MPs criticise Cayman Constitution on gay rights
(Pink News): The Cayman Islands new draft constitution has been criticised by UK MPs for deliberately excluding gay rights. A report from the Foreign Affairs Committee described the decision to exclude sexual orientation as a prohibited ground for discrimination was "deplorable" and raised concerns that it breached human rights laws. The report said: "We conclude that the deliberate omission of reference to sexual orientation as a prohibited ground for discrimination in the Cayman Islands draft constitution is deplorable."
Category: World News
"There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life – happiness, freedom and peace of mind – are always attained by giving them to someone else."
– Peyton C. March (1864-1955)
"Don’t be ignorant and foolish – man/nature could never design this world so perfectly!" Fantastic. The only possible answer is magic. Physics, geology and evolution cannot provide a rational model as to why we are we were are? All living things around us have adapted through evolution to function as well as possible in the enviroment of earth – evolution produces creatures perfectly designed for these conditions.
Well I suppose if we are dealing with people as ignorant as the quoted poster and blinded by fundamentalism in their youth, there is no point in having a debate, rather I should feel sorry for them. It is when they shove it down my throat that really gets me.
Live and let live – there are two aspects to marriage the legal and the religious/spiritual. Religious fundamentalists cannot see the difference. Gay marriage/civil unions are a means of conferring these legal rights, it does not seek in any way to interfere with the religious aspects of weddings.
What a useless "debate". Pro gay and anti gay discussions are as futile as pro-choice vs pro life discussions. Each side holds steadfast in their beliefs and NOTHING is going to make them change or truly consider the other sides point of view. So it is pointless to try and cram something down someone’s throat.
Let’s agree to disagree and move on. Just don’t encroach on my rights and lets not carried away by blowing up churches, abortion clinics, beating up gays you name it either way if you have to resort to physical violence to prove your point your just plain psycho-period!
We have waaaaaayyyy too many critical issues about to cripple this country than us wasting time having this stupid and pointless conversation.
If someone can make out a decent case for the existence of a god then I might give their preaching some more weight. The Bible does not count as proof as it was man written. Why should I listen to people who think that man did not evolve and the universe, earth, and all living things were created by magic? Given that many animals exhibit homosexual conduct does this mean that god got things wrong?
I don’t believe in any of that pagan prehistoric storytelling (by which I mean most of the foundation of Christianity). Others do, fair enough, but their belief in these myths and legends should not interfere with how rational people live their lives in modern times.
Don’t believe in God?!?!?!….
But I betcha the day WILL come that when your on your dying bed – you’ll believe then!
Don’t be ignorant and foolish – man/nature could never design this world so perfectly!
So think about this before you continue to act the fool!!! No one is impressed! ;(
PS: Gay people are lazy! They just don’t want to take the time to learn the opposite sex is what’s the problem – plain and simple! LAZY!
Now – you have a nice weekend! 🙂
I’m sorry but your comment is so ridiculous it is laughable! I truly apologize because I simply cannot fathom a person who could be so vapid as to write such a post script.
First of all, the only reason most people believe in God or a form of god is because they fear an eternity in fire and brimstone when they reach their inevitable end. They try to save people’s souls in order to save their own.
Second of all, if you call this world perfect, I really wouldn’t want to see what you would call average – your standards really do need to be raised some more.
Last but not least, getting to know the opposite sex – laziness compells one to become gay – I’d love to see you write a thesis on that! So, laziness compells someone to fear for their life everyday, to face innumerable encounters with bigots, to be continuously aware of who they trust with their ‘nefarious’ ways – to be honest, who would want to be gay! It’s more work than being straight!
You, my dear friend, have no idea what gay people go through! You have no idea of how difficult it can be! If you want an idea, how about you do some research and see how many gay guys have been beaten to death for being gay, how many lesbians have been gang-raped and murdered for being gay! There’s your perfect world! Wake up!
"I bet this column will be interesting reading over the next few days."
