneducated, but intitled in the Civil Service they would have plenty of money to feed and educate they kids that will someday be the civil service workers.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Any of you who have a problem with the current status quo…the solution is simple…

    Begin a petition for a referendum on independence…get your MLAs to pass this referendum…

    Hold your referendum…and if it passes with a majority vote…


    Its really as simple as that !

    • Anonymous says:

      Okkk then – is that our only hope / choice??

      • Anonymous says:

        Trust me – Independence is not "hope" – and it would be a disastrous choice for Cayman. 

  11. Anonymous says:

    What a sad little person you must be!

    Its simple, independance is there for Cayman the day we want it. In the meantime, call it obedience if you must, but accept that if the Islands want to be attached to the UK then it must apply the same standards.

    You continually harp back to perceived UK failings, mostly historic issues even going back to the times of slavery, that has no bearing on what standards WE must meet in this day and age.

    Get real, grow up, stop this adolescent ranting and if you have to say anything, try and make it constructive!

  12. Whodatis says:

    Gives me great comfort to read of my representative declaring his obedience to the entity that has constitutionally declared their own interests as ALWAYS taking priority over mine in times of conflict.

    I wonder who is meant to be impressed by this?

    Remember our little talk about the “institutionalized” amongst us that seek approval and acceptance by the establishment first and foremost, Cayman?


    Remember Cayman, a Premier in constant good standing with the UK is not necessarily a good thing. Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is blowing smoke up your ass … prime examples in 3 … 2 … 1 …

    • Anonymous says:

      First!  Oh shoot, it's a booby trap. Guy getting too paranoid for me. 

    • Anonymous says:

      I'd like to think the above is satire, but as I'm not sure allow me to make what I assume is a very obvious point. 

      There is a large difference between blind obedience and being an honest partner acting in good faith.  The later is what Cayman needs to try to reestablish themselves as.  The last few years the CIG has willy-nilly made whatever promises it felt would get them what they want, but then refused to honor thier promises.  That type ofbehavior has been very short-sighted and with the potential to cause Cayman great harm.

      No matter our preference, the world is becoming a much smaller place and establishing our country as capable of being an honest partner has never been more important.  Now the relationship with the UK is the most visible and obvious example, but it goes far beyond that.  FATF blacklists, US FATCA, UK FATCA, etc, etc, etc are only increasing at a very rapid pace.  Without a trust between the CIG and these other partner countries and organizations, at the very best Cayman will find itself at a competitive disadvantage and at worst it could lead to the distruction of entire sectors of the Cayman economy.

      No matter how much we would like to remain in our own little bubble, those days have past.  We must be able to prove ourselves an honest partner who will live up to our commitments or face perhaps very dire consequences.


    • Anonymous says:

      Absent independence, a local region interests must always come second to national interests.  That is how countries work.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you dont like it you could always just go away – quietly please.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are right whodatis. Bad relationships are much better! Relationship's very meaning is one of openness, discussion and mutual respect. Would not expect you to understand that. Like mac, if people don't agree with you, (the majority in your case) then you deem them to be wrong. No discussion. Hitler had that problem.

    • Anonymous says:

      You remind me of Mike Misick. 

    • Anonymous says:

      why don't you go independent??? 

      • Anonymous says:

        Whodatis should go to Owen Island and declare himself King of Whodatisland – just like every 5 year old did once.  Sad thing is Whodatis never grew up. 

    • Anonymous says:

      Whodatis, it appears the majority of Cayman agrees with Alden..thats one of the reasons they voted PPM in…look up democracy in the dictionary. If you need a deeper, words of no more than 3 letters explanation, happy to oblige.

      • Anonymous says:

        Th majority of the people agreed with The Progessives- not necessarily Alden.  However to get rid of the UDP (the greater evil)  and because C4C could'nt decide who they really were, we tolerated Alden.  He needs to stop these sangtimonious speeches and do something about the labour problems on this island.  Instead of these 10 years permits he should be trying to get those of us who want to work into those jobs.

        • noname says:

          Those who want to work but don't have the skills should do what everyone else does and get them on their own.  Hard as it is it is still easier then getting some one to pay you for crying loudly and often.  Thats why its called WORK.  Now go forth and earn it.

          • Anonymous says:

            Very well said!

            I have had several careers in my lifetime so far. And as such have had to re-school myself, not depend on Govt. to "find me work"!


    • Anonymous says:

      "Declared their own interests as ALWAYS taking priority over mine in times of conflict" – Apparently, the UK is expected to subordinate its interests to the personal interests of Whodatis.  I know he has a huge ego, but even for his witterings this is a surprising admission.  He is a silly little angry man.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ummmm…ALL MLA's declare their allegiance to the HM, meaning of course the UK govt.

    • Ed says:


      Even by your usual standards, this is a particularly stupid comment.  What is to be lost by trying to forge an amicable relationship with the UK?  Amity does not necessitate obedience nor subservience, except perhaps in your colonial mindset.

      Do you think it would be better instead to follow the path adopted by Bush?  I was there at that infamous speech Bush made when Governor Taylor first arrived and I still vividly remember the expressions of almost disbelieve and acute embarrassment on the faces of the dignitaries (Cayman and British) present with me in the audience.

