Deputy Premier taken to hospital

| 28/04/2011

(CNS): The deputy premier was the only member of the parliamentary United Democratic Party who did not attend Thursday morning’s hastily convened conference to support the premier because she was at the time under observation at the hospital. Her colleagues were quick to confirm, however, that Juliana O’Connor Connolly, who should have been acting as premier in McKeeva Bush’s absence, had wanted to attend but was advised to rest. O’Connor Connolly was taken into hospital early Thursday morning suffering from high blood pressure. Although under doctors’ care, her Cabinet colleagues said they had spoken to her before the conference and she was doing fine. They also said they did not expect her to be admitted overnight.

CNS will post more details as they released.

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  1. oblogger says:

    Madam Conolly, as your worthy opponent, I hope you get well soon and may God continue to bless you and your children. We are all in the same boat when it comes to our humanity. Wish you well.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Ms. Julie as a Christian lady, why take on the stress? dealing with McKeeva on a daily basis will make you sick.  You cannot mix Religion with Politics.  God will destroy you for doing that.  Do us a big favour, get better and get out of politics.

  3. o says:

    From the brac, my family and I wish her the best – Julie keep looking out for your constituency. God bless you

  4. Just Sayin' says:

    Keeping that many skeletons in the closet takes a toll on a person, and nobody makes skeletons like Mac and JuJu in power.  Makes it harder when people can see some of the skeletons paving the island and driving around with you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Absolutely remarkable that someone would make such comments when someone is suffering from health problems. Nothing like kicking someone when they’re down but then again we Caymanians are known for keeping each other down. And shame on CNS for posting the comment in the first place. Have some common decency and respect.

      • Just sayin' says:

        Respect? XXXX Absolutely remarkable that someone wouldn’t understand politrix means you got to answer for what you do, even if you sick. Shame on you for saying shame on CNS. They give a forum so we all have a voice. Hush yourself now, fool.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Chin-up Ms Julie. Just because you did not get an invitation to the Royal wedding don’t stress youself sick over it.

  6. Mark Meword says:

    Ms. Julie,

    Get well and May God continue to be with you. Thanks for your efforts and for all you do.


  7. Anonymous says:

    I hope she soon feels better. Might make for a good time to retire.

  8. sandra's observation says:

    People think that running a country is easy business! I recall even Kurt Tibbetts was sickened by the much politrix. It just shows no matter how human you are, the sense of “power” with the many things to worry about, does have a toll on your health and well-being. It is impossible to free a polticians mind from the many responsibilities if there is no one to employ or delegate large tasks! Not even breaks or vacations are sufficient enough to destress the politician when security matters arise. Running a country is not like running a business or corporation – It is serious stuff!

    • Swine says:

      Of course this is all true, but what country are they running again?

    • Anonymous says:

      Nothing like a good holiday in Barcelona looking at the latest gadgets or an African Safari with an escort cannot cure!
      Mac needs a breake from trawelin an should let her travel more, so she can sport her latest outfits too and so we can see the pictas.