Damn straight*, it’s time to puton the pink dress and open up a can of whoop-ass! Let the rumble begin!!!
* Meaning "straight" in that oh-so-very-queer kind of way.
My God Almighty! 43 comments on this topic while Grand Cayman implodes on major issues led by violence and gun crimes.
The PPM would never have allowed such criticism of our fine constitution.
"We live in a society governed by Judeo Christian principles and laws."
Wrong! You wish you were governed by religious law, just like Iran governs through Sharia Law with a whip in one hand and the Koran in the other. You wouldn’t have to worry about justice that way, only that you and your preacher were becoming more powerful. I mean screw justice and equality, right?
Wait, sorry… you forgot that pesky European Convention on Human Rights… Damn rights.
"…we certainly dont want it imposed on us to the point that our childer/family have to be confronted with it."
God forbid you should see a gay person holding hands with another gay person. I suppose in your view they should get back in a closet, kind of the way you keep the fact that you beat your wife and sexually abuse your children hidden behind closed doors, right? Oh wait – what you are doing is a crime, but what the gay is doing is not. That slipped. sorry
"Jesus did spend some time with sinners, he ate meals with them, and spoke to them about the way they were living their lives. These were God-ordained appointments that Christ kept. However it was not to hang, it was to change them."
This is rich… you can read the mind of God, can you? Do tell then why God says that homosexuality is wrong. Not WHERE it says so in the bible mind you, but WHY.
"Yours in Christ"? Sounds more like Ave Satanas. I judge you too.
"It’s about time we start to call a sin a sin and stop beating around the bush. It’s about time we start to see things as right and wrong or black and what. It’s about time we stop making our morality so grey that our children have problems recognizing what is acceptable and what is unacceptable behaviour. "
Unacceptable behaviour is small-minded bigot pinheads pretending to have the moral capacity to judge others. You teach your children to hate based upon what a small-minded bigot pinhead tells you from a pulpit. Shame on you. I’m going to put on my pink dress and kick your ass.
I DARE you to articulate one valid reason to condemn homosexuality without reference to a bible or what a preacher told you. Exercise your powers of analysis and give me a reasoned answer. Don’t regurgitate the hate that the preachers push into your head. THINK!
Hater. I freakin DARE YOU!
You want one reason! When a man and a woman has sex the possibility exist that the woman may get pregnant. When two men have sex there is no possibility that either man will get prgnant.
Thank you, but you are only stating the obvious and not providing a reasoned argument. Now please go on to show why the absence of a pregnancy makes gay sex wrong. No references to the bible remember!
While you are at it don’t forget the likely reply: given that the world is suffering from extreme overpopulation and the fact that the ecosystem is on the verge of collapsing under the stresses that the existing human population puts on it, you cannot possibly argue that there is a moral obligation on people to make more people – that just accelerates the destruction of our planet.
Next argument please.
So infertile women or men should be banned from marrying too?
Gays and Lesbians namely homosexuals reside in Cayman Brac, Little Cayman and Grand Cayman. I would invite both straight and gay tourists to the Cayman Islands on aircraft and cruise ships. I am a born again Christian. I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ! If I were a marriage officer in the Cayman Islands, no law from Britain would over rule the law of God and the church in forcing me to marry a gay couple in a holy church building. However, the compassion and love of Christ must be showed to all – the world over. Marraige, in my opinion must remain between a man and a woman. If two women or two men fall in love and shack up together in a house – that’s their business. Human Rights protects a persons privacy within their own abode. No one should be stoned to death! I respect a person (s) privacy. Christians must be less judgemental with out condoning sin. We will all face the grandmaster/Judge one day. Less hate and more love is what I say. Laws must be respected and upheld— all humans are created in God’s image as difficult as that may be to comprehend. Lets Love and Pray more. Only good behaviour should be tolerated in public, offices and schools. All gay and straight people should keep their "lovie-dubbie" business behind closed doors…not in the streets of George Town, London, Toronto, Port-of-Spain or any where else for that matter. Equality? No Gay pride parades would mean no straight pride parades right?