      What is the alternative to amity?  Start trying to put Cayman's interests first.

    • Ivan Pavlov says:

      A headline with the "UK" in it is like a dinner bell to a dog.

    • TerryTowel says:

      Keep up the posts Whodatis…always a great belly laugh!

    • Whodatis says:

      The power of plain simple truth never ceases to amaze me.
      Congrats my dancing puppets … you have outdone yourselves today!
      And to those with enough brain cells, understanding and neutrality to appreciate my initial post … peace and love.
      Never lose sight of reality.
      It is what it is.
      Ignore the detractors – they are the same ones who wouldn’t give a damn if Cayman fell to nothing tomorrow – so ‘eff ’em!

      • Anonymous says:

        What you need to understand, Whybotherwithhim, is that what you believe is not always "the truth".  It is just your opinion.  And usually a minority opinion.  Saying daft things like calling your own opinions "the simple truth" makes you sound like a fool and extremely arrogant in equal measure.  But then you know all this, you are an angry little troll who likes to rile people for the sake of it.

    • Whodatis says:

      Clearly many are opposed to my post and believe that Cayman should always bend to the UK.
      This is a very serious issue and many are throwing around words and rhetoric like idle Ping-Pong.
      May I remind them that up to very recently the UK was demanding for CIG to “expand its revenue sources”.
      What does that mean to you?
      Furthermore, what would an absolute loyal Premier be expected to do in this instance?
      (Looking forward to sincere replies and not the usual personal and ad hominem attacks.)

      • Whodatis says:

        Yeah – I thought as much. Not a peep out of the dozens of opposed voters and respondents to my initial post.

        I rest my case.

        (Don’t bother replying now – applications are closed. However, feel free to slide the usual ad hominem attack under the door. Thanks.)

      • Anonymous says:

        I think the problem is your comments are overflowing with logical fallacies and others may be attributing that to some malice on your part.  Let’s start by summarizing what the article really says.  The article basically says:

        The premier wants to form a strong partnership with the UK.  There will be disagreements between the partners, but he hopes they will not play out acrimoniously in public.

        Then you start commenting about how bad it is to be blindly obedient as there will be times the CIG and UK may not have their best interests always in alignment.  Now I think all reasonable people would agree that is true, however, that is also something nobody in this article (or anywhere else I can recall) has ever even made an argument for.  So on the surface it seems you are basically trying to lie by rebranding a partnership into some sort of blindly subservient relationship to advance some argument I’m not 100% sure I understand.

        Now there are basically two options for this.  It is an intentional lie on your part to attempt to make some point or is confusion on your part about the meaning of the wordpartnership.  Others have decided to attribute this as an intentional lie and have reacted in a strongly negative way.  I have always liked the saying “never attribute to malice that which can equally be attributed to incompetence”.  So my first reaction isn’t to assume you are willfully attempting to perpetrate some lie, but instead you simply may not understand what some of the words mean.

        So to avoid further confusion on this point, I’d first suggest you go look up what some of the words actually mean (primarily partnership).  Then give some thought to what those words actually mean and the disconnect between that and the attributes you seem to be trying to give those words.  I think that will go a long ways to understanding some of the conflict you are having with others on this thread.

        • Whodatis says:

          All of that but still couldn’t manage to answer the question(s).

          • Anonymous says:

             Obviously I won’t answer those questions as they are all premised on this straw man argument you continue to employ by arguing against an obedient premier when that isn’t an agreement anyone is making.  I was simply making a good faith effort to explain to you why those types of arguments have been (and I’m sure will continue to) receive a negative reaction from logical people.

            Nothing personal or ad hominem.  Just trying to help you see these types of dishonest arguments are pointless.   If you aren’t interested in that, I shall happily leave you to argue against something nobody except yourself is arguing in thefirst place and wish you a good day.

          • Anonymous says:

            Just to humor your questions and assure you I am not some crazy person who thinks blind UK obedience would be a good thing.  If and when some insane person ever suggests Cayman should blindly do whatever the UK suggests, I will be on the roof tops right beside you yelling about the insanity of any such plan.  I could go on all day pointing to possible conflicts of interest the UK could have which would make that a horrible idea.  However, as nobody ever has (and no competent person ever will) make that argument that would be a waste of my time.

            From reviewing more of your comments, it seems putting that “obedient premier” argument forward is simply an intellectually dishonest argument to rally support to your anti-UK and anti-governor views.  A separate reasoned and honest discussion on your concerns in this regard could be interesting and enlightening for both of us.  However, until you are willing to set aside your histrionics and engage in an honest discussion; that won’t happen.

            I personally feel they provide an important balance given the simple form of government Cayman currently has where the ruling party and the premier in particular can wield nearly unchecked powers.  I think the UK/governor can act as a needed check for an out of control CIG.  I would argue that should rarely be used and if CIG is behaving responsibly it should never be used.  However, I do believe it is an important check to have in place.

