Burglars target gas stations and clean out safes

| 13/04/2010

Cayman Islands News, Grand Cayman Island local news(CNS): Police have confirmed that three Texaco stations were hit by burglars over a three-day period last week between 7 and 10 April. On the 7 April the burglars attempted to rob the Texaco on Shedden Road in George Town, but after damaging the door an alarm deterred the criminals. However, on 9 April burglars cut the telephone lines at the Crewe Road Madec Texaco and made off with an undisclosed some of money from the safe. Then again on 10 April communication lines were cut to the Texaco Station in Savannah before burglars broke into the property and removed not just the contents but the safe itself.

Police said that there are currently no suspects and investigations continue into what appear to be well orchestrated crimes, with burglars disabling alarms, cutting open safes and removing one of them completely from the premises.
Meanwhile, over the weekend officers also said that both Leading Edge and Heritage Schools at the George Hicks campus in George Town were burglarised and undisclosed goods stolen. Cash and other items were also stolen from Scotts Marine on Seymour Road, which was broken into in the early hours of Sunday morning.

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  1. Thankful Again says:

    CNS: Can you tell me the difference between the use/poke of Caymanian and Guest worker in my posting on this article relevant to break-ins versus this one used in another posting under the charities cuts article? :

    And I say it is way past time that all Caymanians take responsibility for themseves instead of trying to figure out new ways of getting someone else including the Government to pay for them.

    Yes I used it in such a way that may rub guest workers on permit a wrong way….but I assure you, as a caymanian I have been rubbed the wrong way on too many occasions by guest workers posting degrading, smurky and cheap shots at us here on this forum. 


    CNS: Your use of irony is very poor. Your comment actually came across as anti-Caymanian – more so than the example you have provided. As to the second point, you may have noticed that we close the comment box on articles about court cases to make sure that sub judice rules are not broken. This does not mean that you can refer to cases in other threads. The same rules apply.

  2. Anonymous says:

    well, at least our theives are seem to be getting smarter….

  3. Thankful Again says:

    Are Caymanians doing crimes…you bet!!  XXXXX

    Cannot help but entertain the thought: we are told Caymanians cannot or does not have even the basic skills to do an interview, yet, we have graduated to professional criminals – even knowing to cut telephone lines to interupt the alarms.  Now I did not even know or think of that, in my lil-two cents of knowledge.  This is surely making me think.  We need to answer some questions.  Organized crime – maybe?  Who benefits?  Who are the masterminds?  Is it just Caymanians commiting crimes?  I would suggest no.  There is evidence to teh contrary.

    This reminds me of a A&E special I seen once.  The FBI was dealing with a case – i believe in Maryland.  It involved a string of bank robberies.  Always the same MO was used.  Without spreading the details, lets just say everything done was clean, methodic and obviously very planned.  Through a number of means after a LUCKY break by the authorities, they caught the LONE man.  Guess what?  He was not a drug pusher.  He was not a gangster or wannabe.  He was not a loser, uneducated, no skills, low self esteem, bad parenting, lazy, do not want to work XXXX man.  No, instead he was quite the opposite.  He was VERY educated, lots of skills, high self esteem and motivated, came from a very good home – infact was well off somewhat and was a very hard-working XXXXX man with a good job.  Yup he destroyed their profile.  Am I suggesting this is the case in this case – no.  I am saying we need to ask the questions and DO NOT overlook some of what the evidence is saying.  Yup work permit holders can be motivated to commit crimes – as far fetched and aliensome are going to suggest (right here on this forum mind you) that is not the case and all the reasons why not.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thanks for sharing your vast knowledge of criminal profiling and crime detection. My god man you should be immediately promoted to detective superintendant of the RCIPS, in fact why not just offer your services to the FBI and Scotland Yard?

      You’ve watched a couple of episodes of CSI or whatever and think you are a master invetigator, the same way I watched scrubs and can now carry out heart surgery. Also my love of watching Nascar means that I can now drive my car as fast and erratically as I like because I am the expert in doing so.

      Your poor attempt to blame foreigners for the crime in Cayman is not convincing. Despite your knowledge of fictional TV detective shows, it is still Caymanians in the huge majority committing all of these crimes. It is not the British accountants, Amercian lawyers or Canadian fund managers robbing, raping and murdering. A look through the names of persons charged and convitcted of these crimes confirms this. Bodden, Ebanks, Bush etc are not names usually associated with foreigners.

      Your comment that the criminals here are all organised is a little bit flattering to them. Most of them are chancers and completely disorganised. Professional criminals do not escape on bicycles or pull their t-shirts over their faces to avoid being recognised.

      Instead of trying to blame foreigners for your people’s crimes, take a look closer to home. It is your Caymanian brothers, fathers, sons, husbands and boyfriends committing these crimes, not the professional expats who subsidise your lifestyle so much.

      So instead of sticking your head in the sand take a look inthe mirror to see the root of all this evil.

      • Thankful Again says:

        Well I nearly fell off of my chair when I read this. Here is why:

        You confirmed just what I suggested. Guess what you were wrong on EVERY point of rebuttal as to why the canadian, american british fund managers, accountants etc are not committing any crime. 

        The programme I watched was not fictional. It was non-fiction based on actual FBI case flies – reactments but real very real and factual!  Guess what Mr. white collar banker…you sitting down?   Her are the facts from that case:

        1) He was a professional by work.

        2) His parents and I believe he was an immigrant – first generation American.

        3) studying at their best schools

        4) he wore a simple mask

        5) And guess what – his gateaway choice vehicle was for some of the robberies? Yup you guessed it…a BYCYCLE.  He planned everything. 

        I would agree that Ebanks, Bush and Bodden are commonly associated with Caymanian.  However, I have been seen lots of last names coming up not commonly associated with Caymanians.  You do not want me to list them do you?!

        Finally, you would like to believe you subsidise my lifestyle, but I assure you me and all Caymanians in this country pay our way and pay dearly.  I would suggest you got it twisted buddy.  We as in Caymanians allow you the opportunity to subsidise and in the many instances of cheap imported leabour – fully support their lifestyle.  Without the CI you would be home on the tube wondering if there would be enough money for the utilities.  So be grateful that you were afforded that opportunity.

        Finally, I would suggest you stop sticking your head in the sand and maybe be more open to the evidence and asking questions.

      • Anonymous says:

        It might be largely Caymanians commiting these crimes but there are other nationalities involved in a lot of them too.     Umm, as for the name,  wasn’t a McLaughlin convicted or accused of being involved in a murder last year and he is not Caymanian.  He is from Honduras.  I would also like you to enlighten me as to which "professional expat" (your words not mine) is subsidising my lifestyle so I know where to go when my bills are due next month.  The professional expats as you call them are here mainly for one thing and that is to make as much money as they can to take back to their own country.  Also, in Jamaica it is mostly Jamaicans commiting crimes,  in the UK it is mostly British commiting the crimes, in the US it is mostly Americans commiting the crimes so why do you think it would be any different in the Cayman Islands.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Sav/Tex was robbed on 7 April.

  5. Rolled over thank you very much says:

    Another day in paradise i suppose ? thanks for telling me to get out in 2008, Good luck Cayman.


    • Anonymous says:

      It must be paradise otherwise no one would be griping about ‘roll over’ ’cause it seems other paradises are lost.  You left because they told you to go, not because you wanted to go — seems like sour grapes.

      Alot of people don’t want to go back home.  Look around.  Not many Boddens, Bush, Ebanks etc can be seen.  I’m a Caymanian and I would have preferred slower development, hence less over population — other words, some good fresh air