Thanks for letting me share.
Quincy Brown
I agree 100%
"Hypocrisy: Prejudice with a halo" ~Ambrose Bierce
"Should the Ministers’ Association sit aside and not defend our Christian heritage and let our islands be overrun by immoral actions?
I do TRY hard each day to love my neighbours. I also TRY very hard to love the sinner and hate the sin. The sin is what I have a problem with. I don’t want to be walking the streets of Cayman each day surrounded by immorality."
I humbly submit to you my brother or sister that as a Christian I find this statement hypocritical. Newsflash! We walk the streets every day IN CAYMAN "surrounded by immorality".
I would like to see the Minister’s Association defend our Christian heritage and address the immoral actions of the HIGH INCIDENTS OF INFIDELITY, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND GREED! Why isn’t this “the sin that we have a problem with”?
Instead of picketing a gay cruise ship on the waterfront, I would like to see them rallying the good, God-fearing people in this island (local and expatriate) to picket in central George Town against all the cheating that is so accepted and prevalent in our society. Picket against all the men who physically, verbally and sexually abuse their wives. Not to mention the fact that this happens in our leaders and nobody stands up and rejects this behaviour publicly. How about that? Picket that men / women should love and honour their wives / husbands above themself. Why is it that this sounds bazaar to some but picketing a gay cruise ship is not? In a word, hypocrisy!
And people havea nerve to say that gays are destroying marriage! NO! Cheating on your husband or wife, beating them, degrading them and arguing in front of the children is much more successful my friend. So go ahead Chicken Little… the gays are coming, the gays are coming! Christ encourages us to love them and take the beam out of our own eyes first. And another thing… we need to really check ourselves with the “love the sinner and hate the sin” line. Food for thought, if Jesus was here, my humble opinion is that he would be hanging with them. If this makes you upset, then go read in your bible the type of person that got upset when he was hanging with the prostitutes and tax collectors of his day. People know love when they see it. It’s easier to attract bees with honey than vinegar.
You sadly miss the point as well my friend.
What many people (not exlusive to the Christian community) have a problem with is deliberate demonstrations which push the limits of acceptable behaviour.
I have never heard of any organized cruise advertising itself as being designed for wife beaters, child-molesters, or adulterers.
Whether people want to accept the truth or not, it is a morality issuein more ways than one. You will find no religion of the major faiths of the world other than atheism which supports homosexuality. Ask yourself why is that? It is because all faiths hold common principles of the sanctity of marriage and family.
Of course we have some post-modern philosophical theologians from all faiths who have been ‘enlightened’ and may give advice contrary to my hypothesis. But no traditional or historical understanding of any of these religious texts can find justification for homosexuality, adultery or spousal abuse. Yes I know polygamy is referenced but in a twisted way it still within the context of marriage, but that’s another story (smile).
Let me sum up so we don’t digress too far. Christians accept that sin is all around us and that we all sin. It is the advertisement, selling and in-your-face aspect of these gay cruises which are harder to turn a blind eye to.
And you know what, if the gay cruise organizers know we are uncomfortbale with it, that’s fine too. They can’t take this imperialist and extremely arrogant approach to think that their behaviour is acceptable around the world. We as a culture do not like open public displays of sexuality.
Hence the furor with the youtube Jamaican style passa-passa dancing, and the objection of many to the lude aspects of Caribbean Carinvals which some are trying to foist upon us in the form of Batabano.
Gay tourists have always and will always come to Cayman. This is accepted without question. We just ask that they keep their lifestyle and sexuality to themselves. If all of us maintained that principle (no matter what ‘orientation’ you are), we will all get along a lot better and avoid offending others unnecessarily.
Thanks for this great response.
