Archive for April 8th, 2010

Families wanted to host inner city kids
(CNS): The Cayman Islands Department of Tourism is looking for local families who can play host to guest children from New York who will be visiting Cayman this summer. A partnership between Cayman Airways, the Fresh Air Fund and the DoT provides young people from underprivileged backgrounds from the inner city and urban environment the chance of a life time vacation. The children aged between 10-12 will be arriving in Cayman on 22 July and staying for one week to experience some of the most unique and exciting activities the Caribbean has to offer.

New immigration deputy is HR expert
(CNS): Samantha Bennett, has been named as the new Deputy Chief Immigration Officer (DCIO) – Administration and will take up the job on Monday (12 April). Bennet moves to immigration from the Ministry of Finance, Development and Tourism where she was the Chief Human Resources Manager for the last four years. Welcoming the appointment, Chief Immigration Officer (CIO) Linda Evans said this recently-restructured position will provide managerial and administrative support in human resources, training and customer service delivery.
Bennett holds a MSc in human resource management (merit) from the University of Portsmouth and is a founding member and past president of CISHRP (Cayman Islands Society of Human Resources Professionals).

Drug council issues SOS for volunteers
(CNS): The National Drug Council (NDC);the body responsible for the oversight of the country’s anti-drug strategy has issued an urgent call for 35 additional volunteer fieldwork assistants to help with the Cayman Islands Student Drug Use Survey (CISDUS) 2010. The work will begin on the morning of Tuesday 13 April and the NDC says it needs more hands on deck to help start the interviews with students the first of which will be at schools between 11:15am to 12:45pm.

Teen arrested for murder
(CNS): Police confirmed this morning that a 16-year-old boy has been arrested and is currently detained on suspicion of murder following a police operation in the West Bay area earlier this morning. At About 7:20 am on Thursday 8 April the teenager was arrested in connection with the fatal shooting of Marcos Mauricio Gauman Duran who was shot and killed in West Bay, on Thursday 11 March, police stated. Duran an Ecuadorian national from George Town was killed as he was visiting an apartment on Maliwinas Way.

Cayman teens lazy, says study
(CNS): According to research conducted by the World Health Organization in Geneva, in a study of more than 70,000 young teens from 34 countries, teenagers from the Cayman Islands and St. Lucia were found to be the least active kids. Some 58 percent of boys and 64 percent of girls in Cayman said they spent three hours a day in sedentary activity. The results come at a time when obesity and diabetes is on the rise among local children. Health Minster Mark Scotland said in his World Health Day message yesterday (7 April) that almost 38 percent of school students aged between 11 and 14 are overweight.

Juries to hear clamping cases
(CNS): Two separate cases involving drivers who were wheel clamped by local firms will have their cases heard before juries. In one case coming before the Grand Court a defendant is accused of theft regarding a wheel clamp and in a second case a man is accused of damage to property as a result of their respective responses to having their cars disabled by the wheel clamping firm. The issue of wheel clamping is becoming increasingly controversial but these are the first two cases in which drivers who have taken action against being clamped are facing prosecution. Both defendants have elected to have their cases heard before a jury. (Photo by Dennie Warren Jr)

Security adds travel time for US Air passengers
(CNS): The Cayman Islands Airports Authority (CIAA) is introducing new security measures at Owen Roberts International Airport today. From now on passengers travelling to the United States are asked to arrive at the airport three hours before their flights. The CIAA said the enhanced security procedures are in response to the requirements announced by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which has implemented new measures for all air carriers with international flights to the US. The latest security procedures supersede the emergency measures put in place immediately following the attempted terrorist attack on 25 December 2009.