            To your direct question about the UK’s request for direct taxation, I was appalled and in disbelief when the previous premier did blindly accept that.  However, when he finally received other suggestions from responsible Caymanians and returned to the UK with alternatives they did accept those as reasonable alternatives as an honest partner should.  So yes, I was “up in arms” when that happened, but the UK proved to be a reasonable partner in that case and that proved to be more an issue of our local leaders inability to think outside the box for alternatives prior to agreeing than a case of the UK bullying something upon us.

    • Anonymous says:

      Blowing smoke up where? My dear sir, if you wish to be taken seriously you must refrain from such peculiar imagery as it only serves to weaken your credibility.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Manderson used to be Caymanian and McLaughlin is a trojan horse. Watch what comes into this country through McLaughlin, and Alden, if I bump into you again at Country and Western, (and there's more chance of you being there than me)  I'll tell you the same, You are a trojan horse.

    • Anonymous says:

      Do you even understand the meaning of Trojan Horse? We Caymanians elected the PPM into office and Alden as Premier. 

  14. Anonymous says:

    Ya might wanna run that by WhoDatIs first

  15. Anonymous says:

    It is good to see Premier McLaughlin is taking this approach. We hardly need any more of the classless and downright embarrasing utterances and behaviours that were displayed in the past. Perhaps these islands will regain some of the respect lost and be restored to the good image that was lost. Thank you Mr. McLaughlin for having the good sense and "broughtupsy" to behave in a more becoming manner.

  16. Don Felix says:

    Oh please spare us Alden this same old dribble both you and Mckeeva is responsible for this dire situation politically and financially The UK is not squabbling or as you try sell us this epic battle which is a figment of the imagination create to fool us.The fact is none you have a clue how to run and manage yourself nor this island as a matter of fact or we wouldn't be here in the first place. Different approach you actually mean the only option after unnah little cheque book got taken away. Yes and this political patronage and sickening jobs for the secret handshake Mafia is really getting rather stale and is parasitic an incestuous disease killing our society and government Alden and as for Mrs Kilpatrick some of the rank and file need to stop chatting bout the woman martial status unnah bunch chauvanistic hoodlums. The poor lady has her job cut out for her i tell you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Is she a martial arts black belt or do you mean 'marital' status?  Is she single, divorced or what….?

    • Anonymous says:

      Looks like all that money they say Alden "wasted" on education was too late to be of any help to you.

  17. Anonymous says:

    We must never see the likes of Bush again. A schoolyard bully defying and being rude to the guiding hand that keeps the Islands on an even keel in the eyes of the international community. The reality is, like it or not, the UK could close Cayman down overnight, so Bush's threats from Taylor's first days here were preposterous. The UK should have stepped in from then and stopped it.

    • Anon says:

      Note: bullying doesn't happen only in the schoolyard. It happens in high offices as well. 

    • And another Ting says:

      One never knows Do one!. and another Ting.

  18. Anonymous says:

    The UK are our friends as long as we do what the UK likes…its simple…the very Constitution says it….it says as long as its in the UK's interest the Uk will follow the document.

    I am not against the UKs rule but we must realize they rule. simple. anything else is just fooling ourselves. So Alden's comments simply means he does not want to get spanked on the behind like the last Premier did ( and to some degree I agree with him- keep mommy happy and hope she likes what you are doing). I learnt that from the time I was about 5.  

    • Anonymous says:

      UK has changed a lot in the last couple of decades…it is all about inclusive discussion of all stakeholders towards a better future. And yes, as long as Cayman wants to stay as part of UK, there is a price, a big stick on open, transparent finance. All Cayman has to do is make sure its elected representatives make good cases for whatever Cayman needs.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ahhhh Many of you apparently havent been keeping up with the UK. The UK is in such a mess, that many of the long generation Born british people are moving theirselves out of that country. The policies that the UK has passed down, give outside people more power than its own local people. Why do you think a lot of brits are flooding the shores of cayman and other places like austrailia and spain? Dont drink the coolaide thinking they are here to "help" us. They have ruined their own country and every island that they rule directly has become less for the locals and a feeding ground for the Brits. Look around and see the changes. They no longer have control over their own government nor their lands, yet want to dictate to other people how to run their land.

        So I am with people who agrees that the UK is the parent land, but we have to stand solid and not be bullied into taking their policies on board so easily. 

        These are not conspiracy theories I spout people, these are facts. Facts that can be found with a little googling and watching the UK news. You can watch Muslism extremist march in the UK shouting "kill the police" while the  local communities can not do anything about it. They have less control on their own boarders and welfair system, and lets not go into the curruption in parliament .

        Listen to the ole saying people, Look before you leap.. this is not a joke thing we dealing with.This is a massive machine that if not dealt with correctly, can distroy Cayman severly in a few years. 


        CNS, I know that you have alot of work with following stuff in cayman, but can you consider following important articles in the UK that people would find interesting here. I believe the Local populous should be in the loop of what its "Master" has been up to and dealing with.


        • Anonymous says:

          21.18-Whodatis in anonymous mode.

          • Anonymous says:

            actually no.. someone else who has his/her own insight on this situation. Not everyone drinks the coolaide you know