Well, this post is ok. I mean at first I was going to rip you a new one but then I read it again and it wasn’t that bad (for someone with a religious impediment). Here are some comments back:
"I have never heard of any organized cruise advertising itself as being designed for wife beaters, child-molesters, or adulterers." But there are cruises for religious haters, so evil does float. Seriously though, you compare gays to criminals without providing a reasoned justification (there is of course none to be given). You think gay is morally wrong? Prove it, don’t assume it and state it here without a supporting argument. This is a cheap for of argument because it deceives readers who can’t see the falsehood. Be brave and truthful. Why is gay bad? Besides just telling us who told you that please (it was a preacher, of course)
"It is because all faiths hold common principles of the sanctity of marriage and family." People all used to think that the world was flat. They were all wrong. Just because everyone on earth is mistaken does not flatten the earth. We evolve and learn, and correct our mistakes as we go. Don’t be a flat-earther.
"But no traditional or historical understanding of any of these religious texts can find justification for homosexuality." First, I think it is very bold of you to claim to understand every religion that has ever existed. Are you really making that claim? Next, why would anyone be looking for justification (from religion or at all)? Gay people are simply is part of the human species. Why do we have noses? … quick, pass the King James!!!
"We as a culture do not like open public displays of sexuality." You sound very repressed. Let me take you out for a cold one and I’ll loosen you up a little.
Thanks for seeing beyond my ‘impediment’. By the way, I refer to it as ‘faith’. But at least you are listening and I appreciate that.
My response to your response:
Talk to you soon…
Jesus would surely hang with them but he would tell them to stop sinning.
To ‘Let’s Get Real’. While I can understand where you are coming from with some of your comments I would like to retort on 2 issues.
Firstly, I agree that the CMA and churches and Christians in general should be speaking on the other ills of our society. However it should not be instead of addressign the gay issue. Sin is sin and we have to address all of it, otherwise we win victories for Christ in some areas and lose in others, but never really holistically affect society with the gospel.
Secondly, I you are incorrect, Jesus did not hang with sinners. If you truly examine the Bible you will see that Jesus spent the majority of his time ‘hanging’ with his disciples, or ‘hanging’ in solitude with his Father in prayer. Jesus did spend some time with sinners, he ate meals with them, and spoke to them about the way they were living their lives. These were God-ordained appointments that Christ kept. However it was not to hang, it was to change them. No sinner that spent time with Christ was the same afterwards, because He changed them by getting them to repent and abandon their sin. The greatest example of this is the mercy He showed to the woman who was about to be stoned. He shamed the stoners, yes, but He also told her to go and sin no more.
If we ‘hang’ with sinners, not declaring the gospel, not taking the Christ-centred stance on sin, then we are really saying that sin is okay. That is not the mandate of a Christian and we do a real diservice to the community when we do that because remember it is the location of their eternity that we are paramountly concerned about.
Of course, in delivering the gospel we have to remember to act and speak in love, allowing the Holys Spirit to use us so that we use honey when necessary and vinegar when necessary, in other words, so that we speak appropriately to the needs of the audience and in whatever way will be effective. If wecontinue to approach this and other issues from the place of Christ-Centred love, we will take this country back from the darkness that now seeks to consume it.
Yours in Christ
The simpsons picture isn’t helping anyone take this more seriously.
Does this help???
oh forgot to mention: was here thinking, it would be so much like the biblical enemy to distract us from the real problem we dealing wid ya now – CRIME! Yup we need to stop worrying about the eclipes of people hearts and more with what the issues of that heart that causes them to tie a woman up because he wants to steal from her.
Yeah, while we busy being focused on the wrong thing he (common h) will slap us in the face with another crime. Would it not be so much like Him (Capital H now) to allow it to be so, to help usto come to terms with His word : Love God and Love neighbour as theyself. Remmeber now the challenge is Love WITHOUT BUTS (again no pun intended).
back to my coffey with some jam and bread now
It’s about time we stop making our morality so grey that our children have problems recognizing what is acceptable and what is unacceptable behaviour. This is the ONLY way we will be able to reclaim our islands.
If someone has a tendency to steal, he/she, if caught, will have to bear the consequences. Why is stealing wrong? ………..
I been reading these posts with interest and was not going to comment; but, the comment above with rest of the writer’s thoughts really provoked me to respond.
I am sorry but this is lame lame lame and distasteful to say the least! To equate, even remotely, being gay/different with stealing, killing or crime is wrong. I know many gay people (caymanians included) and look-ya right, they are some of the brightest, most respectful, caring, artistic, loving, friendly, christian, inspiring and HONEST and law abiding persons I know. Let me tell you sumting – you want a friend for life that is genuine and caring (and boy we need genuine in these times) you be fortunate enough to have someone who is different find you trusting of them! Wha a shoulder to cry on, in fact they cry with ya and share with giving arms.
I would not want my children to be gay. MAINLY because I know they would have to endure a life of venom from people that are all holy and pure. But make no mistake about it, if it happened they would have a champion to be all they can be. An advocate that stands behind them and dare any of unna to touch um or belittle um. I think is so weak and UNGODLY to belittle others. I love you BUT, I care for you BUT…what CA-CA! I would not want anyone caring for me with BUTS (no pun intended!! – not a laughing matter).
Start affiming Caymanians: black ,white, Spott-bayer to West bayer, Baptist or Catholic, footballer, becah attendant, roommaid or accountant, straight and yes gay because if there is ever a time we need one another with all heads at the table it is now. Stop the BIGOTRY!!!!!!!
I going have a little coffey now with sugar and cream today.
Why does every counter argument against homosexuality have to be used in the religious context? Is that the only option people have to counter Gays?
It doesn’t matter if you’re Christian or not and your faith does not believe in homosexuality. Discrimination has poisoned this world with the venom of injusitce and enough is enough.
From a philosophical point of view, acting ‘gay’ is only a part of human nature for certain types of people in all various stereotypes. Like how being prejudice is in human nature, it’s just another attirbute we all bear.
Sometimes you must relinquish your argument to hear the other side. You may believe it is grotesque to be homosexual however, the person you’re attacking could counter "it is grotesque to be straight". Therefore, there is no right conclusion. It is just how we as human beings view.
Why does it matter if someone is homosexual or not? If they truley love someone and respect all other types of sexual orientations we should not intervene with their ways of life. If they honestly love someone, that is the most important thing – nothing more.
"Why does every counter argument against homosexuality have to be used in the religious context? Is that the only option people have to counter Gays?"
Religion fills the brain in the absence of logic, science and reason. Reason does not tolerate anti-gay bigotry, since it is logically incoherent and, to use layman’s terms, frankly just stupid. Thus, where you see anti-gay bigotry you will often find that religion has filled the brain of the hater, and therefore religion also becomes the dominating "argument" used ( that term in quotes, because it is not really an argument at all, as any reasoning person can see – it is just the hatred taking on the most convenient disguise).
"Cultural differences" is what is I would call this. Heck, it wasn’t too long ago in Britain that there was hanging and homosexuality was illegal. Now Britain is 180 degrees on these issues and it looks (as usual) that the world must follow according to them. Sorry to say it isn’t that way.
Homosexuality has been around from the day one, look at the millions in the world now and in the future who are gay. That tells me that this is a natural thing, a part of the human condition (other species have been recorded too), so WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL?
We have our two days in the sun before we wither and die, why make it more miserable for ourselves and others? Let’s enjoy our brief time here with more love and less hate.
Yes, this is important to the "Gayz",but the real issue is that this "modernized" constitution was and is an absolute abomination as it does not protect any minorities or grant equality.
The UK, FCO, the Governor and the PPM will go down in history as having sold us all out to the CMA.
Unfortunately, our youth and society as a whole will bear the brunt of this capitulation.
Unfortunately, this argument is being used as a way to slip civil unions and gay marriage in our constitution through the backdoor.
"through the backdoor". …. is that suposed to be a gay joke?
. . . they are shoving it down our throats apparently.
… and it’s such a cute little constitution…
We live in a society governed by Judeo Christian principles and laws. Being a true Christian means trying every day to emulate Christ’s behaviour and His life whilst here on earth 2K plus years ago. Christ did not exclude anyone from his ministry nor did He display the animosity towards anyone like I see many of my fellow Christians displays towards homosexuals here on this island.
We might not agree with their lifestyle and we certainly dont want it imposed on us to the point that our childer/family have to be confronted with it. However, even in disagreement many of us can learn to be more understanding, loving and caring towards people that wish to lead a different lifestyle. That’s how we will win people over for Christ, and not by judging them and acting as if they’re evil.
When in doubt, please refer to the acronym ALJW (Act Like Jesus Would).
When Jesus entered in relationship with someone who was sinful, egs. Zacchaeus and the Woman at the Well, he never failed to let him/her know that they were in sin. Example: to the woman caught in adultery, he told her, "Go thy way and sin NO MORE". Jesus loved the sinner but he hated the sin. He did not close his eyes to the fact that one was doing wrong. He made sure to expose it. He did not condone it either.
It’s about time we start to call a sin a sin andstop beating around the bush. It’s about time we start to see things as right and wrong or black and what. It’s about time we stop making our morality so grey that our children have problems recognizing what is acceptable and what is unacceptable behaviour. This is the ONLY way we will be able to reclaim our islands.
If someone has a tendency to steal, he/she, if caught, will have to bear the consequences. Why is stealing wrong? MAINLY, because fatih tells us that! (regardless of religion) Our moral values are influenced by our faith no matter if we are Jews, Muslims, Christians, etc. Believe it or not, religion has influenced and still influences society. We cannot run away from that fact. Our Christian faith, (also Islam, Judaism) teaches that it is wrong for two persons of the same sex to be involved in sexual relations. What are we going to do, change God’s laws?
Should the Ministers’ Association sit aside and not defend our Chrisitan heritage and let our islands be overrun by immoral actions?
I do TRY hard each day to love my neighbours. I also TRY very hard to love the sinner and hate the sin. The sin is what I have a problem with. I don’t want to be walking the streets of Cayman each day surrounded by immorality.
Finally, am I sinner? Of course I am. Nut it doesn’t mean that I am allowed to do what I feel like doing.
I wonder if the harsh treatment that is given to people of colour, and people from third world countries will one day be considered discrimination and the people who are responsible for this will be considered to be violating one’s human rights.
I also wonder if a cruise that is organised and referred to as a ‘gay cruise’ will one day be considered discriminatory.
When you go to Rome you do as the Romans do. YOu go to Iran, you do as the Iranians do. I would love to ask these people who take pleasure in forcing things down our throats to leave us alone and let us be.
The US President and his wife recently visited the UK and there were talks of her being disrespectful because she was very informal with Her Majesty. It’s British culture/protocol that you act in a certain way, whether you like it or not.
I have seen female news reporters on assignment in Muslim countries and as much as they may disagree with wearing these particular dresses for women they conrform to the culture and the religion. Well guess what this is our culture, live with it.
wonder if the harsh treatment that is given to people of colour will one day be considered discrimination .
It already is in the western world!
Funy how there was so much pressure on South Africa over Apartheid, with sanctions, etc. Yet this was their "cultutre" at the time. Just because it is thei culture does not make it right.
Look at soem African nations where the culture is female circumcition so they can’t enjoy sex is culture or in Saudi Arabia where a 40year old man was allowed to marry an 8 year girl.
Or your example of Iran, where a 14 year old girl was hanged to death, after being raped by a 40 year old married man, for "seducing" him.
I wonder why people with high morals try and improve the world around them especially when the cultures are so wrong and predujice
If you go to a country and it is the culture to stone someone for adultery would you partake because when in Rome do as the Romans?
Would you partake in burning a widow because it is part of the culture of the country you’re in to do so?
Is it the culture of the Cayman Islands to hate?
Condoning discrimation emboldens radicals to pursue hate crimes.
When in Rome do as the Romans? There are gay Caymanians – they are ‘Romans’. Why is it that they are treated as less than other Caymanians? They are not second-class citizens and they are no better or worse than anybody else.
Remember Rome is made up of many; cultural practices are based on the ruling elite and not all practices are right.
He who feels it knows it.
I bet this column will be interesting reading over the next few days.
To the poster at 14:56 –
If you believe for an instant that homosexuals are treated "as equally as ordinary citizens," WAKE UP! If homosexuals here do receive ordinary treatment, it’s certainly the exception, not the norm. "Deplorable" doesn’t even begin to describe the behaviour in Cayman toward homosexuals… Tha’s what you get when you send the CMA and SDA off to help write a constitution – I can only hope that in light of this report the British Parliament sees fit to force a change. I can only hope that in doing so, some of the individuals involved in the creation of the constitution choke on their "half a loaf…"
Why in the heck the MP,s from the UK are so concerned about what is or isnt in our constistution, we will be better of the day that we sever ties with the mother want to be country, she has always treated the overseas territories as stepchildren and cayman is a cinderella to them. So MPs look at your own attrocities and then point your fingers, you are blasting the expats in your country putting them down, claimming that the muslims are destroying you all and yet you want to tell us how to run our Island, give me a break, take the brick out of your eyes before you cast your stones.
The acts of the UK with regard to Northern Ireland were ‘deplorable’ as well.
Yes, letting ourselves be shot and blown up by terrorists was shocking.
To Anonymous on 11 Aug at 17.06 re "
The acts of the UK with regard to Northern Ireland were ‘deplorable’ as well.
You clearly do not know your history. I have served in Northern Ireland with the British Military and spent quite some time reading the history of "the troubles" as they were known. I am sure for example that you did not know that the British sent troops into northern ireland to protect the catholics who were at that time being persecuted by the protestant northern irelanders. IE they went in to protect the rights of the minority. The British never did any deplorable acts. Eventually the IRA moved into northern ireland to claim it as Irish territory. They started bombing and maiming innocent protestants and the British Military. The British tried to maintain a semblance of peace and work towards detecting and prosecuting those who caused harm to the peacekeeping community. I could go on but I suggest you do some reading before you comment on this matter.
The failure of the UK to honor its committments to the United Nations on colonisation is "deplorable" as well.
The Cayman Islands’ fundamental religion is Christianity, we accept (some better than others) that they are different religions here as well as people with different views. We also don’t persecute people based on their beliefs. So why is it that we are constantly being persecuted for our beliefs? I am quite sure that homosexuals are treated as equaly as ordinary citizens with some exceptions (ie: marriage, adoption, etc) without having to stress any difference between them and the ordinary person. We have respect for them, please let them have respect for our beliefs. After all when we go into another country we must have respect for their laws and their beliefs otherwise the reprecussions could be a lot worse than simply ruffling a few feathers.
Those "some exceptions" are really important examples of discrimination, especially in a country where loving couples in a long term relationship are being forced to live apart because they are gay and cannot enter into a civil union. I don’t mind what these Christians do behind closed doors (well I do mind the sexual abuse rife in the clergy but we will leave that one aside), but when they try to interfere with my life and shove their religion done their throat they are going too far.
accept that they are different religions here
Does that include equating Hinduism with Satanism like one of your public representatives?
"Does that include equating Hinduism with Satanism like one of your public representatives?"
Yes. What is the difference? Demons are demons.
Don’t worry my children. I have VERY special places set up for both religious bigots who persecute gays as well religious bigots who persecute other religious bigots. It is glorious.
The gays I have no use for. They can all go to heaven for all I care, where they can pay for their lack of bigotry.
The illegal restrictions on voting and standing for election need to be revised in London too.
Here here! To use a delightfully biblical expression, the writing is on the wall for the bigots!